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Work Package Manager Configuration
Use the Work Package Manager - Configuration window to set rules and parameters for the Time Equipment and Production (TEP) application. The rules set in this screen determine what data sets will and will not appear in the TEP app. In addition to controlling data sets, the Work Package Manager - Configuration window controls whether or not TEP enforces its approval functionality and how that approval functionality is configured.
Examples of data sets that can be controlled through this window include but are not limited to:
- Which Employees (set by Pay Class) can be tracked
- Which pieces of Equipment (set by Asset Class) can be trackedÂ
- Which Hour Classes can be trackedÂ
- Which Reimbursements are available to be tracked
- Allows certain types of data to be excluded from being tracked in TEP.
- Enables managers to approve their employee's time through the use of "Approval Groups".
- Allows general configuration of the TEP application to suit a company's' individual business needs.
- Accounting Manager
- Project Manager
- Controller
Additional Content
- TEP configuration settings
- Automatically get reimbursements to show up in the activity logs
- Employee not available to add to activity log in TEP
- Project Management> Work Package Manager> Work Package Manager - Configuration
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