Multi-Tier Approvers in AP Workflow


We would like to implement a multi-tier AP workflow approval to accommodate the following scenario:

  • project manager reviews / approves their invoices

  • if invoice is $5,000 or less - secondary approver “A” reviews / approves

  • if invoice is greater than $5,000 - secondary approver “B” reviews / approves

I see the ability to specify an Approval Limit in the Control Form window, which addresses the requirement for secondary approver “A”, however it isn’t clear if when setting up secondary approver “B” (with no approval limit), if approver B will also see those invoices that are $5,000 or less? Our preference is they wouldn’t see those invoices.

Applies To

Control Form - AP Routing


Approver A: Approve Limit = $5000, Auto Approve limit = blank
Approver B: Approve Limit = Blank (unlimited), Auto Approve limit = $5000

If an invoice came in for $4000, Approver A would get the invoice since it's under their limit, once they approve, approver B would automatically approve it and never see the invoice since its under their Auto Approve limit. 

If an invoice came in for $10000, Approver B would get the invoice since they have no limit, its greater than the limit of Approver A, and it's greater than their auto-approve limit