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Job Information Overview
The Job Information window is where Jobs are created and maintained in PENTA and as such, serves as a central location for all Job related data. Job data that can be maintained using this window includes (but is not limited to):
- Project Manager assigned to the Job
- Organizational Unit to which the Job belongs
- Invoicing related Job Information
- Reporting related Job information
- Sales and Use Tax Jurisdiction/Exemption information
- Job Security information (who can access the Job record)
- User Defined (custom) fields
- Job Status information
- State Unemployment and Income tax information
Additional Videos/Project Management Setup pages go further into the various functionality defined within the Job Information window.
- Provides one central location for all Job related data
- Allows security clearance based on User ID
- Provides a direct link to the Costcode and Estimate Entry window
- Allows users to view Job related documents from the Job's master record
- Project Manager
Additional Content
- Project Management> Jobs> Job Information
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