Penta System Options
What are the Penta System Options?
Applies To
Penta for Windows
System Management > Technical Support > Options
Use the Options window to modify or view certain settings within PENTA.
To use this window, either:
- Click the toolbar’s Enter Query button twice to retrieve all available System Options.
- Click the toolbar’s Enter Query button once, enter values in the available fields to limit the System Options PENTA will query, and click the toolbar’s Enter Query button again.
- Options are also referred to as “System Options” in this Window Description and throughout the PENTA Reference Manual.
- You must have authorization to use this window.
Option # - PENTA displays the Id assigned to the System Option. You cannot edit this field; it is only for querying and viewing.
Description - PENTA displays the abbreviated description associated with the Option #. You cannot edit this field; it is only for querying and viewing.
Type -PENTA identifies the format of possible values for this Option #:
- A – Alphanumeric
- B – Boolean
- N – Numeric
You cannot edit this field; it is only for querying and viewing.
Module - PENTA identifies which module the Option # pertains to:
- AC – Finance & Accounting
- AP – Accounts Payable
- AR – Accounts Receivable
- EQ – Fixed Assets & Equipment
- IC – Inventory Control
- IF – Interfaces
- IN – Invoicing
- JC – Job Cost Management
- PO – Purchasing
- PM – Project Management
- PR – Payroll
- SM – Service Management
- SY – System Management
You cannot edit this field; it is only for querying and viewing.
Allow Updates - PENTA indicates whether you can adjust the Option #’s value.
- N (no) – Only Penta Technologies can change a System Option value.
- Y (yes) – Any user with access to this window can change a System Option value.
You cannot edit this field; it is only for querying and viewing.
Limit Values - PENTA indicates (with an N for no or a Y for yes) whether the Option # is limited to settings listed in the Values column.
- N (no) – Valid values for the Option # are not limited to settings in the Values column.
- Y (yes) – Valid values for the Option # are limited to settings in the Values column.
You cannot edit this field; it is only for querying and viewing.
Boolean Value - If the value in the Type field is A (Alphanumeric) or B (Boolean), you can use this field to enter one of the available options listed in the Value column. Entry is optional. The default of this field varies with each System Option.
Numeric Value - If the value in the Type field is N (Numeric), you can use this field to enter one of the available options listed in the Value column. Entry is optional. The default of this field varies with each System Option.
Value - This column lists all possible settings for the Option #. Penta Technologies sets these Values and you cannot edit them.
Description - This column lists the description corresponding with the adjacent Value. Penta Technologies sets these Descriptions and you cannot edit them.
Extended Description button - Clicking the Extended Description button launches the Extended Description pop-up window. The Extended Description pop-up window allows you to read additional information about the current Option #. You cannot edit this pop-up window; it is for display only.
Penta System Options
Option | Description | Type | Allow Updates | Module | Limit Values | Extended Description | Valid Values & Description | Default |
1 | Insurance Expiration Warning | Numeric | Y | AP | N | A warning will be issued if the subcontractor insurance expires before the number of days entered in the numeric value field. | 1 - Do not give an expiration warning. 31 - Give an expiration warning if insurance expires within 31 days (default value) or Any number to designate how many days before expiration the warning should appear | N/A |
2 | Auto-Assign Customer Id | Alphabetic | N | AR | Y | Automatic assignment of customer id on Customers window | 1 - PENTA assigns a Customer Id, sequentially. The numbers can begin with any number the client chooses, programming can set the starting point. 2 - Auto-assign customer id using first letter of name. PENTA assigns a Customer id using the first letter of the Customer Name as the first character of the Customer Number, followed by the next available number. Numbers begin with one. This value is only valid for clients that have an alpha customer number. N - No automatic Customer Id, user enters unique id with each new customer. (N is the default value.) | N |
3 | Auto-Assign Job Id | Alphabetic | N | JC | Y | Automatic assignment of job id on Job Information window | 1 - same as value Y 2 - Client 8950 specific N - No automatic job id, user enters unique id with each new job. (default value) Y - PENTA assigns a job id, sequentially. The numbers can begin with any number the client chooses. A programmer can set the starting point. | N |
4 | Auto-Assign Vendor Id | Alphabetic | N | AP | Y | Automatic assignment of vendor id on the Vendor Information | 1 - PENTA assigns a vendor id, sequentially. The numbers can begin with any number the client chooses, programming can set the starting point. 2 - Auto-assign vendor id using the first letter of the name. PENTA assigns a vendor id using the first letter of the vendor name as the first character of the vendor number, followed by the next available number. Numbers begin with one. This value is only valid for clients that have an alpha vendor number. N - No automatic vendor id, user enters unique id with each vendor. (default value) | N |
5 | Costcode Mask Matching | Alphabetic | N | SY | Y | Indicates if the client matches costcode masks to the leftmost or the rightmost segments of the costcode. | L - Client matches cc mask to leftmost segments of cc. (Example: Mask 411%) R - Client matches cc mask to rightmost segments of cc. (Example: Mask %411) (default value) | R |
6 | Default Costcode Validation | Alphabetic | N | JC | N | Indicates the value that will default in the 'Costcode Validation Code' field on the Job Information window; however, you can override the default. | N - Any costcode can be used, costcode will not be validated. (default value) Y - Costcode must be valid. M - Costcodes are validated against existing costcode masks. E - Costcode must exist as a standard costcode, or must be a validated costcode. | N |
10 | Significant Mask Positions | Numeric | N | SY | Y | Designate how many significant (non-wildcard) positions the user will be required to enter whenever they enter a mask in the high or low costcode ranges that use a % wildcard. | -1 - Disable this edit check 0 - Only enter wildcard chars in high/low cc masks. Client can only enter the wildcard (no characters/digits) in high and low costcode masks. 1 - Must enter 1 char/digit when enter mask cc mgs 2 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs 3 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs. Client must enter three characters/digits whenever they enter a mask in the high and low costcode ranges. (default value) 4 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs 5 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs 6 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs 7 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs 8 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs 9 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs | 3 |
11 | Non-Tax Fringes Via TC Distribution | Boolean | N | PR | Y | Create accounting entries for non-taxable fringe benefits as part of labor distribution. | N - Do not create accounting entries for non-taxable fringe benefits via TC Distribution as part of labor distribution. (default value) Y - Create accounting entries for non-tax fringe benefits during TC Distribution as part of labor distribution. | N |
12 | Put Invoice Line Item On Hold | Boolean | N | IN | Y | Put invoice line items on a PENTA releasable hold if there is no matching pricing schedule. | N - Line items not automatically placed on hold if no matching pricing schedule. (default value) Y - Line items automatically placed on PENTA releasable hold (Invoice Status = G) if no matching pricing schedule. | N |
13 | Rule-Calc Earned For Fix Price | Numeric | Y | AC | Y | Rule for calculating "Earned" for fixed price (lump sum) contracts. | 1 – Earned is based on the entered Project Contract and Projected Cost. 2 – Earned is based on entered Contract and Estimated Cost. 3 – Earned is based on entered Percent Complete. 4 – Earned = Billed 5 – Use Job Analysis Earned Amount 6 – Earned = (Actual Cost ÷ Projected Cost) * Contract 7 – Job to Date Cost * (1+Markup%) 8 - Earned Based on Labor % Complete | N/A |
14 | Entries To Std Chrg Cntr/Exp | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | Make entries to standard charge contra and expense accounts even if standard charge rates are not used. (The standard charge contra and expense accounts are set up at the legal entity our in payroll setup and can optionally be set up for payroll class)> | 1 – When standard charge contra and expense accounts are set up for a payroll class, make standard charge entries regardless of whether standard charge rates are used. 2 – When standard charge contra and expense accounts are set up for a payroll class, make standard charge entries of whether standard charge rates are used. (Limitations: Credit OU contra account - Debit OU Id). 3 – Only make standard charge entries when standard charge rates are set up. (Limitations: Credit OU contra account = Debit OU Id). N – Only make standard charge entries when standard charge rates are set up. (default value) | N |
15 | Override Of Batch Date (AP/AR) | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | Allow override of batch date on the Document tab of the AP/AR entry windows. | N – Do not allow override of batch date on AP/AR entry windows. (JBEC) Y – Allow override of batch date on AP/AR entry windows. (default value) | Y |
16 | Exit Batch Not In Balance (AP/AR) | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | Allow user to exit batch when not in balance (AP/AR entry windows). Note: This System Option does not work for the Manual Billing window. | N – Do not allow user to exit if batch is out of balance. Y – Allow user to exit out of balance batch (except Manual Billing). (default value) | Y |
17 | Auto-Assign Employee Id | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | Automatic assignment of employee id on the Employee Information window. | 1 - Automatically assign an employee id. Numbers are retrieved from the sequence table. N - No automatic assignment of employee id, user enters unique id with each new employee. (default value) | N |
18 | Customer-Vendor Assignment | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | Allow a user to set up an employee as a customer and a vendor from the Employee Information window. | 1 - System will automatically set up a customer and a vendor for an employee (using the same number as their employee number) when you open the Setup Vendor/Customer pop-up window of the Employee Payroll Information window’s Miscellaneous tab. N - Do not allow user to set employee up as a customer or vendor. (default value) | N |
19 | System User Defined Field Edits | Alphabetic | N | SY | Y | Perform special user-defined field edits on System Configuration window. | 1 - Edit Num_5 on System Configuration window for a contingency percentage (0 - 100). Time Entry Accounts. Vacation/TIL Parameter (MONE SYS007) 2 - Edit Num_5 on System Configuration window for a contingency percentage (0 - 100) (JCS008) N - Do not perform special edits. (default value) | N |
20 | Default Current Date - AP/AR Entry | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | Default to current date on the Cash Receipt Entry window. | N - Do not default to current date. Y - Default to current date. (default value) | Y |
21 | AP/AR Entry - Date Required: Batch Total tab | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | Require the entry of a date on the Batch Total tab of the AP/AR Entry windows | N - Date on the Batch Total tab of AP/AR Entry windows is not required. (default value) Y - Date on the Batch Total tab of AP/AR Entry windows is required. | N |
22 | Description Item Number | Alphabetic | N | AP | Y | On the Purchase Order Distribution tab of the Manual Payment and AP Invoice Entry windows, display the field description for PO_Item_Num as 'Item #' or as 'Tag #'. | 1 - Display the description as 'Item #'. (default value) 2 - Display the description as 'Tag #' | 1 |
23 | Employee User Defined Field | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | Provide special edit rules for Alpha_1 and Alpha_2 fields on the Employee Information window. Alpha_1 field must be a valid user id. Alpha_2 field must be a valid overtime/TIL eligibility code. | 1 - Perform special edit on Alpha_1 and Alpha_2 on Employee Information window (MONE). N - No special edit rule for Alpha_1 and Alpha_2 on Employee Information window. (default value) | N |
24 | Allow Additional Accounts | Alphabetic | N | AC | Y | On the Account tab of Journal Entry window, allow not only those accounts with a CASH edit rule, but also accounts with no edit rule or with a time entry (TCLIAB or TCEXP) edit rule. | 1 - Allow entry of accounts with CASH, TCLIAB, TCEXP, or no edit rule. (MONE) N - Allow only entry of accounts with a CASH edit rule. (default value) | N |
25 | Mark Non Bill Cost As No Recov | Boolean | N | AC | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, users can access the 'Recoverable Y/N?' field in the General Journal Entry, Job Cost initial Load and Cost Recognition Initial Load Windows. When the 'Recoverable Y/N?' indicator is set to N in one of these windows, the cost record in the job cost subledger (jc_jch_base) table is marked as non-recoverable (jc_type_cd = N). If an item is marked as non-recoverable in one of these windows, it will be marked as non-billable by the automated billing and revenue recognition processes. Entries are also made in the job cost subledger for cost plus and time & material contract line items to transfer the cost from recoverable (jc_type_cd is R or null) to non-recoverable when a cost item is priced as non-billable by the automated billing or revenue recognition processes. Manually marking a cost item as non-billable through the Adjust Invoice Amounts Window also makes entries in the job cost subledger to move cost from recoverable (jc_type_cd is R or null) to non-recoverable. If this System Option is set to N, entries are not made in the job cost subledger to distinguish between recoverable and non-recoverable costs. | N/A | |
26 | Job User Defined Field Edit | Alphabetic | Y | JC | Y | Edit user-defined field on Job Information window | 1 - Edit Num_5 on for a contingency percentage (0 - 100) (MONE JCS008) N - Do not perform edit (default value) | N |
27 | Print Remit To Address On Invoice | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | Print a remit to address in invoices. | N - Do not print a remit to address on invoices. (default value) Y - Print a remit to address on invoices. | N |
28 | Invoice/Subtotal Amounts Underscores | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | Underscore total invoice amounts and print underscores before subtotals and invoice totals on PENTA-generated invoices. | N - Do not print the underscores. (default value) Y - Print the underscores. | N |
29 | Print Invoice Cycle Description on Invoice | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | Print Invoice Cycle description on invoices PENTA generates. | N - Do not print the invoice description on invoices. Instead, the line will be reformatted to only include period ending date and caption. Y - Print invoice cycle description on invoices. (default value) | Y |
30 | Job User Defined Field Edit | Alphabetic | Y | JC | Y | Perform special editing on the user-defined fields, Aplha_5 and Alpha_6, of the Job Table, to determine the fields to print on the Labor Support Schedule and Purchase/Miscellaneous Support Schedule. Alpha_5 will be considered a 10 character field of Y/N flags to indicate which fields are to be included in the Labor Support Schedule. Alpha_6 will be considered a 9 character field of Y/N flags to indicate which fields should be included on the Purchase/Miscellaneous Support Schedule. | N - Do not perform the special editing on Alpha_5 and Alpha_6. (default value) 1 - Perform the special editing to determine the fields on the Labor Support Schedule and the Purchases/Miscellaneous Support Schedule. (MONE) | N |
31 | Job Class Number Alternate Edit | Boolean | N | JC | Y | Provide an alternate Job_Class_Num edit to allow jobs with a Job_Class_Num of 1 to have unit price contract line items. | N - Use the standard Job_Class_Num edit for Unit Price Contract Line Items. (default value) Y - Use the alternate Job_Class_Num edit for Unit Price Contract Line Items. | N |
32 | Post PR Transaction to LE OU | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | Always use the legal entity OU id when posting all payroll accounting transactions. | N - Do not post payroll accounting transactions by the legal entity our id. (default value) Y – Always post payroll accounting transactions to the LE OU. | N |
33 | Allow Duplicate JE Numbers | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | Option 33 determines whether or not duplicate Journal Entry Numbers will be allowed. If Option 33 is set to N (which is the default), then duplicate Journal Entry Numbers will not be allowed. The If Option 33 is set to Y, then duplicate Journal Entry Numbers will be allowed. | N - Do Not Allow Duplicate JE Numbers (default value) Y - Allow Duplicate JE Numbers | N |
34 | Labor Distribution Only | Boolean | N | PR | Y | Option 34 determines whether the 'Labor Distribution Only?' field on the Pay Group Information screen is set to N or Y when a new Pay Group is set up. When this field is set to Y it stops labor processing for employees in the Pay Group after labor distribution and does not generate payroll checks for the employees. If Option 34 is set to N (which is the default), then the 'Labor Distribution Only?' field on the Pay Group If Option 34 is set to Y, then the 'Labor Distribution Only?' field on the Pay Group Information screen is set to | N - Payroll Processing Capable (default value) Y - Labor Distribution Only | N |
35 | Bill Tax with Original Cost Detail | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | If this is set to Y, sales tax amounts will be added to their associated original costs when they are brought in for billing. Pricing schedules based on unit cost will use this combined unit cost when comparing against minimum and maximum values. This combined unit cost will also be displayed on invoice substantiation reports. | N - Consider tax and original cost separately (default) (default value) Y - Combine tax with original cost for billing purposes. | N |
36 | Record Receipts by Invoice | Boolean | Y | AR | Y | Option 36 determines whether Cash Receipt entries are recorded at the detail level or are summarized to the If Option 36 is set to N (which is the default), then Cash Receipt entries are recorded at the detail level. If Option 36 is set to Y, then Cash Receipt entries are summarized to the invoice / job level. | N - Record receipts by Item (default value) Y - Record receipts by Invoice | N |
37 | Allow Hold Status in AP Select | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | Option 37 determines whether or not a Status of H (Hold) can be entered in the Act (Action Code) field on the AP Select Items For Payment Screen and whether or not items with a Status of H are included in query results. If Option 37 is set to Y (which is the default), then a Status of H (Hold) can be entered in the Act (Action Code) If Option 37 is set to N, then a Status of H (Hold) cannot be entered in the Act (Action Code) field on the AP Select Items For Payment Screen and items with a Status of H are not included in query results. | N - Do Not Allow Holds Y - Allow Holds (default value) | Y |
38 | Auto Anticipated Contingency | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | Option 38 determines whether or not Anticipated Cost entries with Contingency Trade Code 17000 are automatically created and updated. If Option 38 is set to N (which is the default), then Anticipated Cost entries with Contingency Trade Code 17000 If Option 38 is set to Y, then Anticipated Cost entries with Contingency Trade Code 17000 are automatically created and updated when a cost estimate entry is entered in the Costcode / Estimate Information Screen (the estimate amount is added to the Contingency Trade Code anticipated cost for the job), when a cost detail entry is entered in the Anticipated Cost Entry Screen (the amount is subtracted from the Contingency Trade Code anticipated cost for the job), and when a committed amount is entered for a job-related PO detail line item in the Purchase Order Information Screen (the amount is subtracted from the Contingency Trade Code anticipated cost for the job). | N - No Auto Anticipated Contingency (default value) Y - Auto Anticipated Contingency | N |
39 | Baymont Job Analysis | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | Option 39 determines whether or not an alternate method of reporting earned amounts on the Job Analysis reports will be used. If Option 39 is set to N (which is the default), then the Job Analysis reports will report the standard total earned If Option 39 is set to Y, then the Job Analysis reports will report the the same earned amount as the Contracts In | N - Default Job Analysis (default value) Y - Baymont Job Analysis | N |
40 | JA Costcode Transformation # | Numeric | N | JC | Y | N/A | ||
41 | Print GST Reg # on Invoice | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | Option 41 determines whether or not the GST Registration # is printed on the Invoice and the Sales Order Invoice. If Option 41 is set to N (which is the default), then the GST Registration # will not be printed on the Invoice and If Option 41 is set to Y, then the GST Registration # will be printed on the Invoice and the Sales Order Invoice. | N - Do Not Print GST Reg # on Invoice (default value) Y - Print GST Reg # on Invoice (MONENCO) | N |
42 | Re-Select Costs During Recalc | Alphabetic | Y | IN | Y | Option 42 determines whether or not costs are re-selected during a recalculation when processing invoices. If Option 42 is set to Y (which is the default), then costs are re-selected during a recalculation when processing If Option 42 is set to N, then costs are not re-selected during a recalculation when processing invoices. Updated If Option 42 is set to S, then updated stored material amounts are picked up during a recalculation when | N - Do Not Re-select costs during recalc of invoice S - Allow stored material updates during invoice cycle Y - Re-select costs during recalc of invoice. (default value) | Y |
43 | Reduce FIT /Increase Deduct | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Option 43 determines how PENTA will handle deduction amounts that would result in a negative net pay amount in the gross to net calculation process. If Option 43 is set to N (which is the default), then PENTA will not reduce the FIT withheld in order to prevent the If Option 43 is set to Y, then PENTA will reduce the FIT withheld by the difference between the deduction amount and the net pay amount, resulting in a zero net pay amount. | N - Do not reduce FIT and reject from gross to net (default value) Y - Reduce FIT withheld and increase deduction. | N |
44 | Multi-Currency for Accounting | Boolean | N | SY | Y | Allow client to perform PENTA activities in multi-currency. | N - Perform PENTA activities using one currency (default value) Y - Perform PENTA activities using multi-currency | N |
45 | AP Aging Method # | Numeric | Y | AP | Y | Methods for AP Agings | 1 - Age by 30, 60, 90 (default value) 2 - Age by month | 1 |
46 | AR Aging Method # | Numeric | Y | AR | N | Methods for AR Agings | 1 - Age by 30, 60, 90 (default value) 2 - Age by month If a number other than 1 or 2 is entered, that number will be used as the increment for the days columns on the aging. For example, by default the number of columns on the report are Current, 31 - 60, 61 - 90, and Over 90. If this System Option is set to 20, the columns would be Current, 21 - 40, 41 - 60, and Over 60. | 1 |
47 | Job Exchange Rates Required | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | Require fixed currency exchange rates to exist for all currencies on all jobs. | N - Jobs do not need fixed currency exchange rates (default value) Y - Jobs must have a fixed currency exchange rate before estimates, commitments, contracts, or costs associated with a job can be entered. | N |
48 | Suppress Invoice Total Block | Alphabetic | Y | IN | Y | Suppress printing of dashed line and invoice total recap block at end of invoice. | 1 - Print the alternate Job Invoice with modified summary N - Print the dashed line and recap block at end of invoice (default value) Y - Do not print dashed line and recap block at end of invoice | N |
49 | JCS007 Error Type VAL_CD E | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | When the costcode validation code for a job is E (validate against standard costcodes), and a costcode that has not been set up as a standard cc has been entered, issue a warning message instead of an error message. | N - Message is an Error (default value) Y - Message is a Warning | N |
50 | Copy in Rows During REVREC | Alphabetic | Y | JC | Y | Create a duplicate Invoice_Work table during REVREC | A - Create duplicate Invoice_Work table during 'ALL' REVREC N - Do not create duplicate Invoice_Work table during REVREC (default value) Y - Create duplicate Invoice_Work table during REVREC | N |
Option | Description | Type | Allow Updates | Module | Limit Values | Extended Description | Valid Values & Description | Default |
51 | Print CC Description on JCH Detail | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | Print costcode description in costcode group heading on the JCH Detail Report. (This must be optional since costcode description may not be unique for the grouping -- detail is broken dow |