Configure Time-Equipment-Production (TEP) App

Configure Time-Equipment-Production (TEP) App


Configure Time-Equipment-Production (TEP) App

Applies To

PENTA for Windows

Time-Equipment-Production (TEP) App


Set Up TEP Managers Security Group

  1. The TEP Managers Security Group grants access to the Work Package Manager – Configuration window and to the Work Package Manager – Administrators window for PENTA users you assign to the group.

    1. Set Up TEP Managers Security Group via System Management > Security > Security Groups

      1. Enter a Group Number.

      2. Enter a Name.

      3. Click the Menu Security tab and navigate down the list to Project Management.

      4. Expand the Project Management menu by clicking on the '+' sign to the left of the menu item. PENTA displays all available menu items associated with Project Management.

      5. Navigate to Work Package Manager in the expanded list.

      6. Expand the Work Package Manager menu by clicking on the '+' sign to the left of that item.

      7. Double-click Work Package Manager – Configuration. PENTA removes the red 'X' from the menu item, granting access to the Work Package Manager - Configuration window to users assigned to this Security Group.

      8. Double-click the Work Package Manager – Administrators. PENTA removes the red 'X' from the menu item, granting access to the Work Package Manager - Administrators window to users assigned to this Security Group.

      9. Commit your entry by clicking the toolbar’s Close Window button.

Assign PENTA Users to the TEP Managers Security Group

  1. Assigning users to the TEP Managers Security Group defines which employees will have access to the Work Package Manager – Configuration window and to the Work Package Manager – Administrators window.

    1. Assign PENTA Users to the TEP Managers Security Group via System Management > Security > Define Users

      1. Query a User ID.

      2. Insert a record in the Group Authorization block.

      3. Enter the number of the security group defined in step 1.A in the Group # field.

      4. Depending on your needs for this employee and group, accept the default 'N' (No) in the Default Security field or enter 'Y' (Yes).

      5. Depending on your needs for this employee and group, accept the default 'S' for Some in the All OU Code field or enter:

        1. 'A' for All

        2. 'M' for Most

      6. If you accepted 'S' in the All OU Code field in step 2. A.5, move to the OU Authorization block and enter the OU ID for each Organization Unit to which this user has access.

      7. If you entered 'M' in the All OU Code field in step 2. A.5, move to the OU Authorization block and delete the OU ID for each Organization Unit to which the user does not have access.

      8. Repeat steps 2.A.1 to 2.A.7 for each PENTA user you want in the TEP Managers Security Group.

      9. Click the toolbar’s Close Window button to close the window.

Configure Hour Classes for Use with the TEP App

For use in the TEP app, hour classes for overhead charge entries must have the following attributes:

  1. An assigned general ledger account.

  2. An OT Bank Code of (none).

  3. An unchecked Unit Pay checkbox.

Configure Hour Classes

  1. Payroll > Setup > PTO and Hours Classification Codes > Hours Classification Codes

    1. For each Hour Class you want available for use in the TEP app, query and review the fields associated with the above attributes. Make changes if necessary.

    2. Close the Hours Classification Maintenance window.

Configure Jobs/Costcodes for Use with the TEP App

For entry in the TEP app, jobs must be active and open to labor transactions for the date that work is recorded. Job costcodes must have a Cost Type Category of Labor, Overtime Labor, or Equipment.

  1. Configure Jobs/Costcodes

  2. Project Management > Jobs > Job Information

    1. For each Job you want available for use in the TEP app, query and review status and costcodes. Make changes if necessary.

    2. Close the Job Information window.

Configure Work Orders

For entry in the TEP app, work orders must have the following attributes:

  1. A service type assigned. If a Work Order's Service Type has the "Require a Task ID on all time entries to work orders with this service type" value selected, TEP requires entry of a Task ID.

  2. A status that allows cost transactions. Your User Defined Work Order Status Codes link to PENTA Status Codes. The PENTA Status Code controls cost transactions. To view which PENTA Status Codes allow cost transactions, click '+PENTA Status Codes'.

  3. For Production entries to work orders in TEP, the Work Order must be assigned unit billing rates.

  4. Configure Work Orders

    1. Service Management > Work Order Information > Work Orders

    2. For each Work Order you want available for use in the TEP app, query and review Status and Unit Billing Rates. Make changes if necessary.

    3. Close the Work Orders window.

Configure Equipment

  1. To log equipment time and/or equipment charging in TEP, equipment must have one or both of the following attributes:

    1. Belongs to an asset class that has at least one associated expense category (for equipment time tracking)

    2. Has charge rates defined (for equipment use charging)

    3. Configure Equipment

    4. Fixed Asset Management > Asset Information and/or

      Fixed Asset Management > Setup > Classes > Classes

      1. For each piece of Equipment you want available for use in the TEP app, query and review equipment asset classes and charge rates.

      2. Optionally review/perform the Set Up Equipment Charge Rates for a Job Business Process.

      3. Close any open windows.

Set Up TEP App Users Security Group

  1. A TEP App User's Security Group grants access to the TEP app.

    1. Set Up TEP App Users Security Group

    2. System Management > Security > Security Groups

      1. Enter a Group Number.

      2. Enter a Name.

      3. Click the Menu Security tab and navigate down the list to PENTA Web.

      4. Expand the PENTA Web menu by clicking on the '+' sign to the left of the menu item. PENTA displays all available menu items associated with PENTA Web.

      5. Double-click Time/EQ/Production. PENTA removes the red 'X' from the menu item, granting access to the TEP app (both web and mobile versions) to users assigned to this Security Group.

      6. Commit your entry by clicking the toolbar’s Close Window button.

Establish TEP Users

  1. Establish which PENTA users will have access to the TEP app for capturing work details for activity logs and those who will approve completed activity logs.

    1. Establish TEP Users

    2. This step determines which employees will have access to the TEP app. Users of the mobile version will access TEP through their mobile devices. Users of the web version will access TEP through PENTA > Project Management > Work Package Manager > Time/EQ/Production.

      You have two options for performing this sub-step:

      1. Option 1: Use this option for previously established PENTA Users

        1. System Management > Security > Define Users

          1. Query a User ID.

          2. If the Emp ID field is empty, enter the user's payroll Employee ID. PENTA updates the Users/Employee Cross Reference window with the user/employee information and TEP allows the user access to the app.

          3. Insert a record in the Group Authorization block.

          4. Enter, in the Group # field, the number of the security group defined in step 1.A.

          5. Depending on your needs for this employee and group, accept the default 'N' (No) in the Default Security field or enter 'Y' (Yes).

          6. Depending on your needs for this employee and group, accept the default 'S' for Some in the All OU Code field or enter:

            • 'A' for All

            • 'M' for Most

          7. If you accepted 'S' in the All OU Code field in step 2. A.6, move to the OU Authorization block and enter the OU ID for each Organization Unit assigned to employees, jobs, work orders, or accounts that the user will be responsible for entering in the TEP app.

          8. If you entered 'M' in the All OU Code field in step 2. A.6, move to the OU Authorization block and delete the OU ID for each Organization Unit to which the user does not have access.

          9. If the user is responsible for entry in the TEP app of Regular, Premium 1, and Premium 2 hours worked, click the HR Type Auth button. PENTA opens the Hour Type Authorization pop-up window.

          10. If the authorization field does not contain 'Y' (Yes) for the Regular, Premium 1, or Premium 2 hour types the user is responsible for, enter 'Y'. TEP allows entry of Premium 1 and Premium 2 hours when you authorize the user for those hour types here and set the Display Premium Hours flags in the Work Package Manager – Configuration window.

          11. If the user is responsible for specific hour class entries in the TEP app, click the Hr Class Auth button.

          12. If the All Hour Class Code field value is not 'A' (All), and an hour class for which the user is responsible for entry in the TEP app is not in the authorized list, add the hour class by entering the Hour Class #. TEP allows entry of hour classes when you authorize the user here and include the hour classes in the Activity Log hour class list of values in the Work Package Manager – Configuration window.

          13. Click the Pay Groups tab.

          14. If the All Pay Group Code is not 'A' (All) and any Pay Group assigned to employees for which the user will be responsible for time entry in the TEP app is not in the Pay Group Authorization list, add it by clicking the Insert button on the tool bar and entering the Pay Group #.

          15. Click the Job Authorization tab.

          16. If the All Job Code field value is not 'A' (All) and any Job for which the user will be responsible for capturing work details in the TEP app is not in the Job Authorization list, add it by clicking the Insert button on the tool bar and entering the Job ID.

          17. Click the WO Authorization tab.

          18. If the All WO Code field value is not 'A' (All) and any Work Order for which the user will be responsible for capturing work details in the TEP app is not in the WO Authorization list, add it by clicking the Insert button on the tool bar and entering the WO ID.

          19. Repeat steps 1 - 18 for each PENTA user you want in the TEP Users Security Group.

          20. Click the toolbar’s Close Window button to close the window.

        2. Option 2: Use this option for new PENTA Users

          1. System Management > Security > Define Users

            1. Enter a User ID.

            2. Enter the user's Name.

            3. Enter the user's Password.

            4. In the Emp ID field, enter the user's payroll Employee ID. PENTA updates the Users/Employee Cross Reference window with the user/employee information and TEP allows the user access to the app.

            5. Insert a record in the Group Authorization block.

            6. Enter, in the Group # field, the number of the security group defined in step 1.A.

            7. Depending on your needs for this employee and group, accept the default 'N' (No) in the Default Security field or enter 'Y' (Yes).

            8. Depending on your needs for this employee and group, accept the default 'S' for Some in the All OU Code field or enter:

              • 'A' for All

              • 'M' for Most

            9. If you accepted 'S' in the All OU Code field in step 2. A.8, move to the OU Authorization block and enter the OU ID for each Organization Unit assigned to employees, jobs, work orders, or accounts that the user will be responsible for entering in the TEP app.

            10. If you entered 'M' in the All OU Code field in step 2. A.8, move to the OU Authorization block and delete the OU ID for each Organization Unit to which the user does not have access.

            11. If the user is responsible for entry in the TEP app of Regular, Premium 1, and Premium 2 hours worked, click the HR Type Auth button. PENTA opens the Hour Type Authorization pop-up window.

            12. If the authorization field does not contain 'Y' (Yes) for the Regular, Premium 1, or Premium 2 hour types the user is responsible for, enter 'Y'. TEP allows entry of Premium 1 and Premium 2 hours when you authorize the user for those hour types here and set the Display Premium Hours flags in the Work Package Manager – Configuration window.

            13. If the user is responsible for specific hour class entries in the TEP app, click the Hr Class Auth button.

            14. If the All Hour Class Code field value is not 'A' (All), and an hour class for which the user is responsible for entry in the TEP app is not in the authorized list, add the hour class by entering the Hour Class #. TEP allows entry of hour classes when you authorize the user here and include the hour classes in the Activity Log hour class list of values in the Work Package Manager – Configuration window.

            15. Click the Pay Groups tab.

            16. If the All Pay Group Code is not 'A' (All) and any Pay Group assigned to employees for which the user will be responsible for time entry in the TEP app is not in the Pay Group Authorization list, add it by clicking the Insert button on the tool bar and entering the Pay Group #.

            17. Click the Job Authorization tab.

            18. If the All Job Code field value is not 'A' (All) and any Job for which the user will be responsible for capturing work details in the TEP app is not in the Job Authorization list, add it by clicking the Insert button on the tool bar and entering the Job ID.

            19. Click the WO Authorization tab.

            20. If the All WO Code field value is not 'A' (All) and any Work Order for which the user will be responsible for capturing work details in the TEP app is not in the WO Authorization list, add it by clicking the Insert button on the tool bar and entering the WO ID.

            21. Repeat steps 1 - 20 for each PENTA user you want in the TEP Users Security Group.

            22. Click the toolbar’s Close Window button to close the window.

Configure the TEP App

  1. Once you have completed all configuration steps, close the Work Package Manager – Configuration window.

    1. Configure Display Parameters

    2. PENTA defaults general configuration settings to allow display and overrides of premium hours, payroll classes, and pay rates in the TEP app, and defaults the number of days that approved activity logs display in the Activity Log List as 30 days. Additionally, PENTA defaults the general configuration setting for labor hours and reimbursements import to Use WPM Administrators (Import by OU). If your organization prefers different settings, follow this step.

      PENTA > Project Management > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Configuration > General tab

      1. (Opt) Uncheck the Display Hours Premium 1 box. PENTA prevents display of the Premium 1 hours entry field in the TEP app.

      2. (Opt) Uncheck the Display Hours Premium 2 box. PENTA prevents display of the Premium 2 hours entry field in the TEP app.

      3. Note: The Display Hours fields work in conjunction with Hour Type Authorization. PENTA enables entry in the displayed fields (Premium 1 and/or Premium 2 boxes are checked) if your premium hours authorization is 'Yes' (System Management > Security > Define Users).

      4. (Opt) Uncheck the Display Payroll Class box. PENTA does the following:

        • Disables the Allow Override of Payroll Class field on the General tab

        • Prevents display of the payroll class in the TEP app Activity Detail tab Employee view Employee Info column

      5. (Opt) Uncheck the Allow Override of Payroll Class box. PENTA prevents changes to the payroll class defaulted in the TEP app Activity Detail view Employee Info column.

      6. (Opt) Uncheck the Display Pay Rate box. PENTA does the following:

        • Disables the Allow Override of Pay Rate field on the General tab

        • Prevents changes to the pay rate defaulted in the Pay Rate field in the TEP app Activity Detail tab Employee view Employee Info column

      7. (Opt) Uncheck the Allow Override of Pay Rate box. PENTA prevents changes to the pay rate defaulted in the TEP app Activity Detail Employee view Employee Info column.

      8. (Opt) Change the value in the Display Activity Logs in Activity Log List for ___ Days (Based on Start Date) field. In the TEP app Activity Logs list, PENTA displays approved Activity Logs for the specified number of days.

      9. (Opt) Select the radio button beside Use eTime Administrators (Import by Pay Group). PENTA does the following:

        • Displays eTime Administrators in the Administrator drop down list on the Activity Logs tab of the Import Mobile Transactions pop-up window.

        • Displays Labor Hours and Reimbursements records for pay groups to which the eTime Administrator is assigned in the Labor Hours and Reimbursements grid.

      10. Proceed to step 1.B.

Configure Payroll Class Entry

  1. This step determines which employees will be available in the TEP app for inclusion on activity logs. TEP allows entry only for employees assigned to the payroll classes you configure for inclusion.

    You have two options for performing this sub-step:

    Option 1: Use this option if you want to allow time entry in the TEP app for employees in all payroll classes, PENTA > Project Management > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Configuration > Payroll Classes tab

    1. Click the "Include employees in all payroll classes in Activity Log list of values" box. PENTA places a check mark in the box, disables entry in the Classes to Exclude /Classes to Include blocks, and allows time entry in the TEP app for employees in all payroll classes.

    2. Proceed to step 1.C.

    Option 2: Use this option if you want to limit time entry in the TEP app to employees in certain payroll classes

    PENTA > Project Management > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Configuration > Payroll Classes tab

    1. Keeping the "Include employees in all payroll classes in Activity Log list of values" field unchecked, select a class in the Classes to Exclude block that you want available for the TEP app.

    2. Click the right-pointing single arrow button located between the Classes to Exclude block and the Classes to Include block. PENTA moves the selected class out of the Classes to Exclude block and into the Classes to Include block.

    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each class you want available for the TEP app.

    4. NOTE: If you have many classes to make available, alternately use the right-pointing double arrow button to move all classes into the Classes to Include block and then use the left-pointing single arrow to move classes to exclude back to the Classes to Exclude block.

    5. Proceed to step 1.C.

Configure Equipment Entry

  1. This step determines which equipment will be available in the TEP app for inclusion on activity logs. TEP allows entry only for equipment assigned to the asset classes you configure for inclusion.

    You have two options for performing this sub-step:

    Option 1: Use this option if you want to allow entry in the TEP app for equipment in all asset classes

    PENTA > Project Management > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Configuration > Asset Classes tab

    1. Click the "Include equipment in all asset classes in Activity Log list of values" box. PENTA places a check mark in the box, disables entry in the Classes to Exclude/Classes to Include blocks, and allows entry in the TEP app for equipment in all asset classes.

    2. Proceed to step 1.D.

    Option 2: Use this option if you want to limit entry in the TEP app to equipment in certain asset classes

    PENTA > Project Management > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Configuration > Asset Classes tab

    1. Keeping the "Include equipment in all asset classes in Activity Log list of values" field unchecked, select a class in the Classes to Exclude block that you want available for the TEP app.

    2. Click the right-pointing single arrow button located between the Classes to Exclude block and the Classes to Include block. PENTA moves the selected class out of the Classes to Exclude block and into the Classes to Include block.

    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each class you want available for the TEP app.

    4. NOTE: If you have many classes to make available, alternately use the right-pointing double arrow button to move all classes into the Classes to Include block and then use the left-pointing single arrow to move classes to exclude back to the Classes to Exclude block.

    5. Proceed to step 1.D.

Configure Hour Class Entry

  1. This step determines which hour classes will be available in the TEP app for inclusion on activity logs. TEP allows entry only for hour classes you configure for inclusion.

    You have two options for performing this sub-step:

    Option 1: Use this option if you want to allow entry in the TEP app for all hour classes

    PENTA > Project Management > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Configuration > Hour Classes tab

    1. Click the "Include all hour classes in Activity Log list of values" box. PENTA places a check mark in the box, disables entry in the Classes to Exclude/Classes to Include blocks, and allows entry in the TEP app for all hour classes.

    Option 2: Use this option if you want to limit entry in the TEP app to certain hour classes

    PENTA > Project Management > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Configuration > Hour Classes tab

    1. Keeping the "Include all hour classes in Activity Log list of values" field unchecked, select a class in the Classes to Exclude block that you want available for the TEP app.

    2. Click the right-pointing single arrow button located between the Classes to Exclude block and the Classes to Include block. PENTA moves the selected class out of the Classes to Exclude block and into the Classes to Include block.

    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each class you want available for the TEP app.

    4. NOTE: Alternatively, if you have many classes to make available, use the right-pointing double arrow button to move all classes into the Classes to Include block and then use the left-pointing single arrow to move classes to exclude back to the Classes to Exclude block.

    5. Proceed to step 1.E.

Configure Approver Groups

  1. PENTA's default activity log approval method for the TEP app is 'No Approval Required'. If your company policy requires approval of activity logs, follow this step to optionally provide text employees must read when signing off on their activity logs, and to establish certain employees (such as job superintendents) as activity log approvers.

    Each Approver Group has one employee designated as Primary Approver, one or more Alternate Approvers, and optionally customized text you want employees who are assigned to the approver group to read when signing off on their Activity Logs.

    PENTA > Project Management > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Configuration > Approver Groups tab

    1. Click on the Approval Required radio button. PENTA selects Approval Required, deselects No Approval Required, and enables entry in the Approver Group blocks.

    2. In the Approver Group ID field, enter an alphanumeric value to identify the group.

    3. In the Description field, enter a name for the Approver Group. PENTA displays the description in the TEP app Activity Log Set Up window Date tab.

    4. In the Approvers block, execute the following sub-steps:

      1. In the Employee ID field, enter the ID of the employee who is the primary approver for this group's activity logs. PENTA populates the Employee Name field and the User ID field with the employee's name and PENTA User ID.

      2. Check the "Primary?" box. PENTA places a check mark in the field.

      3. NOTE: PENTA allows a check mark in the Primary box for only one employee.

      4. Repeat step 5.a for each employee authorized to act as Alternate Approver when the Primary Approver is unavailable.

    5. In the Default Approver Group For block, execute the following sub-steps:

      1. In the Employee ID field, enter the ID of a foreman, crew leader, or other employee responsible for recording employee activities in the TEP app and for whom this group's approvers are accountable. PENTA populates the Employee Name field with the name associated with the Employee ID.

      2. Repeat step 6.a for each foreman, crew leader, or other employee responsible for recording employee activities in the TEP app in this group.

    6. Proceed to step 1.F.

Configure Employee Sign-Off

  1. PENTA > Project Management > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Configuration > Approver Groups tab

    1. (Opt) In the Employee Sign Off Text box, enter the text you want employees to read when they confirm agreement with their time recorded on an activity log. PENTA displays this text in the TEP app Employee Sign Off tab.

    2. NOTE: If you do not enter text in this box, the Employee Sign Off tab does not appear in the TEP app.

    3. Proceed to step 1.G.

Configure Reimbursement Entry

  1. This step establishes which payroll reimbursements you want available for activity logs in the TEP app. The app allows use of Amt Per Pay Period reimbursements (Calculation Base 1) and Subsistence Amount Per Day reimbursements (Calculation Base 9).

    You have three options for performing this sub-step:

    Option 1: Use this option to set up mileage reimbursements

    PENTA > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Configuration > Reimbursements tab

    1. In the Reimbursement # field, enter the number identifying an Amt Per Pay Period mileage reimbursement you want available in the TEP app. PENTA populates the Description field, the Short Description field, and the Calculation Base field.

    2. (Opt) Click the Always Include box. PENTA places a check mark in the box and displays the reimbursement description and number on each TEP activity log Reimbursements tab for optional entry.

    3. NOTE: In the TEP app, you can manually select reimbursements that have the Always Include box unchecked if you need to add them to an Activity Log.

    4. Click the Mileage box. PENTA places a check mark in the box and enables the Mileage Rates button.

    5. Click the Mileage Rates button. PENTA opens the Mileage Rates pop-up window.

    6. In the pop-up window Effective Date field, enter the date the value in the Rate Per Mile field becomes active.

    7. In the Rate Per Mile field, enter the mileage rate active as of the Effective Date. PENTA uses this rate when calculating the reimbursement amount unless you have override rates entered for specific OUs. See step 1.F.7.

    8. (Opt) If your organization requires a rate for certain OUs that is different than the rate entered in the Rate Per Mile field, execute this sub-step:

      1. In the OU ID field, enter the ID of an OU requiring a different rate. PENTA populates the OU Name field.

      2. In the Rate field, enter the mileage rate for the OU identified in the OU ID field. PENTA uses this rate when calculating the reimbursement amount for employees in this OU, rather than the default rate established in step 1.F.6.

      3. Repeat steps 7.a and 7.b for each OU requiring a rate different than the rate in the Rate Per Mile field.

      4. Close the pop-up window.

    9. Click the Valid Cost Types button. PENTA opens the Valid Cost Types for Reimbursement Charging pop-up window.

    10. (Opt) If your organization allows use of all cost types for reimbursement charging, click the "Include all cost types in reimbursement list of values" box. PENTA places a check mark in the box and allows charging of reimbursements in the TEP app to all cost types.

    11. (Opt) If your organization limits cost types for reimbursement charging, leave the "Include all cost types in reimbursement list of values" box unchecked and use the single and double arrows located between the Cost Types to Exclude block and the Cost Types to Include block to move cost types you want available in the TEP app for the reimbursement out of the Cost Types to Exclude block to the Cost Types to Include block. PENTA allows charging of the reimbursement in the TEP app to the cost types in the Cost Types to Include block.

    12. NOTE: Alternatively, if you have many cost types to make available, use the right-pointing double arrow button to move all classes into the Classes to Include block and then use the left-pointing single arrow to move classes to exclude back to the Classes to Exclude block.

    13. Repeat steps 1 - 10 for each mileage reimbursement you want available in the TEP app.

    14. Close the pop-up window.

    Option 2: Use this option to set up per diem/subsistence reimbursements

    PENTA > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Configuration > Reimbursements tab

    1. In the Reimbursement # field, enter the number identifying a Subsistence Amount Per Day (per diem) reimbursement you want available in the TEP app. PENTA populates the Description field, the Short Description field, the Calculation Base field, and places a check mark in the Per Diem field.

    2. (Opt) Click the Always Include box. PENTA places a check mark in the box and displays the reimbursement description and number on each TEP activity log Reimbursements tab for optional entry.

    3. NOTE: In the TEP app, you can manually select reimbursements that have the Always Include box unchecked if you need to add them to an Activity Log.

    4. Click the Valid Cost Types button. PENTA opens the Valid Cost Types for Reimbursement Charging pop-up window.

    5. (Opt) If your organization allows use of all cost types for reimbursement charging, click the "Include all cost types in reimbursement list of values" box. PENTA places a check mark in the box and allows charging of reimbursements in the TEP app to all cost types.

    6. (Opt) If your organization limits cost types for reimbursement charging, leave the "Include all cost types in reimbursement list of values" box unchecked and use the single and double arrows located between the Cost Types to Exclude block and the Cost Types to Include block to move cost types you want available in the TEP app for the reimbursement out of the Cost Types to Exclude block to the Cost Types to Include block. PENTA allows charging of the reimbursement in the TEP app to the cost types in the Cost Types to Include block.

    7. NOTE: Alternatively, if you have many cost types to make available, use the right-pointing double arrow button to move all classes into the Classes to Include block and then use the left-pointing single arrow to move classes to exclude back to the Classes to Exclude block.

    8. Repeat steps 1 - 5 for each per diem/subsistence reimbursement you want available in the TEP app.

    9. Close the pop-up window.

    Option 3: Use this option to set up general reimbursements

    PENTA > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Configuration > Reimbursements tab

    1. In the Reimbursement # field, enter the number identifying an Amt Per Pay Period general reimbursement that you want available in the TEP app. PENTA populates the Description field, the Short Description field, and the Calculation Base field.

    2. (Opt) Click the Always Include box. PENTA places a check mark in the box and displays the reimbursement description and number on each TEP activity log Reimbursements tab for optional entry.

    3. NOTE: In the TEP app, you can manually select reimbursements that have the Always Include box unchecked if you need to add them to an Activity Log.

    4. Click the Valid Cost Types button. PENTA opens the Valid Cost Types for Reimbursement Charging pop-up window.

    5. (Opt) If your organization allows use of all cost types for reimbursement charging, click the "Include all cost types in reimbursement list of values" box. PENTA places a check mark in the box and allows charging of reimbursements in the TEP app to all cost types.

    6. (Opt) If your organization limits cost types for reimbursement charging, leave the "Include all cost types in reimbursement list of values" box unchecked and use the single and double arrows located between the Cost Types to Exclude block and the Cost Types to Include block to move cost types you want available in the TEP app for the reimbursement out of the Cost Types to Exclude block to the Cost Types to Include block. PENTA allows charging of the reimbursement in the TEP app to the cost types in the Cost Types to Include block.

    7. NOTE: Alternatively, if you have many cost types to make available, use the right-pointing double arrow button to move all classes into the Classes to Include block and then use the left-pointing single arrow to move classes to exclude back to the Classes to Exclude block.

    8. Repeat steps 1 - 5 for each mileage per diem/subsistence reimbursement you want available in the TEP app.

    9. Close the pop-up window.

Assign TEP App Administrators

  1. Assign Primary Administrators

    1. PENTA > Project Management > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Administrators > Assign Administrators tab

      1. In the OU ID field, enter the ID of the organizational unit for which the primary administrator is responsible. PENTA displays the OU's name in the adjacent field.

      2. In the Primary Administrator User ID field, enter the PENTA User ID of the employee primarily responsible for importing TEP Activity Logs for the specified OU. PENTA displays the name associated with the User ID in the adjacent field.

      3. (Opt) Assign administrator overrides for specific foremen by following these sub-steps:

        1. In the Foreman ID field, enter the ID of a foreman in the identified OU whose TEP Activity Logs are not imported by the Primary Administrator assigned to the OU. PENTA populates the Foreman Name field.

        2. In the Primary Administrator User ID field, enter the PENTA User ID of the employee primarily responsible for importing TEP Activity Logs for the identified foreman. PENTA populates the Primary Administrator Name field.

      4. Repeat step 1.A for each OU using the TEP app.

      5. Proceed to step 1.B.

Assign Alternate Administrators

  1. PENTA > Project Management > Work Package Manager > Work Package Manager – Administrators > Alternate Administrators

    1. In the Primary Administrator User ID field, enter the PENTA User ID of the Primary Administrator for whom you are assigning one or more Alternate Administrators. PENTA displays the name associated with the User ID in the adjacent field.

    2. In the Alternate Administrator User ID field, enter the PENTA User ID of the employee responsible for importing TEP Activity Logs on behalf of the Primary Administrator. PENTA displays the name associated with the User ID in the adjacent field.

    3. (Opt) If the Alternate Administrator is not authorized to import TEP Activity Logs for all Organizational Units execute the following sub-steps:

      1. Click the Authorized for All OUs checkbox to remove the check mark. PENTA enables the Edit OU List button.

      2. Click the Edit OU List button. PENTA opens the OU Validation for Alternate Administrators pop-up window.

      3. Select an OU in the Available OUs list and click the right-pointing single arrow located between the Available OUs block and the Authorized OUs block to move the OU out of the Available OUs and into the Authorized OUs list.

      4. NOTE: Alternatively, if you are authorizing the Alternate Administrator for many OUs, click the right-pointing double arrow button to move all OUs into the Authorized OUs block and then use the left-pointing single arrow to move OUs to exclude back to the Available OUs.

      5. Repeat steps 3.a - 3.c for each OU for which the Alternate Administrator is authorized.

      6. Close the pop-up window.

    4. Close the window.

Set Up a Crew

  1. Set up crews for use with the TEP app Activity Logs and for use with the Time/Equipment/Production Units Entry window Load Options feature to automatically create timecard batches by Crew.

  2. Set Up a Crew

    1. PENTA > Payroll > Employees > Other Employee Attributes > Crew Maintenance

      PENTA > Service Management > Mobile Field Service > Crew Management > Crew Maintenance

      1. Enter a unique alphanumeric identifier in the Crew ID field.

      2. Enter a name for the crew in the Crew Description field.

      3. Identify the crew foreman by entering that employee's Employee ID in the Crew Foreman ID field. PENTA populates the Foreman Last Name field and the Foreman First Name field with the employee's name, and sets the Crew Status to Active.

Assign Employees to the Crew

PENTA > Payroll > Employees > Other Employee Attributes > Crew Maintenance > Employees tab

PENTA > Service Management > Mobile Field Service > Crew Management > Crew Maintenance > Employees tab

  1. In the Employee ID field, enter the ID of an employee you are assigning to the crew. PENTA populates all fields on the record with available information, moves you to the next row, and populates the Crew ID field on the Employee Payroll Information window Miscellaneous tab.

  2. Repeat step 1.B.1 for each member of the crew.

(Optional) Assign Equipment to the Crew

  1. PENTA > Payroll > Employees > Other Employee Attributes > Crew Maintenance > Equipment tab

    PENTA > Service Management > Mobile Field Service > Crew Management > Crew Maintenance > Equipment tab

    1. In the Equipment ID field, enter the ID of a piece of equipment you are assigning to the crew. PENTA populates all fields on the record with available information and moves you to the next row.

    2. Repeat step 1.C.1 for each piece of equipment assigned to the crew.

    3. Close the window.

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