Gate Hours Interface: Table Driven Method
Use the Gate Hours Interface to load gate hour information from external applications. Information you load using this interface adds to the data already stored in PENTA.
The Gate Hours Interface has a Request Type of GHR and an Interface Type of G (Gate Hours). Data files you load must have Request Types assigned to the G Interface Type.
Limitations & Restrictions
If System Option 128 (Reject Interface File on Error) is set to Y (Yes) and at least one record has an error, then PENTA will reject the entire file and loads none of the records.
Where to View Loaded Data
You can review interfaced data in the Gate Hours window. If necessary, you can make corrections and/or late entries directly in that window.
Available Tables
Gate Hours Record
You can view interfaced data in the Gate Hours window.
The following information pertains to the INTR_GATE_HRS_DTL table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
BADGE_ID | Opt | C! 30 | ID of the badge associated with the EMP_ID. |
EMP_ID | Req | X | Id of the employee whose gate hours you are tracking. Note: This may default from the BADGE_ID. |
D_WORK_DATE | Req | D | The date the Employee worked. |
HRS | Req | F 10.3 | Quantifies the hours the employee spent at the job site. |
JOB_ID | Opt | X | Id of the job associated with the gate hours. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_DATE | Opt | D | This defaults as the current date. This column contains the date that the record is marked as modified in the database once the process initiates and completes. |