Mobile Field Service MFS Configuration

Mobile Field Service MFS Configuration


Setup MFS and configure for use.

Applies To

Mobile Field Service


Initial setup

Reference Manual


1. Establish Configuration Settings for Mobile Field Service

The Mobile Field Service – Configuration window allows you to associate several default values for mobile-related downloads and uploads.

A. Associate Default Note Types, Cost Types, and Costcodes with jobs and work order transactions.

Here you associate Default Note Types, Cost Types, and Costcodes with jobs and work order transactions involving equipment, purchases, and inventory. The app then uses these values to creation transaction when a mobile device uploads data to the PENTA server. If PENTA does not find default values for the transaction, approvers will need to choose the appropriate value(s) when reviewing the imported mobile transactions.

Service Management > Mobile Field Service > Configuration > Mobile Field Service – Configuration > General tab

Enter the following general information:

  1. If a Note Type should default when technicians use the app to enter notes about work performed, use “Work Performed” Note Type to identify the Note Type.

  2. If a Note Type should default when technicians use the app to enter notes about recommended repair, use “Recommended Repair” Note Type to identify the Note Type.

  3. Optionally identify Cost Types and/or Costcodes the app should default when it finds no Cost Type defined.

  4. For Inventory Cost Types and Costcodes:

    • Optionally use Inventory Cost Type (WO) to identify the Cost Type that defaults when the app finds no Cost Type defined for an inventory transaction on a work order.

    • Optionally use Inventory Cost Type (Job) to identify the Cost Type that defaults when the app finds no Cost Type defined for an inventory transaction on a job.

    • Optionally use Inventory Costcode (Job) to identify the Costcode that defaults when the app finds no Cost Type defined for an inventory transaction on a job.

  5. For Equipment Cost Types:

    • Optionally use Equipment Cost Type (WO) to identify the Cost Type that defaults when the app finds no Cost Type defined for an equipment transaction on a work order.

    • Optionally use Equipment Cost Type (Job) to identify the Cost Type that defaults when the app finds no Cost Type defined for an equipment transaction on a job.

    • Optionally use Equipment Costcode (Job) to identify the Cost Type that defaults when the app finds no Cost Type defined for an equipment transaction on a job.

  6. For Purchase Cost Types:

    • Optionally use Purchases Cost Type (WO) to identify the Cost Type that defaults when the app finds no Cost Type defined for a purchase transaction on a work order.

    • Optionally use Purchases Cost Type (Job) to identify the Cost Type that defaults when the app finds no Cost Type defined for a purchase transaction on a job.

    • Optionally use Purchases Costcode (Job) to identify the Cost Type that defaults when the app finds no Cost Type defined for a purchase transaction on a job.

  7. Optionally use Download Controls to set the number of records that download at a time to technicians' devices.
    For example, if you set this to "3," three records automatically download. When a technician later hits the GET DATA button on the device, three more records will download.

  8. Optionally use Action Controls to indicate what activities technicians can do on their devices.

  9. Optionally use Equipment Controls to control how technicians' devices handle equipment sorting and identification.


B. Associate a default warehouse with an OU.

PENTA will indicate which OU/Warehouse’s product list it shows on the mobile device when synchronizing data. If PENTA finds nothing for the technician, it searches for the technician’s OU, then the OU’s parent, etc. until it finds a warehouse. If PENTA cannot identify a warehouse, it does not show Product IDs on the mobile device.

Service Management > Mobile Field Service > Configuration > Mobile Field Service – Configuration > Inventory tab

  1. Enter the ID of the OU you want to associate with a warehouse.

  2. Enter the ID of the Warehouse you want to associate with the OU.

  3. Repeat these steps for additional OU/Warehouse associations you need.
    Note: When PENTA synchronizes data between the server and the mobile device, the mobile device receives the product list of the warehouse associated with the Technician’s ID.

C. Establish default text for emailed reports.

Here you configure the email information used when the app creates a Summary of Work Performed report.

The values you establish here are for a specific Organizational Unit. If PENTA finds nothing for the Job/Work Order's OU, it searches for the Job/Work Order OU's parent, etc. until it identifies the correct email parameters.

Service Management > Mobile Field Service > Configuration > Mobile Field Service – Configuration > Email Setup tab

  1. Enter the ID of the Organizational Unit whose email parameters you want to establish. You must enter a value here to generate emails from a work ticket.
    Note: PENTA matches this value to a Job or Work Order’s OU when generating the Summary of Work Performed email/report for a submitted ticket.

  2. Use Sender Email Address to enter the email address where the Summary of Work Performed email will originate. You must enter a value here to generate emails from a work ticket.

  3. Optionally use CC Recipient Address(es) to identify the email addresses that should receive a copy of the email generated for a Summary of Work Performed report.
    PENTA inserts the address(es) on the email’s CC line.

  4. Use Subject Line to enter the subject line for the email generated for a Summary of Work Performed report.

  5. Optionally use Message Body to enter text that will appear in the body of the email generated for a Summary of Work Performed report.

D. Indicate which items customers should sign off on when technician assignments are complete.

Service Management > Mobile Field Service > Configuration > Mobile Field Service – Configuration > Confirmation tab

  1. For all sections that should show on the app's Customer Confirmation screen, move them into the Selected Sections block either by dragging and dropping or using the middle section's arrows.

  2. In the Selected Sections block, optionally use the up/down arrows or drag/drop the sections in the order in which they should appear on the Customer Confirmation screen.

  3. If you did not add Terms & Conditions, close the window and skip ahead to Step 2; otherwise, proceed to step 1.E.

E. Enter the terms and conditions for a particular Organizational Unit.

This creates the text that shows on the mobile device's Customer Confirmation screen when a technician services a particular OU.

Service Management > Mobile Field Service > Configuration > Mobile Field Service – Configuration > Terms and Conditions tab
Note: This tab is only enabled if you added Terms & Conditions to the Confirmation tab's Selected Sections block.

  1. If you added Terms & Conditions to the Confirmation tab's Selected Sections block, select the OU you want to apply terms and conditions to.

  2. Use the textbox to enter the OU's terms and conditions.

F. Establish parameters for Ticketing.

In the app, the Ticketing screen lets technicians charge equipment, parts, and labor to an assignment.

In PENTA, you can control which types of information technicians can record in their Ticketing screen.

Service Management > Mobile Field Service > Configuration > Mobile Field Service – Configuration > Ticketing tab

  1. Place a checkmark in the appropriate box of each item that should show on the app's Ticketing screen.

  2. Close the window to commit your changes.


2. Set Up Work Order Status Codes

A. Create status codes.

The Status Codes you set up here control the start and stop times for technicians’ work. That is, Status Codes indicate when billable time begins and ends, and when non-billable time begins and ends.

Service Management > Setup > Work Order Status Codes

  1. Use User Defined Status Code to create a new Status Code that will be available on technicians’ mobile devices.

  2. Use Description to create a name for the new Status Code.

  3. In the Associated PENTA Status Code field, associate the new Status Code with a standard PENTA Status Code.
    PENTA Status Codes have specific rules associated with them. Each User Defined Status Code must be associated with a PENTA Status Code so PENTA can apply the appropriate rules.

  4. Use the Authorized for All OUs box to indicate whether the Status Code has authorization for use with all OUs.

  5. Use the Comments Required box to indicate whether a technician must provide additional information (comments) when selecting this Status Code.

  6. Place a checkmark in the Send To Mobile Device box to indicate that a work order with the User Defined Status Code you created should be available on technicians’ mobile devices.

  7. Use the Allow Tech Usage box to indicate whether technicians with mobile devices have authorization to use this Status Code.

  8. Use the Allow on Jobs box to indicate whether technicians can assign this Status Code while working on jobs.

  9. Use the Allow on Tasks box to indicate whether technicians can assign this Status Code while working on tasks.

  10. Use the Mobile Include/Exclude Time dropdown item to select either:

  • Include – When a technician selects this Status Code, the mobile device records the time worked as billable.

  • Exclude – When a technician selects this Status Code, the mobile device records the time worked as non-billable.

  1. In the Default Mobile Cost Type field, select a Cost Type that you want to associate with the Status Code.

  2. Repeat these steps for additional Status Codes you need.

  3. Close the window to commit your changes.

3. Set Up Mobile Service Status Rules

A. Create status rules appropriate for your technicians' workflows.

This lets you control when the Statuses are available for technicians to use and helps to ensure technicians complete step “A” before working on step “B.” Be sure to have your workflow and its statues planned out before performing this step.

Important Notes:

  • For the PENTA "Assigned" (A) status, be sure to create your own status(es) and do not use PENTA's Assigned status.

  • We recommend you create a custom assigned send to mobile status and a status that allows technician to immediately send the task back to the board.

Service Management > Mobile Field Service > Configuration > Mobile Service Configuration – Status Rules

  1. Locate your preferred Code in the list or query the User Defined Status Code that you want to set parameters for.
    Note: Status Codes default from the Work Order Status Codes window.

  2. Place a checkmark in the Send To Mobile Device box to indicate this Status Code will be available on technicians’ mobile devices.

  3. Place a checkmark in the Allow Tech Usage box to indicate that technicians with mobile devices have authorization to use this Status Code.

  4. Use the Allow on Jobs box to indicate whether technicians can assign this Status Code while working on jobs.

  5. Use the Allow on Tasks box to indicate whether technicians can select this Status Code while working on tasks.

  6. In the Default Mobile Cost Type field, select a Cost Type that you want to associate with the Status Code.

  • Optionally use the bottom block of this window to list the possible Status Codes that a technician can assign when his/her current “working” status is the User Defined Status Code that has focus in the top block of this window. For example, if the User Defined Status Code is “Waiting for Parts” use these fields to indicate that the next Status Code a technician could enter on a mobile device is “Received Parts” or “Work Completed.” List possible Status Codes for:

  • Work Orders

  • Jobs

  • Non-Productive Tasks

  • Repeat the above steps to configure as many Status Codes as needed.

  1. Close this window to commit your changes.


4. Set Up Non-Productive Tasks

Examples of non-productive tasks are restocking a work vehicle with parts, attending safety training, waiting for parts, etc.

A. Create non-productive tasks appropriate for your technicians' workflows.

Service Management > Setup > Non-Productive Tasks

  1. Use the Non-Productive Task Id field to create an ID for the Non-Productive task you want to make available on technicians’ mobile devices.

  2. Use Description to create a name for the Non-Productive Task.

  3. Use GL Account Number to identify the general ledger account to which PENTA will charge time for the Non-Productive Task.

    1. Use the Authorized for All OUs box to indicate whether the Non-Productive Task has authorization for use with all OUs.
      If you did not place a checkmark in the Authorized for All OUs box, click the Edit OU List button to launch the Organization Unit Validation for Non-Productive Task pop-up window. Here you can authorize and unauthorize the Non-Productive Task for specific OUs.

    2. Click the Account by OU button and use the Accounts by OU for Non-Productive Task pop-up window, where you can set OU-level exceptions for occasions when a technician charges time for the Non-Productive Task.
      Example: In the master window, you indicated that PENTA should charge time for Non-Productive Task #10 to GL Account Number 100. In this pop-up window, you can indicate that if Non-Productive Task #10 is associated with OU #20, PENTA should instead charge time for Non-Productive Task #10 to GL Account Number 400.

    3. Close the Accounts by OU for Non-Productive Task pop-up window to commit your changes.

  4. Close the window to commit your changes.

5. Set Up Work Order Note Types

Work Order Note Types help to identify things like the department entering a note and the intent of a note.

A. Create Note Types for your work orders.

Service Management > Setup > Work Order Note Types

  1. Use the Note Type Code field to create a code you will use to identify the Note Type that you want to make available on technicians’ mobile devices.

  2. Use the Description field to create a name for the Note Type Code.

  3. Use the Authorized for All OUs box to indicate whether the Note Type has authorization for use with all OUs.
    If you did not place a checkmark in the Authorized for All OUs box, click the Edit OU List button. This launches an Organization Unit Validation for WO Note Type pop-up window, where you can authorize and unauthorize the Note Type for specific OUs.

  4. Use the Call Taker Action dropdown to identify what a call taker must do when a note with this Note Type appears on a work order.

  5. Use the Dispatcher Action dropdown to identify what a dispatcher must do when a note with this Note Type appears on a work order.

  6. Use the Billing Coordinator Action dropdown to identify what action a billing coordinator must take when a note with this Note Type appears on a work order.

  7. If the Send to Mobile Device box contains a checkmark, use the Technician Action dropdown menu to identify what technicians must do when a note with this Note Type downloads to their mobile devices.

  8. Use the Print on Work Order box to control whether the Note Type Code and its description will be visible on printed work orders.

  9. Use the Print on Service Invoice box to control whether the Note Type Code and its description will be visible on printed service invoices.

  10. Use the Default to WOs box to control whether the Note Type Code and its description will be visible on work orders.

  11. Use the Default to Maintenance box to control whether the Note Type Code and its description will be visible on maintenance contracts.

  12. Use the Allow Update of Text box to control whether you would like to update the Note Type’s information in the future.

  13. Use the Send to Mobile Device box to control whether the Note Type will be available on technicians’ mobile devices.

  14. Close the window to commit your changes.

6. Set Up Mobile Service Approvers

The employees you set up in this window will review the completed work information that a technician sends to PENTA.

A. Establish your approvers for Mobile Field Service records.

Service Management > Mobile Field Service > Configuration > Mobile Service Configuration – Approvers

  1. On the OU Defaults tab, perform the following:

  • Use OU Id to identify the organizational unit for which you want to establish default Mobile Field Service approvers.

  • Use Labor: Primary Approver User Id to enter the Id of the employee that will be the primary approver for labor recorded by a technician.

  • Use Non-Labor: Primary Approver User Id to enter the Id of the employee that will be the primary approver for non-labor transactions recorded by a technician.

  1. On the By Technician tab, perform the following:

  • Use OU Id to enter the Id of the organizational unit whose technicians you want to assign approvers.

  • Use Tech Emp Id to enter the Id of the technician whose approver you want to define.

  • Use Labor Primary Approver User Id to enter the Id of the employee that will review and approve the Technician’s labor time.

  • Use Non-Labor Primary Approver User Id to enter the Id of the employee that will review and approve the Technician’s non-labor time.

  1. On the Alternate Approvers tab, perform the following:

  • Use Primary Approver User Id to enter the Id of the reviewer for whom you want to establish alternate approvers.

  • Use Labor: Alternate Approver User Id to enter the Id of the employee that will review and approve labor transactions recorded by a technician when the Primary Approver is not available to do so.

  • Use Non-Labor: Alternate Approver User Id to enter the Id of the employee that will review and approve non-labor transactions recorded by a technician when the Primary Approver is not available to do so.

  1. Close the window to commit your changes.

7. Define Mobile Attributes for Customer Equipment Classes

Service Management > Customer Information > Customer Equipment Maintenance > Setup > Customer Equipment Classes

A. Identify which attributes should display and which should be required on technicians' mobile devices.

  1. Query the Customer Equipment Class you want to define mobile attributes for.

  2. Open the Mobile Attributes screen.

  3. For each attribute that technicians must record on their mobile devices, move that attribute into the Required Attributes block.

  4. For each attribute that should be available for technicians to use on their mobile devices, move that attribute into the Displayed Attributes block.

  5. Repeat for all Customer Equipment Classes you need to configure for mobile.

  6. Close the window to commit your changes.