Interfaces Reporting

Interfaces Reporting


What reports are available for interfaces?

Applies To

Reference Manual



Invalid Distributions Report

This report shows a detail listing of the invalid distributions, but does not indicate whether a PENTA user corrected a distribution. (You can modify these assignments by using the Interface Query windows or a window where PENTA sent the interfaced data.)

PENTA produces this report when it completes processing for every interface request. You can also generate the report yourself in the Report Initiation window.


Records sort in order by Job Id, Cost Type Code, Costcode, OU Id, Account number, Fixed Asset Id, FA Expense Category number, Request Id, and Record number.

Interface Exception

Use this to view a detailed listing of error and exception messages produced during interface file processing. You can also view:

  • Each interface file processed by the interface program.
  • Each record with a noted exception.
  • All exception messages related to the offending record.

PENTA produces this report when it completes processing for every interface request. You can also generate the report yourself in the Report Initiation window.


Records sort in order by Request Id, Record number, and Sequence number.