Penta System Options
What are the Penta System Options?
Applies To
Penta for Windows
System Management > Technical Support > Options
Use the Options window to modify or view certain settings within PENTA.
To use this window, either:
- Click the toolbar’s Enter Query button twice to retrieve all available System Options.
- Click the toolbar’s Enter Query button once, enter values in the available fields to limit the System Options PENTA will query, and click the toolbar’s Enter Query button again.
- Options are also referred to as “System Options” in this Window Description and throughout the PENTA Reference Manual.
- You must have authorization to use this window.
Option # - PENTA displays the Id assigned to the System Option. You cannot edit this field; it is only for querying and viewing.
Description - PENTA displays the abbreviated description associated with the Option #. You cannot edit this field; it is only for querying and viewing.
Type -PENTA identifies the format of possible values for this Option #:
- A – Alphanumeric
- B – Boolean
- N – Numeric
You cannot edit this field; it is only for querying and viewing.
Module - PENTA identifies which module the Option # pertains to:
- AC – Finance & Accounting
- AP – Accounts Payable
- AR – Accounts Receivable
- EQ – Fixed Assets & Equipment
- IC – Inventory Control
- IF – Interfaces
- IN – Invoicing
- JC – Job Cost Management
- PO – Purchasing
- PM – Project Management
- PR – Payroll
- SM – Service Management
- SY – System Management
You cannot edit this field; it is only for querying and viewing.
Allow Updates - PENTA indicates whether you can adjust the Option #’s value.
- N (no) – Only Penta Technologies can change a System Option value.
- Y (yes) – Any user with access to this window can change a System Option value.
You cannot edit this field; it is only for querying and viewing.
Limit Values - PENTA indicates (with an N for no or a Y for yes) whether the Option # is limited to settings listed in the Values column.
- N (no) – Valid values for the Option # are not limited to settings in the Values column.
- Y (yes) – Valid values for the Option # are limited to settings in the Values column.
You cannot edit this field; it is only for querying and viewing.
Boolean Value - If the value in the Type field is A (Alphanumeric) or B (Boolean), you can use this field to enter one of the available options listed in the Value column. Entry is optional. The default of this field varies with each System Option.
Numeric Value - If the value in the Type field is N (Numeric), you can use this field to enter one of the available options listed in the Value column. Entry is optional. The default of this field varies with each System Option.
Value - This column lists all possible settings for the Option #. Penta Technologies sets these Values and you cannot edit them.
Description - This column lists the description corresponding with the adjacent Value. Penta Technologies sets these Descriptions and you cannot edit them.
Extended Description button - Clicking the Extended Description button launches the Extended Description pop-up window. The Extended Description pop-up window allows you to read additional information about the current Option #. You cannot edit this pop-up window; it is for display only.
Penta System Options
Option | Description | Type | Allow Updates | Module | Limit Values | Extended Description | Valid Values & Description | Default |
1 | Insurance Expiration Warning | Numeric | Y | AP | N | A warning will be issued if the subcontractor insurance expires before the number of days entered in the numeric value field. | 1 - Do not give an expiration warning. 31 - Give an expiration warning if insurance expires within 31 days (default value) or Any number to designate how many days before expiration the warning should appear | N/A |
2 | Auto-Assign Customer Id | Alphabetic | N | AR | Y | Automatic assignment of customer id on Customers window | 1 - PENTA assigns a Customer Id, sequentially. The numbers can begin with any number the client chooses, programming can set the starting point. 2 - Auto-assign customer id using first letter of name. PENTA assigns a Customer id using the first letter of the Customer Name as the first character of the Customer Number, followed by the next available number. Numbers begin with one. This value is only valid for clients that have an alpha customer number. N - No automatic Customer Id, user enters unique id with each new customer. (N is the default value.) | N |
3 | Auto-Assign Job Id | Alphabetic | N | JC | Y | Automatic assignment of job id on Job Information window | 1 - same as value Y 2 - Client 8950 specific N - No automatic job id, user enters unique id with each new job. (default value) Y - PENTA assigns a job id, sequentially. The numbers can begin with any number the client chooses. A programmer can set the starting point. | N |
4 | Auto-Assign Vendor Id | Alphabetic | N | AP | Y | Automatic assignment of vendor id on the Vendor Information | 1 - PENTA assigns a vendor id, sequentially. The numbers can begin with any number the client chooses, programming can set the starting point. 2 - Auto-assign vendor id using the first letter of the name. PENTA assigns a vendor id using the first letter of the vendor name as the first character of the vendor number, followed by the next available number. Numbers begin with one. This value is only valid for clients that have an alpha vendor number. N - No automatic vendor id, user enters unique id with each vendor. (default value) | N |
5 | Costcode Mask Matching | Alphabetic | N | SY | Y | Indicates if the client matches costcode masks to the leftmost or the rightmost segments of the costcode. | L - Client matches cc mask to leftmost segments of cc. (Example: Mask 411%) R - Client matches cc mask to rightmost segments of cc. (Example: Mask %411) (default value) | R |
6 | Default Costcode Validation | Alphabetic | N | JC | N | Indicates the value that will default in the 'Costcode Validation Code' field on the Job Information window; however, you can override the default. | N - Any costcode can be used, costcode will not be validated. (default value) Y - Costcode must be valid. M - Costcodes are validated against existing costcode masks. E - Costcode must exist as a standard costcode, or must be a validated costcode. | N |
10 | Significant Mask Positions | Numeric | N | SY | Y | Designate how many significant (non-wildcard) positions the user will be required to enter whenever they enter a mask in the high or low costcode ranges that use a % wildcard. | -1 - Disable this edit check 0 - Only enter wildcard chars in high/low cc masks. Client can only enter the wildcard (no characters/digits) in high and low costcode masks. 1 - Must enter 1 char/digit when enter mask cc mgs 2 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs 3 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs. Client must enter three characters/digits whenever they enter a mask in the high and low costcode ranges. (default value) 4 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs 5 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs 6 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs 7 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs 8 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs 9 - Must enter 1 chars/digits when enter mask cc mgs | 3 |
11 | Non-Tax Fringes Via TC Distribution | Boolean | N | PR | Y | Create accounting entries for non-taxable fringe benefits as part of labor distribution. | N - Do not create accounting entries for non-taxable fringe benefits via TC Distribution as part of labor distribution. (default value) Y - Create accounting entries for non-tax fringe benefits during TC Distribution as part of labor distribution. | N |
12 | Put Invoice Line Item On Hold | Boolean | N | IN | Y | Put invoice line items on a PENTA releasable hold if there is no matching pricing schedule. | N - Line items not automatically placed on hold if no matching pricing schedule. (default value) Y - Line items automatically placed on PENTA releasable hold (Invoice Status = G) if no matching pricing schedule. | N |
13 | Rule-Calc Earned For Fix Price | Numeric | Y | AC | Y | Rule for calculating "Earned" for fixed price (lump sum) contracts. | 1 – Earned is based on the entered Project Contract and Projected Cost. 2 – Earned is based on entered Contract and Estimated Cost. 3 – Earned is based on entered Percent Complete. 4 – Earned = Billed 5 – Use Job Analysis Earned Amount 6 – Earned = (Actual Cost ÷ Projected Cost) * Contract 7 – Job to Date Cost * (1+Markup%) 8 - Earned Based on Labor % Complete | N/A |
14 | Entries To Std Chrg Cntr/Exp | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | Make entries to standard charge contra and expense accounts even if standard charge rates are not used. (The standard charge contra and expense accounts are set up at the legal entity our in payroll setup and can optionally be set up for payroll class)> | 1 – When standard charge contra and expense accounts are set up for a payroll class, make standard charge entries regardless of whether standard charge rates are used. 2 – When standard charge contra and expense accounts are set up for a payroll class, make standard charge entries of whether standard charge rates are used. (Limitations: Credit OU contra account - Debit OU Id). 3 – Only make standard charge entries when standard charge rates are set up. (Limitations: Credit OU contra account = Debit OU Id). N – Only make standard charge entries when standard charge rates are set up. (default value) | N |
15 | Override Of Batch Date (AP/AR) | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | Allow override of batch date on the Document tab of the AP/AR entry windows. | N – Do not allow override of batch date on AP/AR entry windows. (JBEC) Y – Allow override of batch date on AP/AR entry windows. (default value) | Y |
16 | Exit Batch Not In Balance (AP/AR) | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | Allow user to exit batch when not in balance (AP/AR entry windows). Note: This System Option does not work for the Manual Billing window. | N – Do not allow user to exit if batch is out of balance. Y – Allow user to exit out of balance batch (except Manual Billing). (default value) | Y |
17 | Auto-Assign Employee Id | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | Automatic assignment of employee id on the Employee Information window. | 1 - Automatically assign an employee id. Numbers are retrieved from the sequence table. N - No automatic assignment of employee id, user enters unique id with each new employee. (default value) | N |
18 | Customer-Vendor Assignment | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | Allow a user to set up an employee as a customer and a vendor from the Employee Information window. | 1 - System will automatically set up a customer and a vendor for an employee (using the same number as their employee number) when you open the Setup Vendor/Customer pop-up window of the Employee Payroll Information window’s Miscellaneous tab. N - Do not allow user to set employee up as a customer or vendor. (default value) | N |
19 | System User Defined Field Edits | Alphabetic | N | SY | Y | Perform special user-defined field edits on System Configuration window. | 1 - Edit Num_5 on System Configuration window for a contingency percentage (0 - 100). Time Entry Accounts. Vacation/TIL Parameter (MONE SYS007) 2 - Edit Num_5 on System Configuration window for a contingency percentage (0 - 100) (JCS008) N - Do not perform special edits. (default value) | N |
20 | Default Current Date - AP/AR Entry | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | Default to current date on the Cash Receipt Entry window. | N - Do not default to current date. Y - Default to current date. (default value) | Y |
21 | AP/AR Entry - Date Required: Batch Total tab | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | Require the entry of a date on the Batch Total tab of the AP/AR Entry windows | N - Date on the Batch Total tab of AP/AR Entry windows is not required. (default value) Y - Date on the Batch Total tab of AP/AR Entry windows is required. | N |
22 | Description Item Number | Alphabetic | N | AP | Y | On the Purchase Order Distribution tab of the Manual Payment and AP Invoice Entry windows, display the field description for PO_Item_Num as 'Item #' or as 'Tag #'. | 1 - Display the description as 'Item #'. (default value) 2 - Display the description as 'Tag #' | 1 |
23 | Employee User Defined Field | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | Provide special edit rules for Alpha_1 and Alpha_2 fields on the Employee Information window. Alpha_1 field must be a valid user id. Alpha_2 field must be a valid overtime/TIL eligibility code. | 1 - Perform special edit on Alpha_1 and Alpha_2 on Employee Information window (MONE). N - No special edit rule for Alpha_1 and Alpha_2 on Employee Information window. (default value) | N |
24 | Allow Additional Accounts | Alphabetic | N | AC | Y | On the Account tab of Journal Entry window, allow not only those accounts with a CASH edit rule, but also accounts with no edit rule or with a time entry (TCLIAB or TCEXP) edit rule. | 1 - Allow entry of accounts with CASH, TCLIAB, TCEXP, or no edit rule. (MONE) N - Allow only entry of accounts with a CASH edit rule. (default value) | N |
25 | Mark Non Bill Cost As No Recov | Boolean | N | AC | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, users can access the 'Recoverable Y/N?' field in the General Journal Entry, Job Cost initial Load and Cost Recognition Initial Load Windows. When the 'Recoverable Y/N?' indicator is set to N in one of these windows, the cost record in the job cost subledger (jc_jch_base) table is marked as non-recoverable (jc_type_cd = N). If an item is marked as non-recoverable in one of these windows, it will be marked as non-billable by the automated billing and revenue recognition processes. Entries are also made in the job cost subledger for cost plus and time & material contract line items to transfer the cost from recoverable (jc_type_cd is R or null) to non-recoverable when a cost item is priced as non-billable by the automated billing or revenue recognition processes. Manually marking a cost item as non-billable through the Adjust Invoice Amounts Window also makes entries in the job cost subledger to move cost from recoverable (jc_type_cd is R or null) to non-recoverable. If this System Option is set to N, entries are not made in the job cost subledger to distinguish between recoverable and non-recoverable costs. | N/A | |
26 | Job User Defined Field Edit | Alphabetic | Y | JC | Y | Edit user-defined field on Job Information window | 1 - Edit Num_5 on for a contingency percentage (0 - 100) (MONE JCS008) N - Do not perform edit (default value) | N |
27 | Print Remit To Address On Invoice | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | Print a remit to address in invoices. | N - Do not print a remit to address on invoices. (default value) Y - Print a remit to address on invoices. | N |
28 | Invoice/Subtotal Amounts Underscores | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | Underscore total invoice amounts and print underscores before subtotals and invoice totals on PENTA-generated invoices. | N - Do not print the underscores. (default value) Y - Print the underscores. | N |
29 | Print Invoice Cycle Description on Invoice | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | Print Invoice Cycle description on invoices PENTA generates. | N - Do not print the invoice description on invoices. Instead, the line will be reformatted to only include period ending date and caption. Y - Print invoice cycle description on invoices. (default value) | Y |
30 | Job User Defined Field Edit | Alphabetic | Y | JC | Y | Perform special editing on the user-defined fields, Aplha_5 and Alpha_6, of the Job Table, to determine the fields to print on the Labor Support Schedule and Purchase/Miscellaneous Support Schedule. Alpha_5 will be considered a 10 character field of Y/N flags to indicate which fields are to be included in the Labor Support Schedule. Alpha_6 will be considered a 9 character field of Y/N flags to indicate which fields should be included on the Purchase/Miscellaneous Support Schedule. | N - Do not perform the special editing on Alpha_5 and Alpha_6. (default value) 1 - Perform the special editing to determine the fields on the Labor Support Schedule and the Purchases/Miscellaneous Support Schedule. (MONE) | N |
31 | Job Class Number Alternate Edit | Boolean | N | JC | Y | Provide an alternate Job_Class_Num edit to allow jobs with a Job_Class_Num of 1 to have unit price contract line items. | N - Use the standard Job_Class_Num edit for Unit Price Contract Line Items. (default value) Y - Use the alternate Job_Class_Num edit for Unit Price Contract Line Items. | N |
32 | Post PR Transaction to LE OU | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | Always use the legal entity OU id when posting all payroll accounting transactions. | N - Do not post payroll accounting transactions by the legal entity our id. (default value) Y – Always post payroll accounting transactions to the LE OU. | N |
33 | Allow Duplicate JE Numbers | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | Option 33 determines whether or not duplicate Journal Entry Numbers will be allowed. If Option 33 is set to N (which is the default), then duplicate Journal Entry Numbers will not be allowed. The If Option 33 is set to Y, then duplicate Journal Entry Numbers will be allowed. | N - Do Not Allow Duplicate JE Numbers (default value) Y - Allow Duplicate JE Numbers | N |
34 | Labor Distribution Only | Boolean | N | PR | Y | Option 34 determines whether the 'Labor Distribution Only?' field on the Pay Group Information screen is set to N or Y when a new Pay Group is set up. When this field is set to Y it stops labor processing for employees in the Pay Group after labor distribution and does not generate payroll checks for the employees. If Option 34 is set to N (which is the default), then the 'Labor Distribution Only?' field on the Pay Group If Option 34 is set to Y, then the 'Labor Distribution Only?' field on the Pay Group Information screen is set to | N - Payroll Processing Capable (default value) Y - Labor Distribution Only | N |
35 | Bill Tax with Original Cost Detail | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | If this is set to Y, sales tax amounts will be added to their associated original costs when they are brought in for billing. Pricing schedules based on unit cost will use this combined unit cost when comparing against minimum and maximum values. This combined unit cost will also be displayed on invoice substantiation reports. | N - Consider tax and original cost separately (default) (default value) Y - Combine tax with original cost for billing purposes. | N |
36 | Record Receipts by Invoice | Boolean | Y | AR | Y | Option 36 determines whether Cash Receipt entries are recorded at the detail level or are summarized to the If Option 36 is set to N (which is the default), then Cash Receipt entries are recorded at the detail level. If Option 36 is set to Y, then Cash Receipt entries are summarized to the invoice / job level. | N - Record receipts by Item (default value) Y - Record receipts by Invoice | N |
37 | Allow Hold Status in AP Select | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | Option 37 determines whether or not a Status of H (Hold) can be entered in the Act (Action Code) field on the AP Select Items For Payment Screen and whether or not items with a Status of H are included in query results. If Option 37 is set to Y (which is the default), then a Status of H (Hold) can be entered in the Act (Action Code) If Option 37 is set to N, then a Status of H (Hold) cannot be entered in the Act (Action Code) field on the AP Select Items For Payment Screen and items with a Status of H are not included in query results. | N - Do Not Allow Holds Y - Allow Holds (default value) | Y |
38 | Auto Anticipated Contingency | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | Option 38 determines whether or not Anticipated Cost entries with Contingency Trade Code 17000 are automatically created and updated. If Option 38 is set to N (which is the default), then Anticipated Cost entries with Contingency Trade Code 17000 If Option 38 is set to Y, then Anticipated Cost entries with Contingency Trade Code 17000 are automatically created and updated when a cost estimate entry is entered in the Costcode / Estimate Information Screen (the estimate amount is added to the Contingency Trade Code anticipated cost for the job), when a cost detail entry is entered in the Anticipated Cost Entry Screen (the amount is subtracted from the Contingency Trade Code anticipated cost for the job), and when a committed amount is entered for a job-related PO detail line item in the Purchase Order Information Screen (the amount is subtracted from the Contingency Trade Code anticipated cost for the job). | N - No Auto Anticipated Contingency (default value) Y - Auto Anticipated Contingency | N |
39 | Baymont Job Analysis | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | Option 39 determines whether or not an alternate method of reporting earned amounts on the Job Analysis reports will be used. If Option 39 is set to N (which is the default), then the Job Analysis reports will report the standard total earned If Option 39 is set to Y, then the Job Analysis reports will report the the same earned amount as the Contracts In | N - Default Job Analysis (default value) Y - Baymont Job Analysis | N |
40 | JA Costcode Transformation # | Numeric | N | JC | Y | N/A | ||
41 | Print GST Reg # on Invoice | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | Option 41 determines whether or not the GST Registration # is printed on the Invoice and the Sales Order Invoice. If Option 41 is set to N (which is the default), then the GST Registration # will not be printed on the Invoice and If Option 41 is set to Y, then the GST Registration # will be printed on the Invoice and the Sales Order Invoice. | N - Do Not Print GST Reg # on Invoice (default value) Y - Print GST Reg # on Invoice (MONENCO) | N |
42 | Re-Select Costs During Recalc | Alphabetic | Y | IN | Y | Option 42 determines whether or not costs are re-selected during a recalculation when processing invoices. If Option 42 is set to Y (which is the default), then costs are re-selected during a recalculation when processing If Option 42 is set to N, then costs are not re-selected during a recalculation when processing invoices. Updated If Option 42 is set to S, then updated stored material amounts are picked up during a recalculation when | N - Do Not Re-select costs during recalc of invoice S - Allow stored material updates during invoice cycle Y - Re-select costs during recalc of invoice. (default value) | Y |
43 | Reduce FIT /Increase Deduct | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Option 43 determines how PENTA will handle deduction amounts that would result in a negative net pay amount in the gross to net calculation process. If Option 43 is set to N (which is the default), then PENTA will not reduce the FIT withheld in order to prevent the If Option 43 is set to Y, then PENTA will reduce the FIT withheld by the difference between the deduction amount and the net pay amount, resulting in a zero net pay amount. | N - Do not reduce FIT and reject from gross to net (default value) Y - Reduce FIT withheld and increase deduction. | N |
44 | Multi-Currency for Accounting | Boolean | N | SY | Y | Allow client to perform PENTA activities in multi-currency. | N - Perform PENTA activities using one currency (default value) Y - Perform PENTA activities using multi-currency | N |
45 | AP Aging Method # | Numeric | Y | AP | Y | Methods for AP Agings | 1 - Age by 30, 60, 90 (default value) 2 - Age by month | 1 |
46 | AR Aging Method # | Numeric | Y | AR | N | Methods for AR Agings | 1 - Age by 30, 60, 90 (default value) 2 - Age by month If a number other than 1 or 2 is entered, that number will be used as the increment for the days columns on the aging. For example, by default the number of columns on the report are Current, 31 - 60, 61 - 90, and Over 90. If this System Option is set to 20, the columns would be Current, 21 - 40, 41 - 60, and Over 60. | 1 |
47 | Job Exchange Rates Required | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | Require fixed currency exchange rates to exist for all currencies on all jobs. | N - Jobs do not need fixed currency exchange rates (default value) Y - Jobs must have a fixed currency exchange rate before estimates, commitments, contracts, or costs associated with a job can be entered. | N |
48 | Suppress Invoice Total Block | Alphabetic | Y | IN | Y | Suppress printing of dashed line and invoice total recap block at end of invoice. | 1 - Print the alternate Job Invoice with modified summary N - Print the dashed line and recap block at end of invoice (default value) Y - Do not print dashed line and recap block at end of invoice | N |
49 | JCS007 Error Type VAL_CD E | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | When the costcode validation code for a job is E (validate against standard costcodes), and a costcode that has not been set up as a standard cc has been entered, issue a warning message instead of an error message. | N - Message is an Error (default value) Y - Message is a Warning | N |
50 | Copy in Rows During REVREC | Alphabetic | Y | JC | Y | Create a duplicate Invoice_Work table during REVREC | A - Create duplicate Invoice_Work table during 'ALL' REVREC N - Do not create duplicate Invoice_Work table during REVREC (default value) Y - Create duplicate Invoice_Work table during REVREC | N |
Option | Description | Type | Allow Updates | Module | Limit Values | Extended Description | Valid Values & Description | Default |
51 | Print CC Description on JCH Detail | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | Print costcode description in costcode group heading on the JCH Detail Report. (This must be optional since costcode description may not be unique for the grouping -- detail is broken down by cost type). | N - Do not print the costcode description (default value) Y - Print the costcode description. | N |
52 | JDH Detail Report Total on Separate Page | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | Print the report total on separate page for JCH Detail Report. | N - Print report total normally, following the detail. (default value) Y - Print report total on separate page. | N |
53 | Print Employee Name on Labor Support Schedule | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | Print the employee name instead of the Pay_RT description on the Labor Support Schedule if no temp job title exists. | N - Print the PAY_RT description on the Labor Support Schedule (default value) Y - Print the employee name on the Labor Support Schedule | N |
54 | Sum by Invoice on AP Check | Alphabetic | Y | AP | Y | Print one line per invoice, rather than one line per job, on the AP check stub. | J - Print one line per invoice and print Job Id N - Print one line job (default value) Y - Print one line per invoice | N |
55 | Code | Numeric | N | SY | N | N/A | ||
56 | Invoice Document Layout Style | Numeric | Y | IN | Y | Allow different layouts for PENTA-generated invoices. The format is additionally defined by the System Rule Invoice Number Generation Rule. The following are the possible layout structures using the abbreviations: PPP = Progress Billing Number JJJJJJ = Job Id (Maximum length is 6 characters MM = Month issued EEEE = Invoice Extension Number SSSSS = Sequence Number Rule # 1 = PP-SSSSS Rule # 2 = PP-MMSSS Rule # 3 = PPP-JJJJJJ Rule # 4 = PPP-JJJJJJ-EEEEE Multiple sequence notes related to invoice extensions will only appear on invoice styles 1 and 5. | 1 - Standard PENTA invoice layout (default value) 2 - Wars invoice layout 3 - Glen invoice layout 4 - JBEC invoice layout 5 - JBST invoice layout 6 - RHIW invoice layout 7 - MAC invoice layout 8 - LIPP invoice layout 9 - TOWN invoice layout | 1 |
57 | Labor Work PR Date if Closed | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Use the current date, fiscal year, and accounting period number for labor entries (Lab_Work inserts) if the work date (PR_Date) is earlier than the last closed date. | N - Post labor using the work date entered (default value) Y - Post labor using the current date if work date is earlier than last close. (Butler) | N |
58 | Use Date for Labor Distribution Description | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | During Labor Distribution, a document will be created for each distinct period end date and all distributions will have the description “PR PERIOD ENDING MM/DD/YY,” where MM/DD/YY is the period end date. | N - Use standard PENTA distribution description. (default value) Y - Use period end date for distribution description. (BTLR) | N |
59 | Use Standard Charge RT on EMP Master | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Print standard charge rate instead of pay rate on the employee’s main record. | N - Print pay rate on Employee Master Report (default value) Y - Print standard charge rate on Employee Master Report (BTLR) | N |
60 | Addl AR Info on Contract History Report | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | Print the following additional information on the Contract History Report: | N - Do not print additional information on Contract History Report (default value) Y - Include additional information on the Contract History Report. (BTLR) | N |
61 | Job User Defined Field Edit | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | Perform the following logic on BTLR user-defined field in the Job Information window: 1. Num_3 defaults as 1 or 2 based on Job Types and is not enterable 2. Emp_1 and Emp_4 are required fields | N - Do not perform BTLR logic (default value) Y - Perform special logic per BTLR | N |
62 | LO Summarization Detail Level | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | Include DOC_Num, DISTR_Num, SEQ_Num in summarization of Labor & Overhead Report. Insert these values into the LO_SMY table. This applies to per version 10.0 | Y - Summarize by DOC_Num, DISTR_Num, SEQ_Num in summarization of Labor & Overhead Report and LO_SMY table. This is the only valid value beginning in PENTA Version 10.0 and higher. (default value) | Y |
63 | Auto Gen PO CO & or PO Line # | Alphabetic | Y | PO | Y | Automatically generate PO Change Order Ids and/or PO Line Numbers | B - Auto generate PO change order ids and PO line numbers I - Auto generate PO change order ids L - Auto generate PO line numbers N - No automatic generation of PO change order ids or PO line numbers. (default value) Note: Auto-numbering of lines is controlled by a user preference. This System Option will affect change order ids only. | N |
64 | Multiplier to Special Pay Rate | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Apply the appropriate multiplier to special pay rates, if premium hours are entered. | N - Special pay rate always remains unchanged. (default value) Y - Apply multiplier to special pay rates for premium hours. | N |
65 | Penta Client Number | Numeric | N | SY | N | This number identifies the client and the client site, as denoted by Penta Technologies. | N/A | |
66 | Don't Reset Next Customer | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Do not update the auto-sequencing for customer numbers after setting up an employee as a customer. | N - Reset next customer number (default value) Y - Do not reset next customer number (WARZ) | N |
67 | Record Client CC with Invoice History | Boolean | N | IN | Y | Record the Client Costcode for report/historical purposes when cost-plus costs are captured during invoice processing. | N - Do not record the client costcode (default value) Y - Record the client costcode | N |
68 | Description on PO Support Schedule | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | Print A/P Invoice transaction description (Invoice_Work.Descr) on Invoice Support Schedule instead of vendor name. | N - Print vendor name on Invoice Support Schedule (default value) Y - Print invoice transaction description on Invoice Support Schedule B- Print both vendor name and description on Invoice Support Schedule | N |
69 | Close Jobs by Transaction Type | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | Selectively close job by transaction entry type. | N - Do not selectively close job by transaction entry type (default value) Y - Selectively close job by transaction entry type. | N |
70 | Default Empl Status Eff Date to Today | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Option 70 determines whether or not the Effective Date field in the Employee Status History popup window in the Employee Information Screen defaults to the current date If Option 70 is set to Y (which is the default), then the Effective Date field will default to the current date when adding a new row in the Employee Status History popup If Option 70 is set to N, then the Effective Date field will not have a default value when adding a new row in the Employee Status History popup window. The user will be | N - Do not default (leave blank) Y - Default to today's date (default value) | Y |
71 | GJ Overhead Distribution Entries | Alphabetic | N | AC | Y | Optionally perform overhead distribution on general journal entries. | A - Always perform overhead distribution on GJ entries (default value) M - Perform overhead distribution on GJ entries most of the time N - Never perform overhead distribution on GJ entries S - Perform overhead distribution on GJ entries sometimes | A |
72 | Sort Std CC List Numerically | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | Sort the STD CC, List in numeric order rather than alphabetic order. Note: This System Option should only be used for ORACLE clients with Numeric Costcodes. | N - Sort STD CC List alphabetically (default value) Y - Sort STD CC List numerically | N |
73 | Invoice Support Schedule Format | Numeric | N | IN | Y | Option used to group custom changes to the invoice support schedule under an assigned 'format number'. | 1 - Standard Format (default value) 2 - JBST format (assumes split Prem 'S', no Dt Hrs) 3 - NRTH format (RFP1017) (Default value = 1) 4 - JBEC format (Affects sort method. Include Costcode) 5 - Print Invoice Description along with number 6 - Print Employee Id/Name only on 1st line. Lines 2 and 3 are similar to format 1's lines 1 and 2 respectively 7 - REAI - format (RFP10161) Used only with INR007 ver 8. Affects Labor Schedules only. This format automatically used with versions 8, 9, 10, and 11 of INR007 (Support Schedules). This System Option should not be set to this format #. 8 - MATR format (RFP10265). Affects Labor Schedule only. Prints work date. 9 - PARS format (RFP11589). Affects Labor Schedule only. Prints job description and Pr Class Description) | 1 |
74 | Recognize Revenue Schedule | Alphabetic | N | AC | Y | This option allows the choice of whether to process the revenue recognition portion of the accounting close and fiscal year end close. Valid Values: Y – Process revenue recognition during close. N – Do not process revenue recognition during close. A – Allow revenue recognition to be performed per an as of 'date'. The date need not be a period end date. The date must be the greater than the latest rev-rec date. | A – Process revenue recognition as of “date” N - Do not process revenue recognition during close Y - Process revenue recognition during close (default value) | Y |
75 | Make Check Form required | Alphabetic | Y | AP | Y | Make the Check Form field mandatory on the Document tab of the AP Invoice & Credit Memo Entry window. Modified on version 5.3 to allow for third setting. | 1 - Check form id is optional (default value) 2 - Check form id is required on all distributions 3 - Check form id is required on document. No updates are allowed on the distributions. | 1 |
76 | Recurring JE with Close | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | Run the recurring JE programs/window with the first close of a period if the recurring JE process was not run outside of a close for the same period. | N - Never run recurring JE steps with close. Y - Run recurring JE steps, if necessary, with close. (default value) | Y |
77 | Require Vendor Address Assign | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | Require the selection of a vendor address on purchase orders, invoices, credit memos, and checks. | N - Do not require vendor address number on POs, invoices, credit memos, and checks. (default value) Y - Require vendor address number on POs, invoices, credit memos, and checks. | N |
78 | Include Hold Items in Rev Rec | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | Include items on hold in revenue recognition cost plus under billed calculations. | N - Do not include items on hold in revenue recognition (default value) Y - Include items on hold in revenue recognition | N |
79 | Split OT Hours | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Record overtime hours on the OVERTIME PREMIUM LAB_WORK row instead of the GROSS Pay work row. | N - Do not split OT hours (default value) Y - Split OT hours | N |
80 | Open Receivables Sort Method | Numeric | Y | AR | Y | Determines the sort order of open receivables on the Open Receivables tab of the Cash Receipt window. Note: To use the Auto Apply Cash Receipts button on the Open Receivables tab of Cash Receipt Entry window (apply to oldest invoice) must have value = 2). | 1 - Sort by Invoice Number, Line Item (default value) 2 - Sort by Date, Invoice, Job, Line Item | 1 |
81 | Change Order Edit for Owner | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | Edit the 'Owner Change Order #' on the Change Order window to make sure it is one greater than the previous Owner C/O for that job. | N - Do not perform edit (default value) Y - Perform edit, must be 1 greater than any existing | N |
82 | Job Projected Variance Calc | Numeric | Y | JC | Y | Designates the method to use for projected variance calculation. This System Option is currently checked by the job analysis report(s) and the build job summary table routine. | 1 - Original JA calculation (default value) 2 - HCB to complete calculation 3 - CRSS at complete calculation | 1 |
83 | Check for Balanced Ledger | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | This System Option determines whether the Journal Entry Distribution program should test to determine if the Ledger is still in balance when the program completes. | N - Do not check for balanced ledger Y - Check for balanced ledger (default value) | Y |
84 | Subcontract Surety Approval | Boolean | Y | JC | N | Numeric Value = 1.150 | N/A | |
85 | Verify Vendor with Postal Code | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | Require the entry of a postal code to verify the correct vendor is used when AP Invoice is entered. | N - Do not require postal code verification (default value) Y - Require postal code verification | N |
86 | Insurance Warning Days | Numeric | Y | JC | N | This System Option holds the time frame (in days) within which subcontract insurance expiration date are reported. | 90 - 90 days (default value) xxx - Any number of days | 90 |
87 | Use AP Auto Hold System | Boolean | N | AP | Y | Place and remove A/P Holds using the automated hold system. | N - Use only manual holds, no automated holds (default value) Y - Use both manual and automated holds | N |
88 | Retention Hold Percentage | Numeric | N | AP | Y | Place A/P Holds on invoices for subcontracts when the amount of retention paid-to-date exceeds the total amount of retention by this percentage. | .90 - (default value) - Any value | 0.9 |
89 | Control Access by User Id Type | Boolean | N | AP | Y | N/A | ||
90 | Manual Revenue Recognition Effect | Numeric | Y | AC | Y | This System Option determines the effect of manual revenue recognition entries | 1 - Manual Revenue Recognition entries effect line item (default value) 2 - Manual Revenue Recognition entries effect job | 1 |
91 | One Time Deduction/Reimbursement Override | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, one-time deductions and reimbursements will override voluntary deductions/reimbursements instead of being added to them. | N - One time deductions/reimbursements are added to voluntary amounts (default value) Y - One time deductions/reimbursements replace voluntary amounts | N |
92 | Skip Find/Insert CC Rows | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | Optionally skip the program which finds and inserts missing costcode table rows. Note: This program can be very time-consuming and is not necessary for all clients | N - Run the program (default value) Y - Skip the program | N |
95 | Actual Retention if Greater | Boolean | Y | IN | N | N - Do not use actual (default value) Y - Use actual | N | |
96 | Income Statement Value | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | Optionally use life to date totals instead of year to date totals for the income statement. | N - Use YTD totals on the income statement (default value) Y - Use Life to date totals on the income statement | N |
97 | Employee Address Required | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Require the entry of employee address information. | N - Address not required (default value) Y - Address information is required | N |
98 | FICA Exempt Code Access | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Limit access to the FICA Exempt Code on the employee’s main record. | N - User cannot access the FICA Exempt Code Y - User can access/change the FICA Exempt Code (default value) | Y |
99 | Age Open A/R by Invoice Date | Boolean | Y | AR | Y | N - Age by Distribution Date Y - Age by Invoice Date (default value) | Y | |
100 | Job Analysis Report Option(s) | Numeric | Y | JC | N | Use this System Option to determine the parameters associated with the Job Analysis reports and to control the display of pending estimated cost information in the following windows and reports: Example: System Option 64 (INCLUDING PENDING CHANGE ORDER VALUES) controls the display of estimated cost information on these reports and windows while all values for this System Option control the display parameters on the Job Analysis reports. This System Option value to 65. | 000 - STANDARD REPORT - no option turned on (default value) 001 - PROJECTED AMT ON DETAIL & SUMMARY PAGES - (CRSS) 002 - COST TYPE LEGEND ON EVERY NON-SUMMARY PAGE - (CRSS) 004 - SMY PG % COMPLETE = COST COMPL/REV EST & TOTAL EARNED = % COMPL * TOT CON 016 - PRINT CC LEVEL TITLES ON SUBTOTALS 032 - ADD ESTIMATES REGARDLESS OF HISTORY DATE 064 - INCLUDE PENDING CHANGE ORDER VALUES 256 - SUPPRESS COSTCODE/COST TYPES WITH NO VALUES | 0 |
Option | Description | Type | Allow Updates | Module | Limit Values | Extended Description | Valid Values & Description | Default |
101 | Reverse Last Rev Rec | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | Reverse last revenue recognition run. | N - Do not allow reversal (default value) Y - Allow reversal | N |
102 | Use Chk Date for Ded/Reimb Frequency | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Use check date instead of period end date when using frequency # with deductions and reimbursements | N - Use period end date (prd_end_date) (default value) Y - Use check date (chk_date) | N |
103 | Print Line Item Description | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | Option to print the line item description on the AP Aging reports. | N - Do not print line item description Y - Print line item description on AP Aging Report (default value) | Y |
104 | Default Description to Vendor Name | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | Default AP description to the vendor name on the Job Description and Account Description tabs of the A/P Invoice & Credit Memo Entry window and the A/P Manual Payments window. | N - Description will not default. Entry required Y - Default description to vendor's name (default value) | Y |
105 | Require Weekending Date | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | Make the week ending date required, on the Account Distribution tab of AP Invoice & Credit Memo Entry screen and the AP Manual Payments window, if the Customer Id field contains a value. | N - Week ending date is optional (default value) Y - Require week ending date if customer id contains a value | N |
106 | PO # Assignment Method | Numeric | Y | IF | Y | This System Option specifies the method used by the PENTA PO interface for assignment of PO Number. | 1 - Assign IR_PO_MSTR .IRPO_NUM (default value) 2 - Assign IR_PO_MSTR_JOB_ID||R_PO_NUM | 1 |
107 | Prevent Inter_BS Entries | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | Only allow one balance sheet OU per batch when using the general journal interface. Note: Starting with version 4.6 this System Option also applies to Generic and B & V GJ and PR interfaces, and AP Invoice and Manual Payment Entry. | N - Allow two BS Oust Y - Limit to one BS OU (default value) | Y |
108 | Procreq Purge - # of Days | Numeric | Y | AC | N | This System Option holds the number of days to maintain process request/process complete information before purging. Note: Values < 30 days are not allowed. | 108 - 108 Days (default value) xxx - Any number greater than 30 | 108 |
109 | Use Manual Intercompany | Boolean | N | SY | Y | Enable use of manual ('Arms Length') intercompany feature. Note: If this feature is turned on, ven_id & cus_id must be unique within organization_unit | N - Do not use manual inter-company (default value) Y - Use manual inter-company | N |
110 | Edit TAG_ID/ | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | Option 110 determines whether or not Tag Ids entered in the Cost Estimate Entry block and the Revenue Estimate Entry block of the Costcode / Estimate Information Entry screen are edited to make sure they exist in the TAG_ITEM table. The TAG_ITEM table is maintained by the Drawing / Tag Ids screen in the SETUP menu. This option also determines whether or not a Work Code will be a required and edited field within the eTime application. If Option 110 is set to Y (which is the default), then Tag Ids entered in the Costcode / Estimate Information Entry screen are edited to make sure they exist in the TAG_ITEM table. An error message is generated if a Tag Id that does not exist in the TAG_ITEM table is entered. Setting this option to Y also makes Work Code a required and edited field within the eTime application. If Option 110 is set to N, then Tag Ids entered in the Costcode / Estimate Information Entry screen do not need to exist in the TAG_ITEM table. Setting this option to N also makes Work Code an optional and unedited field within the eTime application. | N - Do not edit tag id (default value) Y - Edit tag id | N |
111 | TC Employee Sort Method | Numeric | Y | PR | Y | This System Option is used to determine the sort order for records on the Time Entry tab of the Timecards by Selected Attributes window. | 0 - pr_class_num, emp_id (default value) 1 - pay_group_num, emp_id 2 - crew_id, emp_id 3 - pr_chk_sort_group, emp_id | 0 |
112 | Gross Pay Report Sort Order | Numeric | Y | PR | Y | Used to select a particular Gross Pay Report sort order | 1. - Sort by Pay Group Number, Employee Id, Worked Date (default value) 2 - Sort by Chk Sort Group, Employee Id, Worked Date 3 - Sort by Pay Group #, Emp Name, Emp Id, Wrkd Date 4 - Sort by Chk Sort Group, Emp Name, Emp Id, Wrk Date | 1 |
113 | Total Pending Change Order/SC | Boolean | Y | JC | N | When this System Option is set to Y a pop-up window is made available on the second tab of the Subcontract Information window in which you can enter a total; pending change order amount for the line item. The consolidated job analysis reports will print this value in place of the estimated units column on the report. | N - Do not allow entry on the Subcontract Information window (default value) Y - Allow entry on Subcontract Information window/Print on Console Job Analysis | N |
114 | Include Salary Info in GP Rep | Boolean | Y | PR | N | Specify whether the Gross Pay Report should include Salary Information | N - Do not include any salary information (as was done prior to use of this System Option). (Default value) Y - Include salary information. The period salary for the employee is printed on the Employee Line. If the employee is eligible for overtime, Hourly Wages is calculated with the TH hours and DT hours. In Gross Pay Report - 1, the employee's Rate is calculated as Hourly Salary * Overtime Rate | N |
115 | Gross Pay Report Version | Numeric | Y | PR | Y | This System Option specifies the version of the gross pay report. Use of this System Option replaces the method of specifying the version in the PCLI (either GROSSPAY or GROSSPAY2). | 1 - Standard Gross Pay Report (version 1). (default value) 2 - Equivalent to running GROSSPAY2 report (version 2) | 1 |
117 | Payroll Check Sort Method | Numeric | Y | PR | Y | This System Option specifies how payroll checks are sorted. | 1 - Sort Group, Emp Name (Last, First, Initial) (default value) 2 - Sort Group, Emp Id 3- Sort Group, Emp Payroll Class, Shift, Emp Name 4- Sort Group, Emp Payroll Class, Shift, Emp Id | 1 |
118 | Prorate Amts on Certified PR | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | By default, the FICA, FIT, SIT, LIT, fringe, deduction, and reimbursement amounts that display on the certified payroll report total amounts for the check. If this System Option is set to Y, the amounts will be prorated based on the ratio of gross amount earned for the current job vs. gross amount earned for the check. | N - Don't prorate (default value) Y - Prorate | N |
119 | Certified PR, Print Check Number | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Optionally print the Check Number on the Certified Payroll report. | N - Do not print Check # on Certified PR Report. (default value) Y - Print the Check Number on Certified PR Report | N |
120 | Use Emp Level Sal OT Mults | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, overtime multipliers for salaried employees set up at the employee level will override those set up at the pay rate level. | N - Always Use pay Rate Multipliers Y - Check Emp Level Multipliers First (default value) | Y |
121 | Summarize Labor by CR OU Acct | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, the Credit OU and Account will be added to the criteria for summarization when creating LO_SMY records from LAB_TRAN. | N - Don't summarize by Cr OU, Acct (default value) Y - Summarize by Cr OU, Acct | N |
122 | Item Tracking/Edit Item # | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, item numbers entered in the AP Invoice Entry (APS003), AP Manual Payment (APS001), and Costcode/Estimated (JCS007) windows will be edited to ensure they were established as “Job-Product Ids.” In addition, estimated entry will be allowed for a single costcode only for a given job and item. | N - Don't edit item_Num (default value) Y - Make sure item # is a valid job-product id | N |
123 | Print Non-tax Fringe On Check | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | This System Option determines whether a non-taxable fringe amount prints on payroll checks generated by PENTA. | N - Don't Print Non-taxable fringe (default value) Y - Print Non-taxable Fringe Amount on the Check | N |
124 | Auto Holds Require Pay Req # | Numeric | Y | AP | Y | When using automatic holds with a rule number 10 defined and a pay request number is entered on the Invoice & Credit Memo Entry window’s Document tab, the pay request number field may be required on the PO Distribution, SC Distribution, and Job Distribution tabs. The fields may be required on an individual basis using this System Option. | 000 - Pay Req # is NOT required on the following Distribution tabs: PO, SC, and Job. 004 - Pay Req # required on the PO Distribution tab if System Option 87 is set to Y 008 - Pay Req # required on the SC Distribution tab if System Option 87 is set to Y 016 - Pay Req # required on the Job Distribution tab if System Option 87 is set to Y 12 - Pay Req # required on the PO Distribution and SC Distribution tabs if System Option 87 is set to Y (default value) 20 - Pay Req # required on the PO Distribution and Job Distribution tabs if System Option 87 is set to Y 24 - Pay Req # required on the SC Distribution and Job Distribution tabs if System Option 87 is set to Y 28 - Pay Req # required on the following Distribution tabs if System Option 87 is set to Y: PO, SC, Job. | 12 |
125 | Mark Batch for Distribution | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | This controls whether a batch created by one of the following interface processes is automatically marked as ready for distribution:
If set to Y, PENTA automatically distributes the batch created by the interface file and you cannot modify it prior to distribution. If set to N, PENTA does not automatically distribute the batch and you must distribute or delete it in the source window. | N - Do NOT mark the batch for distribution (default value) Y - Mark the batch for distribution | N |
126 | Item Tracking Text Location | Numeric | Y | PO | Y | This determines which type of PO text to use when automatically creating text when item tracking is turned on. | 1 - Create text as PO Comments 2 - Create text as Following Original Text. (default value) | 2 |
127 | Allow Update of Job Type/OU | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | If set to N, PENTA issues an error when you try to update the Job Type or OU Id on the 'Change Job OU/Job Type' window and non-zero estimates, billing, or costs are found. Note: Regardless of the value of this System Option, an error will be issued when you try to update the Job Type or OU Id on the Job Information window and PENTA finds non-zero estimates, billings, or costs. | N - Do not allow updates if ests/billings/costs exist Y - Allow updates if ests/billings/costs exist (default value) | Y |
128 | Reject Interface File on Error | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | This controls whether PENTA rejects a batch created by one of the following interface processes when errors exist in the file:
If set to Y, PENTA rejects the entire interface file if any record in the file has generated an error. If set to N, PENTA only rejects records in the interface file that generated errors. Records that do not generate errors load into the database. | N - Do not reject interface file when errors generated Y - Reject interface file with any errors (default value) | Y |
129 | Check Parent Job Change Authority | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | Optionally disallow some users from changing the Parent/Child relationship of a Job in the Job Information window. Indicates whether a user has authorization to post to closed periods. If the user does not have authorization, PENTA prevents the user from making changes to the Parent Job Id field in the Job Information window. | N - Don't check to determine if user has authorization. (default value) Y - Check to determine if user has authorization. | N |
130 | A/P PO Qty Check - Inventory | Alphabetic | Y | AP | Y | When entering a purchase order-related line in the AP Invoice Entry or AP Manual Payment Entry window, PENTA will check if the invoiced quantity exceeds what has been recorded as received (through the PO Receipts window). If it does, either an Error or Warning message generates depending on the value of this System Option. Note: This System Option applies to inventory purchase order lines only. There is a similar System Option (#131) for non-inventory purchase orders. | E – Error W - Warning (default value) | W |
131 | A/P PO Qty Check - Non-Inventory | Alphabetic | Y | AP | Y | If this System Option is not equal to N (No Check), when a purchase order-related line in the AP Invoice Entry or AP Manual Payment Entry window, PENTA will check if the invoiced quantity exceeds what has been recorded as received (through the PO Receipts window). If it does, either an Error or Warning message generates depending on the value of this System Option. Note: This System Option applies to non-inventory purchase order lines only. There is a similar System Option (#130) for inventory purchase orders. | E – Error N - No Check (default value) W - Warning | N |
132 | A/P PO UP Tolerance Check | Alphabetic | Y | AP | Y | If unit price is entered on the Purchase Order tab of the AP Invoice Entry window or AP Manual Payment Entry window, and it does not fall within the tolerance range specified for the entered PO Line, either an Error or Warning Message generates, depending on the value of this System Option. Note: Tolerances are defined for inventory purchase orders only. No check will be made for non-inventory purchase orders. | E – Error W – Warning (default value) | W |
133 | PO Receipt Tolerance Check | Alphabetic | Y | PO | Y | This System Option determines whether the message generated in the PO Receipts window when the quantity received exceeds the tolerance entered for the PO should be a Warning or an Error will be generated, depending on the value of this System Option. | E – Error W - Warning (default value) | W |
134 | A/P Inv Post Dt PO & SC Exch Rt | Alphabetic | Y | AP | N | N - Use PO line or SC Line Exchange Rate (default value) Y - Use AP Invoice posting date for PO & SC Exchange Rate | N | |
135 | Auto-Assign Sales Order Id | Boolean | N | SY | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, Sales Order Ids will be assigned automatically using the next available sequence number within OU and will not be enterable by the user. Otherwise the user will assign the Order Id. | N - User Assigned Order Id (default value) Y - System Assigned Order Id (numerically sequenced) | N |
136 | Return Credit Percentage | Numeric | Y | SY | N | This System Option defines the default return credit percentage for Sales Orders. | - Return Credit Percentage (0 is default value) | 0 |
137 | Check Date in Closed Period | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, PENTA checks to determine if the date is in a closed accounting period. Change Requests Contract Information Estimate Worksheet Forecast Entry | N - Do not make check (default value) Y - Check that date is not in closed Accounting Period. | N |
138 | PE Date for Lab Distr AP Inv # | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | When automatically booking Payroll accruals to Accounts Payable, the vendor invoice number will start with the posting date or period end date. If this System Option is set to Y, the period end date will be used. Setting this System Option to Y will cause a side effect. Since the period end date is required in the distribution procedure, the distributions must be selected by period end date, and a separate auditor ledger document number will be created for each period end date encountered. | N - Use the posting date in the AP accrual invoice # (default value) Y - Use the period ending date in the AP accrual inv # | N |
139 | Employee State Withholding | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | In certain situations, it may be desirable to require the user to manually enter State Withholding information instead of having PENTA automatically default required information from the employee's main record. | N - The user will not be required to enter data and fields will be defaulted from employee information if the user does not choose to enter it manually. (default value) S - State Withholding must be added manually for adds. | N |
140 | Suppress Job Summary Fields | Numeric | Y | JC | N | 0 - Do not suppress any fields (default value) 1 - Suppress fields | 0 | |
141 | GJ Override Dflt Reverse Date | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | This System Option allows the entry of an override auto-reverse date for general journal entries. | N - Do not allow override default JE auto-reverse date (default value) Y - Allow override of default JE auto-reverse date | N |
142 | Forecast Screen Auto - Populate | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, the detail block in the Forecast to Complete and Projected Cost at Completion windows will be automatically populated with every active costcode for the entered Job when a new main record is created. If entries for an earlier date exist, they will be used as a default for the new effective date. | N - Force User to Enter Costcodes (default value) Y - Automatically Load All Costcodes | N |
143 | PO Authorization | Alphabetic | Y | PO | Y | N - No entry in the Buyer/Authorizer fields (default value) Y - Automatically enter window in buyer/auth fields | N | |
144 | Place A/P Inv On Hold When Inv | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | Automatically place A/P Invoices on Owner Payment Hold when the AR Invoice generates. Automatically remove A/P Invoice Owner Payment Holds when distributing cash receipts which complete the AR Invoice. | N - Do not auto place AP Own Pay Hld when AR Inv Open (default value) Y - Auto place AP Own Pay Hld when AR Inv is Open | N |
145 | PO Detail Default Description | Numeric | Y | PO | Y | Indicates from where the PO Line Item Description should default, the PO Description or the Vendor Name. | 1 - Indicates that the PO Line Item Description should default from the PO Description. (default value) 2 - Indicated that the PO Line Item Description should default from the Vendor Name | 1 |
146 | Close Zero Net AP & AR Invoice | Boolean | Y | SY | N | N - Do not automatically run AP & AR close processes (default value) Y - Run AP & AR net zero close processes. | N | |
147 | Sales Order Job/Cust Edit Rule | Numeric | Y | SY | Y | This System Option determines how the Job Id field will be edited in the Sales Order Entry window. | 1 - Job must be valid for customer. An error will be generated if the entered job's customer is different from the entered customer (default value) 2 - Warn if job is not valid for customer. The entry will be allowed but a warning will be issued. 3 - Allow any valid job without warning. | 1 |
148 | Numeric Pay Request Num Only | Boolean | N | AP | Y | Use this System Option to limit pay request numbers to numeric entries only. This System Option is used to determine how selection and sorting of the pay request numbers is to be accomplished. If this System Option needs to be changed from alphanumeric to numeric, PENTA must change this value and update the existing data in AP_HOLD_PAY_RQST (pay_rqst_num). To change from numeric to alphanumeric, no data changes will be necessary. | N - Allow characters to be entered and sort as chars Y - Force all entries and sorts to numeric (default value) | Y |
149 | Use OU/Job and Emp/Job Valids | Alphabetic | Y | PR | N | A - Do not perform addl validations (default value) B - Do Job/OU and Job/Emp valids C - Perform Emp/Job validation only | A | |
150 | Mdfy Committed Cost To = Actl | Numeric | Y | PO | Y | The PO can be marked as complete in the Purchase Order Information window, the AP Invoice & Creditor Memo window, and the AP Manual Payments window. This System Option indicates whether the committed amount should be updated to equal the actual amount booked and if so, what Price History entry method to use when creating the PO History rows. | 1 - DO NOT modify the PO Committed Amount. (default value) 2 - Adjust using Lump Sum Method. Use the Lump Sum method of Price History row entry to commit the amount you want to update. 3 - Adjust using current method for given PO line. Use the Current method of Price History row entry for the given PO Line to commit the amount to be updated. | 1 |
151 | Limit Access to Overrun Fields | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | Limit access to overrun fields to the Controller User Type | N - Limit the entry of overrun amounts and percentages to the non-field user types. (default value) Y - Limit the entry of overrun amounts and percentages to the controller user types. | N |
152 | Tracking Sales & Use Tax | Boolean | N | SY | Y | This System Option is used to determine if the Sales and Use Tax functions within PENTA should be used. Sales and Use Tax will be tracked in the Sales Order, and Accounts Payable modules. Jurisdiction information may be entered throughout PENTA. Note: Upgrade of Client, create or update the following prior to activating this System Option: Tax Jurisdiction Maintenance Job Maintenance with a state/province code at a minimum Update or delete any pending AP batched. To update batches requires the tax_exempt_reason_cd set to Y for the tables: AP_MP_WORK_BASE & PO_DTL_WORK> | N - Do not track Sales & Use Tax in PENTA Y - Track Sales & Use Tax in PENTA (default value) | Y |
153 | Default Tax Jurisdiction | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | This System Option will determine where to default the Tax Jurisdiction for a Job, either the Job's Address or the Job's OU Id—depending on the value selected. | N - Default Tax Jurisdiction from Jobs Address (default value) Y - Default Tax Jurisdiction from Jobs OU Id | N |
154 | Sales & Use Tax Variance Limit | Numeric | Y | SY | N | If the absolute value for the (calculated tax minus the entered tax) is greater than the variance, then the tax liability for the associated tax jurisdiction will be accrued. | - Sales & Use Tax Variance Limit (0 is default value) | 0 |
155 | Allow Generic Forms in A/P & PR | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | This System Option will determine the use of Generic Forms depending upon the value selected. | N - Do not allow the entry of Form Ids with form type GN in the Accounts Payable and Payroll entry windows Y - Allow the entry of Form Ids with form type GN in the Accounts Payable and Payroll entry windows (default value) | Y |
156 | Access to Confidential Employees | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | This System Option determines whether users with payroll security access levels < 2 can view master information for confidential employees. Salary/Pay Rate information for confidential employees will never be accessible for level 0, 1 users regardless of the value of this System Option. | A - Level 0, 1, 2 can query confidential employees N - Level 2 can query confidential employees (default value) Y - Level 1, 2 can query confidential employees | N |
157 | Allow Update of Child AP Distribution | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | This System Option is only applicable for A/P Invoices distributed against purchase orders with parent lines. In the AP Invoice entry windows, when a PO parent line number is entered, PENTA will automatically create the AP distributions to all of the child lines. This System Option indicates whether the user will be allowed to modify the child line distributions. | N - DO NOT allow user to update Child AP Line Items Y - Allow user to update Child AP Line Items (Y is the default value.) | Y |
158 | PM Status Budget Variance Calc | Numeric | Y | JC | N | This System Option determines the method for calculating the Budget Variance. | 0 - Revised Budget less Forecast-at-Completion (default value). 1 - Forecast-at-Completion less Revised Budget. | 0 |
159 | No Distribution - Unbalanced TC Batch | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | This System Option controls whether the prompt 'mark as ready for distribution (Y/N)?' appears if a timecard batch is not in balance. | A - Prompt whether the batch is in balance (default value). B - Do not prompt, cannot mark an unbalanced batch as ready for distribution. | A |
160 | Entry of TC Time Code | Alphabetic | Y | PR | B | This System Option controls whether time codes can be entered on the Timecard by Selected Attribute window. | N - Prevents entry of Time Codes on TC by Attribute window (default value) Y - Allows entry of Time Codes on TC by Attribute window | N |
161 | Require TC Distribution Date at Distribution | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | If this System Option is set, the user will be prompted for a distribution date at the time any labor distribution is run. This date will be used for accounting entries, determining the pay period, comparison to effective dates, etc. | N - Use entered work dates as distribution dates for TCs (default value) Y - Require distribution date when TC distribution is run. | N |
162 | Use PR Access Levels - Auto Billing | Alphabetic | Y | IN | Y | This System Option controls whether Payroll access levels will be used to control access to automated billing. | N - Do not use Payroll access levels. The user's payroll access level will not be used to limit access to data during Automated Billing (default value) Y - Use Payroll access levels during automated billing. The user's payroll access level and the employee's confidential code will be used to restrict access to information during Automated Billing. | N |
163 | Calc Shift Uplift for Overtime | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | Calculating shift uplift only for Regular Hours is the original method designed for JBEC. Calculate shift uplift for Overtime as well as Regular Hours is the new method developed for BATE. | N - Calculate shift uplift only for Regular Hours (default value) Y - Calculate shift uplift for Overtime and Regular Hours | N |
164 | Use Vendor Address Name for 1099 | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | This System Option determines which Name will be used when printing 1099 forms. If this System Option is set to N, use the Use the Vendor Name when generating the 1099 forms If this System Option is set to Y, use the Vendor Address's Name of the address assigned for 1099 generation. If the name does not exist or if there is no address assigned for 1099's, use the Vendor Name. | N - Use the Vendor Name when generating the 1099 forms (default value) Y - Use the Vendor Address's Name if it exists for 1099's | N |
165 | Bill Premium on Amount/ | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | This System Option determines the basis for premium labor billing. | A - Bill premium labor based on amount H - Bill premium labor based on hours (default value) | H |
166 | PO Line # Length on PO Form | Alphabetic | Y | PO | Y | This System Option determines the length of the PO Line #. | 3 - Maximum print length of PO line # is 3. The PO Line # only takes up 3 digits. If the PO Line # is larger than 999, *** is printed in its place. 6 - Maximum print length of PO Line # is 6. The PO Line # will take up 6 digits. If the PO Line # is larger than 999999, ****** is printed in its place. The distribution information line also moves to line up with the description field instead of the PO Line # field. | 3 |
167 | Use Sub Acct if Distribution Invalid | Alphabetic | Y | IF | Y | If this System Option is set, the Timecard Interface will try to use the DEFAULT ACCOUNT if the distribution is invalid. The DEFAULT ACCOUNT is set up through the Interface Field Cross Reference window, | N - Do not use the Substitute Account on TC Interface (default value) Y - Use the Substitute Account on TC Interface | N |
168 | Allow Multiple Cycles for Job | Alphabetic | Y | IN | N | This System Option determines the if multiple Invoicing Cycles are permitted for a Job | N - Do not allow Multiple Cycles for a Job (default value) Y - Allow Multiple Cycles for a Job | N |
169 | Over the Limit Item Go On Hold | Alphabetic | Y | AR | N | This System Option determines the Over Limit treatment. | N - Mark Invoice Items Over Limit as non-billable (default value) Y - Mark Invoice Items Over Limit On Hold | N |
170 | Auto-Assign Variance IDs | Alphabetic | N | JC | Y | This System Option determines the assignment of Variance IDs | A - PENTA automatically assigns Variance IDs (default value) M - User manually assigns Variance IDs | A |
171 | Incl Non PO/SC in Committed | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | This System Option determines the components of Committed Cost. If this System Option is set to Y, PENTA will include actual costs not associated with a Purchase Order or a Subcontract when displaying Committed Amounts. By default, only PO and SC amounts are included in Committed Amounts. This System Option was added for, and is only supported by the GUI version of PENTA. | N - Do not include non PO/SC costs. (default value) Y - Include non PO/SC costs in committed costs. | N |
172 | Summarize A/P Check Reports | Alphabetic | Y | AP | Y | Summarize the level of detail on the A/P Check Register Reports. This only affects version 5 of APR007 which can only run as part of the Check Completion Process. | D - Summarize at the Distribution Level (default value) S - Summarize at the Invoice Level | D |
173 | Multiplier to Convert Memo Hours | Alphabetic | Y | IN | N | This System Option determines the Multiplier to convert memo hours. | Multiplier to convert memo hours | N/A |
174 | PO - Tag Id Update Option | Alphabetic | Y | PO | N | This System Option determines the update capabilities for Tag Id | D - No update to Tag Id (default value) I - Update Tag Id if no A/P Invoices against Line Item P - Update Tag Id if PO document has not been printed | D |
175 | Limit PTO Balances by LE OU | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | This System Option determines the treatment of PTO balances. | N - Don't limit PTO balance to Employee's current LE OU. PTO hour balances follow an employee from one Legal Entity OU to another. Display PTO hour balances regardless of the Employee's current LE OU. (default value) Y - Limit PTO balance to Employee's current LE OU. PTO hour balances do not follow an employee from one Legal Entity OU to another. Display PTO hour balances only for the Employee's current LE OU. | N |
176 | Units & Pct Complete Job Deletion | Numeric | Y | JC | Y | This System Option is used to determine if users can delete Units & Percentage Complete Job Information. If this System Option is set to 1, the user can enter offsetting entries, and both entries will remain on the window for history. | 1 - Do not allow deletion of rows (default value) 2 - Allow deletion of rows - detail block only 3 - Allow deletion of rows - main & detail block | 1 |
177 | Completion Entry Warning Message | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | This System Option determines the display of Forecast Completion entry Warning message. | N - No display of Warning in Forecast Completion windows (default value) Y - Display of Warning in Forecast Completion windows | N |
178 | Pay When Paid AP Hold - Marked Invoice | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | This System Option determines which AP Invoices are considered for automatically placed Pay When Paid holds during automated invoicing. By default, the AP Invoices will not be on hold until automated invoicing at which time the AP distributions which are invoiced will automatically be placed on hold regardless of the Pay Request Number on the AP Invoice. If this System Option is changed to Y, only AP Invoices with a Pay Request Number of 'PWP' will be considered for placing of automated holds. In addition, the AP Invoice will be placed on hold immediately after entry into PENTA. | N - Auto-place Pay When Paid holds on all Invoices (default value) Y - Auto-place Pay When Paid holds when Pay Request # = PWP | N |
179 | Extended Rpt Job Group Heading | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | This System Option will control the extension of report Job Group Headings. If set to Y, PENTA will expand the Job Group Headings on selected reports to display the Job's Customer and Project Manager. In most cases, this will increase the length of the report by at least one line per job. This System Option is used on the following reports: AR Detail Aging versions 1,4,5 & 6; Job Analysis; Man Hour Support Cost/Man Hour Cost Type Summary versions 1,3,5 & 7; Change Order Report; Job Master; Job Cost History Detail; Labor Hours Distribution versions 3,4,7 & 8; Equipment Charges by Job; Job Status. | N - Use report default Job Group Headings (default value) Y - Include Customer & Project Manager in Job Grp Heading | N |
180 | Auto OT Uplift Save Timecards | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | This System Option determines the save of Timecards for Auto OT Uplift. | N - Do not save Timecards in TC_BASE_HIST (default value) Y - Save Timecards in TC_BASE_HIST | N |
181 | PR Balancing-Days Determine YR | Numeric | Y | PR | N | This System Option works exclusively with the Payroll Balancing program. If the current date is equal to or greater than the number of days into the payroll year, run the balancing process on the current payroll year only. If the current date is less than the number of days into the payroll year, run the balancing process on the previous payroll year only. | - number of days (27 is default value) | 27 |
182 | Inventory Product Unit Cost Basis | Numeric | Y | IC | Y | This System Option determines at what per unit cost, material should exit the warehouse. Weighted average cost is calculated at the Balance Sheet OU level. For a Balance Sheet, there is only one active cost. Unit cost can be defined at the Balance Sheet OU level or at the Warehouse level. These costs are date sensitive. | 1 - Weighted Average Cost (default value) 2 - Standard Cost ($0.00 if undefined) 3 - Standard Cost (Error if undefined) 4 - Standard Cost (Warning if undefined, use $0.00) 5 - Standard Cost (Warning if undefined, use average) | 1 |
183 | Invoice Extension ID Format | Boolean | N | IN | Y | Forcing invoice extension numeric allows numeric sorts of invoices. If alphanumeric, then PENTA sorts by character. | N - Allow invoice extension to be alphanumeric Y - Force invoice extension to be numeric (default value) | Y |
184 | Allow negative committed amount | Alphabetic | N | JC | N | This System Option determines the ability to have negative committed amounts for POs and subcontracts. | N - Do not allow negative PO or subcontract amounts (default value) Y - Allow negative PO or subcontract amounts | N |
185 | Spec Pay Rt vs. Prevailing Wage | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, special pay rates entered on timecards will always be used, overriding any prevailing wage rate considerations. If this System Option is set to N, for timecards with prevailing wage jobs, the special rate will only be used if it is greater than the prevailing wage rate. | N - Special Rate is only used if > Prevailing Rate (default value) Y - Special Rate overrides Prevailing Rate | N |
186 | Include Purchased Units in Completion | Numeric | Y | JC | Y | This System Option controls whether purchased units and transferred inventory units (from JC_JCH_BASE table) get added to completion entry units (from JOB_CMPL_HIST table) when reporting actual completed units. If this System Option is set to 2 or 4, units entered through the AP Invoice Entry window should not be re-entered in the Completion Entry window or they will be doubled on reports. If this System Option is set to 3 or 4, units transferred from inventory should not be re-entered in the Completion Entry window or they will be doubled on reports. | 1 - Consider completion entries only 2 - Include purchased units in completed units (default value) 3 - Include inventory units in completed units 4 - Include inventory and purchased units in completed units | 2 |
187 | Overtime Allocation Rule | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | This System Option defines which Pay Class overtime rule to apply. | N - Use the timecard's Pay Class OT rule. This is the Pay Class rule associated to the individual timecard. (default value) Y - Use the employee's default Pay Class OT rule. This is the employee's default Pay Class as defined in the Employee Information window. | N |
188 | Minority Vendor AP Warning | Alphabetic | Y | AP | Y | To ensure that the data entry person knows to override the default check form, provide an on-screen message alerting the operator that the entered vendor is a minority vendor. This System Option is limited exclusively to the Accounts Payable Invoice & Credit Memo Entry window’s Document tab. Note: If multiple AP documents are created for different minority vendors within an invoice batch, the warning statement will appear repeatedly.ty vendor has multiple invoice numbers within a single AP invoice batch, this will create multiple AP documents. The creation of each AP document will spark the warning message. | N - No warning statement is issued (default value) Y - Warning statement during AP Invoice & Credit entry | N |
189 | Payment Cycle Assignment Rule | Numeric | Y | AP | Y | This System Option controls whether the payment cycle is required in the Vendor and AP Invoice entry windows. | 0 - Payment Cycle is optional and no warning will be issued if it is not entered. (default value) 1 - Payment Cycle is optional, warning will be issued if it is not entered 2 - Payment Cycle is required. The user will not be able to leave the Vendor or Invoice without specifying a cycle. | 0 |
190 | Depreciation Frequency | Alphabetic | Y | EQ | N | This System Option defines which dates to use in the Depreciation calculation. | D - Calculated as of any date P - Calculated as of period end dates only (default value) | P |
191 | Direct Deposit Cutoff | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | If this System Option is Y, when payroll check printing initiates for a pay group and there are any pending direct deposit entries for that pay group and date, then the user will be asked if they want these entries to be removed and to have payroll checks created in their place. This does not include pre-note entries. | N - Disable DD Cutoff (default value) Y - Enable DD Cutoff | N |
192 | Require MP Misc Vendor Name | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | By default, when entering a miscellaneous vendor in the AP Manual Payments window, the vendor name field will default to the value entered in the Vendor Information window. If this System Option is set to Y, the vendor name field will be left blank and the user will be required to enter it. Note: This System Option affects miscellaneous (type M) vendors only. The name field is not enterable for any other type of vendor. | N - User can accept default vendor name (default value) Y - User must enter a vendor name | N |
193 | Dispose of Child Assets | Boolean | Y | EQ | N | This System Option establishes the default value for the 'Dispose of Child Assets' field in the disposition block of the Fixed Assets window. | N - Default 'Dispose of Child Assets' field to N (default value) Y - Default 'Dispose of Child Assets' field to Y | N |
194 | Par/Child Asset OUs must equal | Boolean | Y | EQ | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, the Fixed Asset window will force child assets' OUs to be the same as their parents. Entry into the OU Id field for child assets will be prohibited. When a parent asset's OU changes, all children will be updated as well. | N - Child Asset OU can be different from Parent (default value) Y - Child Asset OU must equal Parent Asset OU (default value) | N |
195 | Calc Depr if no In Service Date | Boolean | Y | EQ | Y | N - No depreciation will be calculated until In Service date is specified Y - Depreciation will be calculated based on the acquisition date for assets with out an In Service date. (default value) | Y | |
196 | Insurance Check for non-SC | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, insurance compliance checks currently made only for subcontract-related AP distributions will also be made for job or work order related AP distributions - if the vendor belongs to a class that has been marked as a subcontractor. This involves: 1 - A warning in the Invoice Entry and Manual Payments windows if there is missing insurance info or entered expiration date is within the number of days specified by System Option 86. Applies to subcontract distributions only. 2 - Distributions with missing insurance will be placed on hold during the distribution if System Option 87 is set to Y and a hold code has been established linked to hold rule 8. Note: Insurance for non-SC distributions is established at the Vendor level. | N - Do not check for compliance (default value) Y - Check for insurance compliance for no -SC | N |
197 | Validate PR Check Sort Group | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, entries made in the PR Check Sort Group fields in the Time Entry and Employee windows must be valid sort groups set up through the Payroll Check Sort Groups window. Otherwise, PENTA accepts any entry. | N - Any entry is acceptable for PR Check Sort Group (default value) Y - PR Check Sort Group must be valid | N |
198 | Auto-generate PO Number | Alphabetic | Y | PO | Y | If this System Option is not equal to N, purchase order numbers automatically generate as the next available sequential number within OU or Job when a new PO is entered. The user can accept the default or override. | 1 - Generate PO Number based on OU (same as Y). The PO # will be set to the next sequential value for the OU. In this case, the PO # will simply be a sequence number (1, 2, 3, ...) 2 - Generate PO Number based on Job. The PO # will be set based on the next sequential value for the Job. In this case, the PO # will be the Job Id concatenated with a 3 digit sequence number. If the result is larger than the maximum size of a PO number, or the sequence is greater than 999, the PO # will not be auto-generated. If a Job is not entered, the PO # will not be auto-generated. This System Option setting will only be recognized by the PfW version of the PO Entry window. 3 - Generate PO Number based on Job, OU. This setting is the same as 2, but in the case where a job is not entered, the PO # will be generated using the sequence from the OU as in case 1. This System Option setting will only be recognized by the PfW version of the PO Entry window. N - Force user to enter PO (default value). The PO # will not be auto-generated. The user will be forced to enter a value. (default value) Y - Generate PO number based on OU | N |
199 | Edit Job Fringe Override | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Issue a warning when time is entered against a job designated as a Davis-Bacon job and there has not been any job specific fringe benefit set up for the employee's payroll class. | N - Do not provide warning (default value) Y - Provide warning when job specific fringe not set up | N |
200 | Include OU in PO # on PO | Boolean | Y | PO | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, the PO # printed on the purchase order will actually be a combination of the OU Id and PO #. | N - Print PO Only (PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP) (default value) Y - Concatenate OU and PO (OOOOOOOOO-PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP) | N |
Option | Description | Type | Allow Updates | Module | Limit Values | Extended Description | Valid Values & Description | Default |
201 | Allow Negative Inventory | Alphabetic | Y | IC | Y | This System Option determines whether warehouse quantities on hand are allowed to have negative balances in the Inventory module. If this System Option is set to Y or W, users will be able to reduce quantities below zero in the Miscellaneous Materials Transfer window. | N - Do not allow negative inventory balances (default value) W - Allow negative balances, but issue warning Y - Allow negative balances without warning | N |
202 | Allow entry for any pay group | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Allow user to enter time, deductions, reimbursements, fringes to employees who are in pay groups for which the user does not have security. | N - Do not allow entry to Employees in unauthorized Pay Groups Y - Allow entry to Employees in unauthorized pay groups (default value) | Y |
203 | Bridge Batch Release | Alphabetic | Y | AC | Y | This System Option controls release of batches in bridge. | N - During bridge, do not release (distribute) balanced batch Y - During bridge, release (distribute) balanced batch (default value) | Y |
204 | Default Reimb Applied Account | Numeric | Y | PR | Y | This System Option controls whether the applied account defaults from the reimbursement when a one-time reimbursement is entered, and whether the reimbursement is required. | 1 - No default for applied account. Distribution required if account entered (default value) 2 - Applied account defaults from reimbursement. Distribution required 3 - Applied account defaults from reimbursement. Distribution optional | 1 |
205 | ADP Periodic Tax Filing | Boolean | Y | PR | N | This System Option controls the creation of ADP Periodic Tax filings. | N - ADP Periodic tax files must be generated manually (default value) Y - Automatically generate ADP periodic tax files | N |
206 | Tax Jurisdictions on Billings | Boolean | Y | AR | Y | When this System Option is set to Y, tax jurisdictions are allowed to be set up on the Cost Plus Line Item window and the Manual Billing window. When this System Option is set to N, tax jurisdictions are not allowed to be set up on the Cost Plus Line Item window and the Manual Billing window. Note: System Option 152 - Track Sales and Use Tax - must be set to Y in order to set this System Option to Y. | N - Do not allow tax jurisdiction setup on billings (default value) Y - Allow tax jurisdiction setup on billings | N |
207 | Allow TC Distribution with no rate | Boolean | Y | PR | N | This System Option determines PENTA's behavior when it is unable to find an effective pay rate for an employee during timecard distribution | N - Abort TC distribution process (default value) Y - Log error and continue distribution | N |
208 | Allow non-BS A/P - AR OU | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, the AP OU Id entered on the Document tab of the AP Invoice and Credit Memo Entry window does not have to be a Balance Sheet OU. Note that regardless of the OU entered, the Balance Sheet OU will be used for all accounting entries. Non-BS OUs are allowed so users who do not have access to the Balance Sheet OU can enter AP. This System Option also applies to the OU entered on the Document tab of the Manual Billing Entry window. Y, the edit verifying that the user has authorization for the OU associated with the cash account (which might default from the check form) on the Document tab of the AP Manual Payment window will actually verify that the user has authorization for the OU or at least one child OU. If this System Option is Y, the edit verifying that the user has authorization for the OU associated with the cash account on the Deposit tab of the Cash Receipt Entry window will actually verify that the user has authorization for the OU or at least one child OU.Y, the Void a Cash Receipt window will limit rows returned based on the user having authorization for the AUDITOR_LEDGER OU or at least one child OU for each AUDITOR_LEDGER row for the document.Y, users may enter balance sheet accounts with non-balance sheet OUs. Otherwise, Balance Sheet accounts can only be used with Balance Sheet OUs. | N - Force A/P - AR OU to be a Balance Sheet (default value) Y - Allow non-Balance Sheet A/P - AR OU | N |
209 | Disable Pay Rate/Pr Class Check | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | A check on whether there is a pay rate set up for the employee/time entry date will be done on the Timecard Entry window at the row-level based on this System Option. If this System Option is set to N, the validation is performed and a warning message is displayed when there is no rate. If this System Option is set to Y, the validation is not done. A customer who typically uses a prevailing wage for a job may decide to set this System Option to Y. Setting this System Option to E is the same as setting it to N, except that PENTA displays an error instead of a warning. | E - Pay Rate/PR Class check is performed with error N - Pay Rate/PR Class check is performed (default value) Y - Pay Rate/PR Class check is not done | N |
210 | Fixed Cost Alloc - Child Assets | Boolean | Y | EQ | Y | This System Option will determine whether Fixed Cost Allocations should apply to child assets (where parent/child assets exist). | N - Do not apply fixed cost allocations to child assets Y - Apply fixed cost allocations to child assets | Y |
211 | Prevent Summarization in TC IF | Boolean | Y | PR | N | By default, PENTA's timecard interface will attempt to summarize hours entered for different days as much as possible, using the latest date as the work date. If this System Option is set to Y, the interface will create a separate timecard for each date with non-zero hours, without attempting any summarization. | N - Summarize to a single date if possible (default value) Y - Do not summarize to a single date | N |
212 | Use Acctg Prd for Ded/Reimb | Boolean | Y | PR | N | By default, deduction/reimbursement frequencies 2 (once per month - 1st period), 4 (once per month - 3rd period), and 5 (first two periods of month) are based on calendar months. If this System Option is set to Y, the "month" used by these frequencies will be the current accounting period. | N - Base Deduction/Reimbursement Frequency on Calendar Month (default value) Y - Base Deduction/Reimbursement Frequency on Accounting Period | N |
213 | Dir Dep File Creation by BS OU | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | By default when requesting the creation of a direct deposit file, users are forced to specify Legal Entity OU IDs. If this System Option is set to Y, then users will also be able to create the file for individual Balance Sheet OU IDs, assuming the required direct deposit information (federal id, direct deposit id prefix, service class code) has been established at that level. | N - Do not allow entry of non-LE OU IDs (default value) Y - Allow entry of non-LE Balance Sheet OU IDs | N |
214 | Create Reimb-Only Checks | Alphabetic | Y | PR | N | By default when processing payroll, if an employee has one-time reimbursements but no timecards, a check will be created for that user. If this System Option is set to a value other than X, the user will have the opportunity to prevent creation of reimbursement-only checks at the time gross-to-net processing is started. If this System Option is set to Y, checks will be created by default. If this System Option is set to N, they will not. In either case, users can override the value. | N - Do not create checks by default, allow override X - Always create reimbursement-only checks (default value) Y - Create checks by default, allow user to override | X |
215 | Purge age for rpt_view items | Numeric | Y | SY | N | PENTA uses the rpt_view to facilitate online report viewing. This value controls the number of days between the last viewing of a report and the purging of that report from the view table. This value should be set to 1 if your site used PENTA online report viewing heavily. DO NOT SET this value to zero. | number of days between the last viewing of a report and the purging of that report from the view table. (2 is default value) | 2 |
216 | Handle zero & null Std Charge Rate | Alphabetic | Y | PR | N | This System Option only affects standard charge rate on null or zero if at least one of the standard charge rates (regular, premium q, or premium 2) is not zero. Treating a standard charge rate as null causes the employee's gross pay to be charged to the job on the timecard. Treating a standard charge rate as zero results in zero charges for a timecard distribution using that hour type code. | N - Treat zero & null standard charge rates as null (default value) X - Treat null as null and zero as zero (unimplemented) Z - Treat null and zero as zero (unimplemented) | N |
217 | Reset pay terms based on PO | Numeric | Y | AP | Y | Determine if the payment terms for an AP Invoice should be reset to the payment terms of the last entered PO. If this System Option is set to 1, PENTA will not reset the payment terms. If this System Option is set to 2, PENTA will reset the payment terms for the current document and display a message that this has been done. If this System Option is set to 3, PENTA will reset the payment terms for the current document without displaying a message. | 1 - Do not reset the payment terms based on the PO (default value) 2 - Reset the payment terms based on the PO (warn) 3 - Reset the payment terms based on the PO (no warn) | 1 |
218 | Print Net Zero Payroll Checks | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | When this System Option is set to N, PENTA will not print employee payroll checks when the net pay equals zero. When this System Option is set to Y, PENTA will print employee payroll checks when the net pay equals zero. | N - Do not print net zero payroll checks (default value) Y - Print net zero payroll checks | N |
219 | Depreciation Start Date | Alphabetic | Y | EQ | Y | When this System Option is set to A, PENTA will start calculating depreciation as of the acquisition/placed in service date for assets with depreciation methods that do not use half-year, mid-quarter, or mid-month convention. When this System Option is set to F, PENTA will start calculating depreciation as of the first day of the accounting period in which the acquisition/placed in service date falls for assets with depreciation methods that do not use half-year, mid-quarter, or mid-month convention. | A - Acquisition/Placed in Service Date F - First day of Acq/Placed in Service period (default value) | F |
220 | Auto Reduce Deductions | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | When this System Option is set to X, PENTA will not automatically reduce deductions to prevent payroll checks less than zero and will not enable window level overrides for this System Option. When this System Option is set to N, PENTA will not automatically reduce deductions to prevent payroll checks less than zero. Window level overrides are enabled. When this System Option is set to Y, PENTA will automatically reduce after tax deductions to prevent payroll checks less than zero. Window level overrides are enabled. Note: There are window-level overrides to this System Option on the Process Payroll, Centralized Process Payroll, Bonus Checks, Layoff Checks, and Rapid Checks windows. These overrides will not appear if this System Option is set to X. | N - Do not automatically reduce deductions X - This feature is disabled (default value) Y - Auto reduce deductions to prevent PR checks < 0. | X |
221 | FED_ID Format 99-9999999 | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | When this System Option is set to N, the FED_ID may be entered in any format. When this System Option is set to Y, the FED_ID must be in standard USA format (99-9999999). NOTE - FED_ID may be entered on the Master tab of the Vendor Information window and the Legal Entity tab of the Organizational Unit Maintenance window. | N - FED_ID field may be entered in any format (default value) Y - FED_ID field must be in standard USA format (99-9999999). | N |
222 | Allow Background Processing | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | To initiate processes from PfW, a 'background' process on the server must be started. (The C programs that run during this process are all located on the server). If this System Option is set to Y, the user will also have the option of processing in the background when initiating processes in character PENTA. At this time, they will also be able to indicate a date and time when the process should begin. Note that not all processes will have this capability, only those that have PfW initiation windows. | N - Allow background processing from PfW only. (default value) Y - Allow background processing from character PENTA. | N |
223 | Show Hrs Pd on Union Cntrb Rpt | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | Specify whether the Union Contribution Report should include Hours Paid. If this System Option is set to Y, a second line will print for each employee showing their hours paid for each week. Hours paid is calculated as (Regular hours) + (Time and one half hours) * 1.5 + (Double Time Hours) * 2. If this System Option is set to N, Hours Paid will not be present on the report. | N - Do not include Hours Paid on Union Contribution Report (default value) Y - Include Hours Paid on Union Contribution Report | N |
224 | Error if Duplicate AR Invoice | Boolean | Y | AR | Y | By default, a warning is given in the Manual Billings window if an invoice number that has already been used is entered. If this System Option is set to Y, an error will be given instead. This applies to both the window and the interface program. Note that if the entered invoice number is a duplicate of an automated invoice, it is ALWAYS an error. | N - Warning if duplicate invoice entered (default value) Y - Error if duplicate invoice entered | N |
225 | Dup AR Invoice edit check | Numeric | Y | AR | Y | This System Option determines the method for checking for duplicate AR Invoices. 1 - Check if the invoice number was already used for this customer 2 - Check if the invoice number was already used for this customer for this job. | 1 - Check for duplicates at the cust level (default value) 2 - Check for duplicates at the cust/job level. | 1 |
226 | Include Conf Emps in Totals | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | This System Option is used in the Lab or and Overhead Distribution reports to determine if the pay for confidential employees is included in the totals. This System Option only has an effect if the user running the report does not have access to confidential employees. If the user does not have access to confidential employees, pay related values for confidential employees is not shown in the Labor & Overhead Distribution report. Setting this System Option to Y includes all pay related values in the totals regardless of security access. Setting this System Option to N suppresses pay related values for confidential employees in the totals as well as in the details. | N - Do not include confidential employees in totals Y - Include confidential employees in totals (default value) | Y |
227 | Weeks Worked Comp Method | Numeric | Y | PR | Y | Standard Method - Time card information is summed on a weekly basis. If the state in question has minimum earnings or minimum hours defined, the timecard information for the week is compared against the minimums to determine if the week qualifies as week worked. If no minimums are set up, all weeks with positive hours and earnings are included. The Standard Method is the preferred computation method. It is designed for use with timecards entered on a weekly (or more frequent) basis. Estimate Method - The Estimate Method uses the employee's status, and information about when the employee got paid to estimate the number of weeks an employee worked in a quarter. The Estimate Method should only be used in cases where the majority of employees tend to only have timecards entered for a single date in the pay period, and most common pay period is not weekly. | 1 - Standard Method (default value) 2 - Estimate Method | 1 |
228 | Promote non-BS OU to BS OU | Alphabetic | Y | AC | Y | This System Option determines if journal entries made for non-Balance Sheet OUs should post to that OU or its Balance Sheet OU. If this System Option is set to N, the Journal Entries made for a non-Balance Sheet OU will post as entered. If this System Option is set to Y, the Journal Entries made for a non-Balance Sheet OU will post to its Balance Sheet OU. | N - Do not change OU on Journal Entry to BS OU if BS account Y - Change OU on Journal Entry to BS OU if BS account (default value) | Y |
229 | Auto Close Job Transactions | Alphabetic | Y | AC | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, when a Job's status is changed to C, PENTA will automatically close all transaction types as of the close date for this Job. If the status is changed to A, all transaction types will be opened. If this System Option is set to N, users must manually maintain this information through Job Close Information window. | N - Do not automatically close/open transaction types (default value) Y - Automatically close/open transaction types | N |
230 | Always Use Current Emp Rate | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | If this System Option is set to Y, when determining the pay rate for a timecard, the pay rate number on the timecard will be ignored, and PENTA will select the rate with the latest effective date for the employee's current payroll class. Note: Special rates, prevailing wage rates, and rates from job/job_type schedules will still be used where applicable. This is also true for union reciprocity rates. Standard charge rates will still be determined based on the timecard's payroll class and pay rate. | N - Determine pay rate using the standard hierarchy (default value) Y - Always use current rate for Emps current PR Class | N |
231 | Accrue PTO $ for Salaried Emps | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | This System Option controls accrual of PTO dollars for salaried employees. | N - Do not accrue PTO dollars for salaried employees (default value) Y - Accrue PTO dollars for salaried employees | N |
232 | Auto Gen AP Check Dir/Filename | Alphabetic | Y | AP | Y | If this System Option is set to N, then the Start AP Check Processing window will open a window (Third Party AP Check Filename) when the form has layout_num 10, 11 or 14 so that the user can enter the AP check directory and filename. If this System Option is set to Y, then the Start AP Check Processing window will not open the Third Party AP Check Filename window and will create the file name behind the scenes using the old rules. The Third Party directory will be used (if not null) ahead of the RPT_IO_FILE directory. | N - Prompt for user AP Check directory/filename (default value) Y - Automatically generate AP Check directory/filename | N |
233 | Incl non-LI Jobs in LS Rev Rec | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | When calculating the earned amount during revenue recognition for Lump Sum Line Items, this System Option controls whether non-Line Item Job's costs, estimates, etc. are added to their associated Line Item Job for the purposes of calculating a percent complete. Note: This System Option applies to calculation rules 2 and 6 only. | N - Exclude non-LI Jobs in earned amount calculation Y - Include non-LI Jobs in earned amount calculation (default value) | Y |
234 | Use Contract as Invoice Limit | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | PENTA's automated invoicing currently prevents the total amount invoiced for a job from exceeding a limit entered for the job. If as limit is not entered, there is no cap on the amount to be invoiced. If this System Option is set to Y, PENTA will use the total contract for the job as an invoice limit if a limit was not entered for the job. | N - No limit if job invoice limit is not entered (default value) Y - Use contract amount if job invoice limit not entered | N |
235 | Run Depr/Disposal During Close | Boolean | Y | EQ | Y | If this System Option is set to N, then the fixed asset depreciation and disposition programs will not run during an accounting period close process or a fiscal year end close process. If this System Option is set to Y, then the fixed asset depreciation and disposition programs will run during an accounting period close process or a fiscal year end close process. | N - Do not run Depreciation/Disposal during close Y - Run Depreciation/Disposal during close process (default value) | Y |
236 | Allow Access to CFE Screens | Alphabetic | Y | SY | Y | This System Option controls access to CFE screens | N - Users do not have access to CFE Screens Y - Users have access to CFE Screens (default value) | Y |
237 | Microsoft Integration Kit | Alphabetic | N | JC | Y | This System Option controls whether the Import Estimates button in the Estimate Worksheet window is visible or hidden. | N - Disallow Estimate Import (default value) Y - Allow Estimate Import | N |
238 | Allow Prt on Blank Check Stock | Alphabetic | N | SY | Y | This System Option controls ability to print Checks on Blank Check Stock | N - Disallow Printing of Checks on Blank Check Stock (default value) Y - Allow Printing of Checks on Blank Check Stock | N |
239 | Enable overtime splitting | Boolean | N | PR | Y | This System Option controls ability to automatically split overtime | N - Do not enable automatic overtime splitting (default value) Y - Enable automatic overtime splitting | N |
241 | Allow pct_cmpl < 0 and > 100 | Alphabetic | Y | JC | Y | This System Option controls ability to have pct_cmpl < 0 and > 100 | N - Disallow pct_cmpl < 0 and > 100 (default value) Y - Allow pct_cmpl < 0 and > 100 | N |
242 | Allow Cost Type with Time Entry | Boolean | N | PR | Y | By default, a cost type must be specified when entering a job distribution through the Timecard Entry windows. If this System Option is set to N, the cost type is not enterable in the Time/Equipment/Production Units Entry window. The value instead is assigned during the Timecard Distribution process based on the default values at the Payroll Class level. | N - Cost Type is assigned automatically from the PR Class Y - Cost Type is entered through the Time Entry window (default value) | Y |
243 | Invoice Reprint Maximum Days | Numeric | Y | IN | N | If this System Option is greater than zero, PENTA will store automatically generated invoices up to <option value > days so they can be reprinted using report - REPRINTINV or REPINTWOINV. | Maximum Invoice Re-print Days (0 is default value) | 0 |
244 | Invoice Lbr Costs by Work Date | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | Determines if labor costs are selected and priced for invoicing based on the labor cost distribution date or the work date. If this System Option is set to N, the labor costs are selected and priced based on the labor cost distribution date. If this System Option is set to Y, the labor costs are selected and priced based on the work date. | N - Labor costs are invoiced by labor distribution date (default value) Y - Labor costs are invoiced by work date | N |
245 | Allow select if due > today | Alphabetic | Y | AP | Y | By default, any open AP item can be selected for payment regardless of its due date. If this System Option is set to E, an error will be issued if a user attempts to select an item for payment with a due date in the future. If this System Option is set to W, PENTA issues a warning. | E - Error on selection of AP items due > today W - Warning on selection of AP items due > today Y - Allow selection of AP items due > today (default value) | Y |
246 | PENTA Session Timeout | Numeric | Y | SY | N | The number of minutes of inactivity before a non-persistent connection to the database will be considered inactive, and will be purged from the PENTA session table. | - number of minutes of inactivity before disconnect (20 is default value) | 20 |
247 | Reject if Cannot Process | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | Some Interface Batches result in child processing being set up and executed. For example, a Rapid Check Interface creates a Rapid Check child process that executes in the background if possible. Periodically, conditions exist that prevent child processes from executing. For example, a Pay Group affected by the Rapid Check Interface could currently be part of another check process. This prevents the Rapid Check child process from executing. In these cases, PENTA's default behavior is to accept the Interface Batch, but warn the user that it cannot process at this time. It is up to the user to process the Rapid Check batch when conditions allow it. When this System Option is set to Y, a batch that cannot process currently will be rejected.Y. | N - Warn if the interface cannot be processed (default value) Y - Reject if the interface cannot be processed | N |
248 | Use book for straight Line depr | Boolean | Y | EQ | Y | By default, straight line depreciation methods use an asset's total cost and total life when calculating the depreciation for a year. If this System Option is set to Y, methods 1 and 2 will use the asset's book value as of the start of the current year and its remaining life to make this calculation. This should compensate for changes in the asset's value/life that lead to asset's being over or under depreciated when using the default setting. | N - Calculate based on original cost (default value) Y - Calculate based on book value | N |
249 | Allow Multiple Minority Vendor | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | If this System Option is set to N, PENTA will prevent you from assigning multiple minority codes to be in effect at the same time for the same vendor If this System Option is set to Y, PENTA will allow you to assign multiple minority codes to be in effect at the same time for the same vendor. Note: This System Option also applies to third tier vendors. | N - Do not allow multiple minority codes on a vendor (default value) Y - Allow multiple minority codes on a vendor | N |
250 | Archive Gross Pay Report TCs | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | The Gross Pay Report process cleans up timecards created during the process. These timecards are potentially useful to clients who write custom reports. This System Option is used to store a copy of the Timecards generated by the Gross Pay Report process. These timecards are stored in a table called TC_BASE_GROSS_PAY_RPT until payroll processing is complete. | N - Do not archive Gross Pay Report Timecards Y - Archive Gross Pay Report Timecards (default value) | Y |
251 | Default Tax Jurisdiction - WO | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | If this System Option is set to N, then default the Tax Jurisdiction List for Work Orders from the Work Order. If this System Option is set to Y, then default the Tax Jurisdiction List for Work Orders from the Work Order's OU Id. | N - Default Tax Jurisdiction from Work Order (default value) Y - Default Tax Jurisdiction from Work Order OU Id | N |
252 | Reset Due Dates on AP CMs | Boolean | Y | AP | N | This System Option controls ability to reset Credit Memo dates. | N - Do not reset due dates on Credit Memos Y - Reset due dates on Credit Memos to start of previous year. ( default value) | Y |
253 | Allow overlapping chk num ranges | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | PENTA automatically assigns check numbers when generating checks using certain layouts. The range of check numbers that PENTA will use can be set up at the Cash Account level. This System Option controls whether the ranges entered for different Cash Accounts can overlap. | N - Do not allow overlapping check number ranges (default value) Y - Allow overlapping check number ranges for cash accounts | N |
254 | Check Date in Closed Period | Boolean | Y | PO | Y | Determine whether PENTA should edit PO-related transaction dates to prevent entry into an unauthorized accounting period. If you enable this option, PENTA will edit transactions with dates that might impact previously calculated forecast or earned revenue values. Valid values: Y Confirm that the entered date is in an authorized accounting period. N Do not perform the edit. Allow any date to be entered. Impacts "Purchase Orders - Grid Option" window | N – Do not make check Y – Check that date is not in closed Accounting Period | N |
255 | Document Management Repository | Alphabetic | N | SY | Y | Option 255 controls which Document Management Repository the client's environment uses. If Option 255 is set to N, then no Document Management Repository is used. If Option 255 is set to O, then the OnBase Document Management Repository is used. If Option 255 is set to Y, then the legacy webDAV Document Management Repository is used. NOTE - Only authorized Penta Technologies Inc. personnel are allowed to change the setting of Option 255. | N – No Repository Y – WebDAV Repository O – OnBase Repository | Default value depends on your Docu-ment manage-ment system. |
256 | Warn on Emp Name, Tax Id Chg | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | This System Option determines whether PENTA should provide a warning when either the Tax Id or Employee Name (Prefix, First, Middle, Last, and/or Suffix) are changed within the Employee Information window in Payroll or the Employee HR Information window in Human Resources | N - Provide no warning message. (default value) Y - Issue warning when employee name or tax ID is changed | N |
257 | Default Payroll Country Code | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | This System Option determines the default Payroll Country Code to be used by the Employee window. | C - CAN (Canada) N - None (No default) U - USA (default value) | U |
258 | Allow All Tax Id Values | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | This System Option determines how much editing is to be performed when a Tax Id is entered for an employee. The Tax Id will always be edited to insure uniqueness. If this System Option is set to N, then additional edits will be performed. For Canadian Payroll employees, the Tax Id must be in the standard Canadian format 999 999 999 and the last digit must be a valid 'check digit' based on the first 8 digits. | N - Do not allow all Tax Id values - perform edits (default value) Y - Allow all Tax Id values - only verify uniqueness | N |
259 | Dual Charges for Equip Items | Boolean | Y | EQ | Y | Enables an alternate equipment charging methodology. Equipment transfers from a central equipment pool to a branch/division office for use on Jobs. The central equipment pool (OU to which the fixed asset is assigned) receives income for each day the equipment is allocated to a branch/division office (OU associated with the Yard the equipment is transferred to). The branch/division office accumulates overhead expense for each day they hold the piece of equipment. As equipment items are charged to Jobs (typically on a per hour basis), an expense entry is made to direct cost of sales for Jobs/Work Orders in the OU to which the Job/Work Order is assigned. An offsetting credit entry for equipment 'usage' income is made to a 'Rental Contra Expense' account to the OU associated with the Yard to which the equipment is currently assigned. In the OU to which the equipment has been transferred (based on an equipment transfer entry to a Yard) the 'usage' charge entry offsets the 'rental' charge expense. The result is the central equipment pool receives income for each day equipment is allocated, branch/division offices are able to offset the equipment rental overhead expense by maximizing utilization of equipment on Jobs and Work Orders. | N - Standard equipment charging methodology (default value) Y - Enable alternate equipment charging methodology | N |
260 | Req Check Form for Emp Vendors | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | This System Option determines if the Vendor Information window will require at least one default check form to be entered for Employee type Vendors | N - Do not require default check form for Emp Vendors (default value) Y - Require default check form for Emp Vendors | N |
261 | Use spec rate in fringe calc | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | This System Option determines the use of special rates in fringe calculations. | N - Do not use special rate in fringe calculations (default value) Y - Use special rate in fringe calculations | N |
262 | AP Interface Reject/Distr Ctrl | Numeric | Y | IF | Y | This controls the behavior of the AP Interface process when errors are encountered, and determines whether PENTA automatically distributes the resulting batches. If set to 1, PENTA rejects the entire interface file if any record in the file has generated an error, and batches are never automatically distributed. If set to 2, PENTA rejects the entire interface file if any record in the file has generated an error; otherwise, the batch created by the Interface process is automatically distributed. If set to 3, PENTA only rejects records in the Interface file that generated errors. Records that do not generate errors load into an AP batch. The batch is not automatically distributed. If set to 4, PENTA only rejects records in the Interface file that generated errors. Records that do not generate errors load into an AP batch. If none of the Interface records generate errors, the batch is automatically distributed. If set to 5, PENTA only rejects records in the Interface file that generated errors. Records that do not generate errors load into an AP batch. The batch is automatically distributed. | 1 - Reject on error, don't automatically distribute (default value) 2 - Reject on error, otherwise automatically distribute 3 - Don't reject on error, don't automatically distribute 4 - Don't reject on error, automatically distribute if no errors 5 - Don't reject on error, automatically distribute | 1 |
263 | Enforce US Bank # Edits | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | If set to N, the Bank # values are not edited, length can be less than nine and character values are allowed If set to Y, then Bank # values must be exactly nine digits in length. Allow only numeric values. | N - Do not edit Bank # field Y - Enforce US Bank # edits (default value) | Y |
264 | Limit LOV by Employee Role | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | If set to Y, LOV windows for Salesperson, Service Technician, Project Manager, and Project Controller fields only list employees assigned those specific roles within the Employee Payroll Information window’s Employee Roles pop-up window. | N - Include all employees in LOV (default value) Y - Limit LOV by employee role | N |
265 | Prevent Inconsistent Currency | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | This determines whether an error or a warning is generated in the Employee Payroll Information window when a Payroll Class is entered for an employee and the currency associated with the Payroll Class is different than the currency associated with the employee's OU. If set to N, then the inconsistent currency situation described above will only result in a warning. If set to Y, then the inconsistent currency situation described above will only result in an error. If set to I, then the inconsistent currency situation described above will be ignored. | I - Ignore when PR Class currency inconsistent with OU N - Warning when PR Class currency inconsistent with OU Y - Error when PR Class currency inconsistent with OU (default value) | Y |
266 | Salesperson Required (Service) | Boolean | Y | SM | Y | If set to Y, entry of a Salesperson will be required for Work Orders, Maintenance Contracts, and Sales Orders. | N - Salesperson is optional on Service Items (default value) Y - Salesperson is required on Service Items | N |
267 | Post Est Wksht to inactive CC | Alphabetic | Y | PM | Y | This determines whether you can post Estimate Worksheet entries to non-active Costcodes. If set to N, then limit Estimate Worksheet entries to Costcodes with a status of 'Active'. If set to Y, then allow Estimate Worksheet entries to all Costcode status including Active, Inactive, 100% Complete, and Delete / Don't Print. | N - Cannot post Estimate Worksheet entries to non-active Costcodes (default value) Y - Can post Estimate Worksheet entries to non-active Costcodes (default value) | N |
268 | Automated AR Holds | Boolean | Y | AR | N | This determines the use of automated AR Holds | N - Do not automatically apply AR Holds (default value) Y - Automatically apply AR Holds when limits exceeded | N |
269 | Customer Id Handling Rules | Numeric | Y | AR | Y | This determines how the Customer Id is handled on the document tab of the Cash Receipt window. If set to 1, and the user does not enter a Customer Id, PENTA will determine the Customer Id based on the entered AR Invoice If set to 2 or 3, PENTA will determine the Customer Id based on the entered AR Invoice regardless of whether the user has entered a Customer Id If PENTA cannot determine a Customer Id based on the AR Invoice because the Invoice Number was used for more than one Customer, PENTA will ask the user to pick from a list of Customers that are valid for the entered Invoice Number. If set to 4, the Customer Id is required, and any AR Invoice Numbers that are entered must be valid for the entered Customer Id. | 1 - Entry is optional, must match AR Invoice if entered 2 - Entry is required, does not need to match AR Invoice 3 - Entry is optional, does not need to match AR Invoice 4 - Entry is required, must match AR Invoice if entered (default value) | 4 |
270 | Auto Assign Journal Entry # | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | If set to N, then the user must manually enter General Journal Entry #'s when making GJ entries If set to Y, PENTA automatically assigns General Journal Entry #s when the user makes GJ entries. The user will not be allowed to manually enter General Journal Entry #s. | N - Do not auto assign General Journal Entry #'s (default values) Y - Automatically assign General Journal Entry #'s | N |
271 | Pay Tax as Reported on Invoice | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | If set to Y, State Tax entered on AP Invoice is always paid to the vendor, even if the vendor is not registered for the tax jurisdictions. The exception to this is when the whole distribution for the current document goes to a job or costcode flagged as 'Direct Payment from Sales & Use Tax'. In this case, PENTA accrues all tax amounts instead of paying the vendor. Differences between the sales tax charged and included on the vendor's invoice and the PENTA-calculated sales tax amount, where the magnitude of the difference exceeds PENTA’s “Sales & Use Tax Variance Limit” will be accrued to the appropriate sales & use tax liability account. | N - Only pay vendor for taxes where registered (default value) Y - Ignore vendor registration requirements | N |
272 | Close WO from Billing Window | Numeric | Y | SM | Y | This specifies the rule for closing of work orders through the Work Order Billing window. If set to 1, the option to close Work Orders is not available to the user. If set to 2, by default, work orders will be closed when billed through this window, but the user can optionally override this default for any or all work orders. If set to 3, this setting works the same as value 2, but the default will not close the work order. If set to 4, the user will be prompted when creating invoices if the work order should be closed. There will be no default. | 1 - Don't allow close of WO from Billing window (default value) 2 - Close WO by default. Allow user to override 3 - Leave WO open by default. Allow user to override 4 - Force user to indicate if WO should be closed | 1 |
273 | Stored Material Billing Entry | Boolean | N | IN | Y | This determines if a Stored Materials amount can be entered from the Contract Completion Information - Billing Purposes window If set to Y, then Stored materials Amounts can be entered from the Contract Completion Information - Billing Purposes window. If set to N, then Stored materials Amounts cannot be entered from the Contract Completion Information - Billing Purposes window. You can still enter stored Material Amounts using the Stored Materials Status window—regardless of the value of this System Option. If set to Y, a line item number is required for all entries made in the Stored Materials Status window. | N - Stored Materials Not Enterable on Contract Completion (default value) Y - Stored Materials Enterable on Contract Completion window | Y |
274 | WO Interface Error Behavior | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | This controls whether a Work Order Interface request is rejected when it contains errors. If set to Y, PENTA rejects the entire interface request if any of its records contains an error. If set to N, PENTA rejects only those work orders that contain errors. Work orders that do not generate errors are then loaded into the database. | N - Do not reject interface file when errors generated Y - Reject interface file with any errors (default value) | Y |
275 | Update Location Cust on a MC | Boolean | Y | SM | Y | If set to Y, users will be able to set up Maintenance Contracts for locations belonging to Customers other than the Maintenance Contract's Customer. The Maintenance Contract's Customer will be billed for work done for the individual location's customer. If set to N, locations covered by a Contract must all belong to the Contract's Customer. | N - Prevent update of location customer Y - Allow update of location customer (default value) | Y |
276 | MC Interface Error Behavior | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | This controls whether a Maintenance Contract Interface request is rejected when it contains errors. If set to Y, PENTA rejects the entire interface request if any of its records contains an error. If set to N, PENTA only rejects Maintenance Contracts that contain errors. Maintenance Contracts that do not generate errors are then loaded into the database. | N - Do not reject interface file when errors generated Y - Reject interface file with any errors (default value) | Y |
277 | Auto Remove Stored Matl From F | Boolean | Y | IN | N | This determines the Stored Materials Billing | N - Net Value of Stored Material on the Billing Date Y - Stored Material not billed (default value) | N |
278 | Allow Entries to Quote Only MC | Alphabetic | Y | SM | Y | This determines whether the standard Maintenance Contract edit function should generate an error message, a warning message, or no message when a 'Quote Only' Maintenance Contract Id is, for example, referenced on a Work Order or Work Order transaction. If set to E, then the standard Maintenance Contract edit function will generate an error message. If set to W, then the standard Maintenance Contract edit function will generate a warning message. If set to E, then the standard Maintenance Contract edit function will not generate any message, | E - Error on edit of 'Quote Only' Maintenance Contract (default value) W - Warning on edit of 'Quote Only' Maintenance Contract Y - Allow entry of 'Quote Only' Maintenance Contract | E |
279 | Display Job Closed Warnings | Boolean | Y | AP | N | When entering an AP distribution against a Job that is closed, PENTA will warn that the Job is closed. This warning displays when the Job is entered, and displays again when the AP Distribution processes. The purpose of the second warning is to alert users in the situation where AP distribution is entered against an active Job, but the distribution does not process immediately and the Job is then closed in the subsequent time between the distribution’s entry and its processing. Many clients distribute AP batches immediately upon entry, making the second warning superfluous. Setting this System Option to Y will disable the edit of the Job Status at the time that the distribution is processed. Users will still be warned about a closed Job's status upon entry. | N - Do not display Job Close Warnings Y - Display Job Close Warnings Before Distribution (default value) | Y |
280 | FA maintenance Security | Numeric | Y | FA | Y | This determines which OU to associate with a fixed asset when determining whether a user has authorization for the asset's OU for scheduling maintenance. If set to 1, then the fixed asset's OU Id will be used. If set to 2, PENTA uses the following hierarchy: 1 - If the current equipment location is a yard, then the OU Id of that yard will be used. 2 - If the asset has an assigned 'home yard' (Fixed Asset main record), then the OU Id of that 'home' yard will be used. 3 - Otherwise, the Fixed Asset's OU Id will be used. If set to 3, PENTA uses then the following hierarchy: 1 - If the current equipment location is a yard, then the OU Id of that yard will be used. 2 - If the current equipment location is a Job, then the OU Id of that Job will be used. 3 - If the asset has an assigned 'home yard' (Fixed Asset main record), then the OU Id of that 'home' yard will be used. 4 - Otherwise, the fixed asset's OU Id will be used. Note: For fixed assets with multiple units (pieces), the current equipment location will only be used in the hierarchies above if the fixed asset is located at a single location. | 1 - Fixed Asset OU Id (default value) 2 - Yard OU/Home Yard OU/Fixed Asset OU Id 3 - Yard OU/Job OU/Home Yard OU/Fixed Asset OU | 1 |
281 | Req Union Juris Setup for Job | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | Set this System Option to Y to make entry of at least one union in the Union Jurisdiction block, in the Job Information window (Other/Payroll tab) required when setting up a Job. Set this System Option to N to make entry of Unions optional in the Union Jurisdiction block. PENTA uses this information to determine when a Union employee is working out of their home Union Jurisdiction. Use the Union Portability report to identify instances where the employee is working on a Job/Work Order that has a Union with jurisdiction that is different from their home Union. (Employee Union < > to Job/Work Order Union). | N - Entry of union jurisdictions is not required (default value) Y - Entry of at least one union jurisdictions is required | N |
282 | Req Union Juris Setup for WO | Boolean | Y | SM | Y | Set this System Option to Y to make entry of at least one union in the Union Jurisdiction block, on the Payroll view of the Work Order window required when setting up a Work Order. Set this System Option to N to make entry of Unions optional in the Union Jurisdiction block. PENTA uses this information determine when a Union employee is working out of their home Union Jurisdiction. Use the Union Portability report to identify instances where the employee is working on a Job/Work Order that has a Union with jurisdiction that is different from their home Union. (Employee Union < > to Job/Work Order Union). | N - Entry of union jurisdictions is not required (default value) Y - Entry of at least one union jurisdictions is required | N |
283 | Allow Duplicate Tax Ids | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | This determines whether duplicate Tax Ids will be allowed under different Legal Entity OU Ids. If set to E, then an error generates when duplicate Tax Ids are entered under different Legal Entity OU Ids. If set to W, then a warning generates when duplicate Tax Ids are entered under different Legal Entity OU Ids. If set to Y, then duplicate Tax Ids can be entered under different Legal Entity OU Ids with no warning or error. Note: Duplicate Tax Ids are never allowed within the same Legal Entity OU Id. | E - Error on duplicate Tax Ids under different LE OUs (default value) W - Warning on duplicate Tax Ids under different LE OUs Y - Allow duplicate Tax Ids under different LE OUs | E |
284 | Cmpl Cntr Rev Rec Close Rule | Numeric | Y | AC | Y | This System Option determines the behavior of PENTA's Cost and Revenue Recognition process in cases where a 'Completed Contract' Job or Work Order has been marked as Closed, but PENTA cannot close it (usually due to costs and/or billings date after the process date). If set to 1, PENTA will behave as if the status was not closed: - WIP will not transfer to COS (Cost of Sales Account) and PROG (Progress Billing Account) will not transfer to Sales unless either Manual Revenue Recognition entries were made or the user requested a 'One Time percent Complete' Recognition for the Job. If set to 2, PENTA will behave as if the Job/Work Order could be closed - Earned = Billed, WIP will be transferred to COS. PROG will be transferred to SALES. Manual Revenue Recognition entries are ignored. The only thing that will not be done is the update of the status to C (Complete) for Work Orders and D (Delete) for Jobs. Note: Only cost/billings dated through the process date. Any future cost/billings will remain in WIP/PROG until a Revenue Recognition runs for a period that includes those transactions. | 1 - No entries if not closing (default value) 2 - Make entries even if not closing | 1 |
285 | Acctg Edits on Job/WO Stat Dt | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | If set to Y, then standard accounting date edits will apply to status date changes made to Jobs and Work Orders | N - Do not perform edits (default value) Y - Perform edits | N |
286 | Appr FC Only for LS Rev Rec | Boolean | Y | AC | Y | This affects Revenue Recognition calculation for Lump Sum Liner Items if the calculation method is 'Earned = (Actual/Projected) * Contract'. If set to Y, PENTA will not consider unapproved Forecasts as part of the Revenue calculation. | N - Do not restrict to approved forecasts (default value) Y - Restrict to approved forecasts | N |
287 | Bill for Undistributed WO Cost | Boolean | N | SM | Y | This controls whether undistributed costs will be included as a basis for Work Order Invoices. If set to Y, PENTA will include work order costs entered in work batches but not yet distributed as a basis for Work Order Invoices. | N - Do not include undistributed costs when billing (default value) Y - Include undistributed costs when billing | N |
288 | Use Check Date as Distr Date | Alphabetic | Y | PR | This defines the default value for the 'Use Check Date as Distribution Date' field in the Distribute Timecards, Centralized Timecard Distribution, Timecard Distribution by Pay Group, and Transfer eTimesheet windows. If set to Y, then you will post labor distribution entries as of the Pay Period's Check Date. If set to N, then you will use the Timecard Date or entered Distribution Date (when using the Timecard Distribution by Pay Group window) for Labor Distribution entries. If set to X, then it will never allow Y to be entered in the 'Use Check date as Distribution Date' field on the Timecard Distribution windows. | N - Do not use Check Date for Labor Distribution X - Do not allow Labor Distribution by Check Date (default value) Y - Use Check Date for Labor Distribution | X | |
289 | Stored Materials Calc Rule | Boolean | N | IN | Y | This determines whether PENTA adds stored materials to the calculated Work Completed This Report amount (column E) or considers them a component of the Work Completed This Period amount when calculating AIA Invoices. If set to Y, the Stored materials amount is added to the calculated Work Completed This Period amount to determine the Total Completed and Stored to Date amount (column G). Example: Contract Amount = $100,000 Stored Material Balance = $3,000 Billing % Complete = 10 % This is the first billing Results: Materials Presently Stored (column F) = $3,000 Work Completed this Period (Column E) = $10,000 Total Completed and Stored to Date (Column G) = $13,000 ($3,000 + $10,000) If this System Option is set to N, the Stored Materials amount is considered to be a component of the Work Completed This Period. Example: Contract Amount = $100,000 Billing % Complete = 10 % This is the first billing Materials Presently Stored (column F) = $3,000 Work Completed this Period (Column E) = $7,000 Total Completed and Stored to Date (Column G) = $10,000 ($3,000 + $7,000) | N - Stored Materials are included in Work Completed (default value) Y - Stored Materials are added to Work Completed | Y |
290 | Revenue Preview Detail days | Numeric | Y | PM | N | This determines how long PENTA will maintain information in the Revenue Preview tables. The 'Calculate Revenue' process in the Project Review and Forecast Entry window populates the Revenue tables. Enter the number of days, as the Numeric Value, that you want PENTA to maintain history in the Revenue Preview tables. PENTA does not delete the history if you leave the Numeric Value = null. | number of days that PENTA will maintain information in the Revenue Preview tables. (0 is default value) | 0 |
291 | Print AR Credit Memo Default | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | This determines the value that defaults into the 'System Should Print (Y/N)' field on the 'Issue a Credit Memo Against an Invoice' window. If set to N, then the 'System Should Print (Y/N)' field will default to N. If set to Y, then the 'System Should Print (Y/N)' field will default to Y. | N - When issuing an AR Credit Memo, do not print. (default value) Y - When issuing an AR Credit Memo, do print | N |
292 | Job/WO Rev Rec Close Rule | Numeric | Y | AC | Y | This applies to Jobs and Work Orders that do not use the Completed Contract Revenue Recognition method. See System Option 284 from Completed Contract Jobs/Work Orders. If set to 1, the Revenue Recognition process does not make closing entries or change the Job/Work Order's Status to the PENTA-assigned close value (Delete (D) for Jobs and Complete (C) for Work Orders) if the cost or billing entries exist for the Job or Work Order that are dated greater than the Revenue Recognition date. If set to 2, the Revenue Recognition process makes closing entries (sets Earned = Billed) for Jobs with a 'Closed' (C) status and Work Orders with a Close Work Order (Z) status regardless of future dated transactions. If the Jobs/Work Order doesn't have billing entries dated > the Revenue Recognition date, PENTA updates the Job Status to D and the Work Order Status to C. If the future dated billing entries exist for the Job/Work Order, the status remains at C or Z respectively, so PENTA adjusts revenue for the future dated billing entries with the next Revenue Recognition. | 1 - Do not make closing entries if future transactions exist. (default value) 2 - Make closing entries if future dated transactions exist. | 1 |
293 | Auto Open Accts Override Window | Boolean | Y | IN | Y | If set to Y and the parameter is set to allow Revenue Account overrides at the line item level, then the accounts override window automatically opens when setting up line items if the user does not open it manually. If set to N, accounts override window will not automatically open. | N - Do not automatically open accounts override window Y - Automatically open accounts override window (default value) | Y |
294 | Inventory Std Cost Val Methods | Alphabetic | Y | IC | Y | This is applicable if you use the Standard Charge method for Inventory Charging (see System Option 182) If set to 1, PENTA will zero the inventory balance when the last unit(s) for a product transfers from a warehouse. PENTA uses the standard cost rate on all other inventory transfers when using standard cost method. If set to 2, PENTA will always use the standard cost method for inventory transfers when using the standard cost method. This will most likely result in a non-zero inventory balance when all unit(s) for a product transfers from a warehouse since the purchase price and standard cost rates are most likely different. | 1 - Set Inventory balance to $0 when last unit is transferred (default value) 2 - Always use Standard Cost Rate for Inventory Transfers | 1 |
295 | Require SUT State on Job/WO | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | This determines whether entry of an SUT State is required on all Jobs and Work Orders. This System Option value may be overridden on the OU window for individual OUs. | N - Entry of an SUT State on Jobs and Work Orders is optional (default value) Y - Entry of an SUT State on Jobs and Work Orders is required | N |
296 | Require SIT State on Job/WO | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | This determines whether entry of an SIT State is required on all Jobs and Work Orders. This System Option value may be overridden on the OU window for individual OUs. | N - Entry of an SIT State on Jobs and Work Orders is optional (default value) Y - Entry of an SIT State on Jobs and Work Orders is required | N |
297 | Require Lcl Tax Auth on Job/WO | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | This determines whether entry of Local Taxing Authorities is required on all Jobs and Work Orders. This System Option value may be overridden on the OU window for individual OUs. | N - Entry of Local Taxing Authority on Jobs and Work Orders is optional (default value) Y - Entry of Local Taxing Authorities on Jobs and Work Orders is required | N |
298 | Require Wrk Loc Prov on Job/WO | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | This determines whether entry of a Canadian-Work Location Province is required on all Jobs and Work Orders. This System Option value may be overridden on the OU window for individual OU's | N - Entry of Canadian Work Location Province on Jobs and Work Orders is optional. (default value) Y - Entry of Canadian Work Location Province on Jobs and Work Orders is required. | N |
299 | Restrict Period Warn Message | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | This controls whether PENTA issues a warning message when an authorized user posts transactions to an accounting period with a restricted status. | N - Suppress Warning Message when posting to restricted period Y - Provide Warning Message when posting to restricted period (default value) | Y |
300 | Union Reciprocity Editing | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | This controls whether PENTA allows entry of time for an employee if the employee's union is not the union with jurisdiction for that trade type defined at the Job, Costcode, Work Order, or Task level, and a reciprocity rule does not exist for the two unions. | E - An error generates if a reciprocity rule does not exist for the two unions. W - a warning will be generated if a reciprocity rule does not exist for the two unions | W |
Option | Description | Type | Allow Updates | Module | Limit Values | Extended Description | Valid Values & Description | Default |
301 | Warn if WO Doesn't Have Region | Boolean | Y | SM | Y | This controls whether PENTA issues a warning message when using work order billing rate features and regions. | Y - Issue warn if a region has not been assigned to a work order. N - No warning if region has not been assigned to a work order | N |
302 | UP Open Commitment Calc Method | Numeric | Y | JC | N | This controls the method PENTA uses to calculate the remaining commitment amount for unit price purchase order and sub contract lines. If set to 1, PENTA calculates "remaining commitment" for unit price line items as (Total Committed Cost – Total Amount Invoiced against the purchase order ÷ sub contract line.) If set to 2, PENTA calculates the 'remaining commitment' for unit price line items as ((Total Committed Units – Invoiced Units) * Current Unit Price). This System Option does not affect Lump Sum Line Items. | 1 - Committed Amount – Invoiced Amount 2 - (Committed Units – Invoiced Units) * Current UP | 2 |
303 | Default Non-Work Site to WO | Boolean | Y | SM | N | If set to Y, when setting up a new work order, if a single location exists for the customer location, it will be used as the default customer location, even if it is not set up as a work site. If set to N, it will only be loaded if it is a work site. | N – Don't default non-work site location Y – Default non -work site location | Y |
304 | Session info Retention Days | Numeric | N | SY | N | Specify the number of days that session information is stored in 'vsession' before being purged | number of days that PENTA will maintain information session information. (0 is default value) | 0 |
305 | Calculate Tax on LOG Invoices | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | This controls whether PENTA calculates tax on LOGGED invoices. If set to N, then tax will not calculate on LOGGED invoices. If set to Y, then tax will calculate on LOGGED invoices. The default value for this System Option is N. | N – Do not calculate tax on LOGGED invoices Y – Calculate tax on LOGGED invoices | N |
306 | eExpense AP Description | Alphabetic | Y | AP | Y | This controls what the AP interface loads into the distribution description field during the transfer of expense reports from eExpense into PENTA. | C – use the first 30 characters of the comments D – use the expense item description | C |
307 | Process Reciprocity Default | B | Y | PR | Y | This establishes the default value for the "Process Reciprocity Rules (Y/N)?" field on the Manual Payroll Checks window in cases where the entry is an adjustment (check number = 0). For non-adjustments, reciprocity rules are always calculated. | N – Do not process reciprocity rules Y – Process reciprocity rules | Y |
308 | Process Linked Juris Default | B | Y | PR | Y | This establishes the default value for the "Process Linked Jurisdictions (Y/N)?" field on the Manual Payroll Checks window in cases where the entry is an adjustment (check number = 0). For non-adjustments, linked jurisdictions are always processed. | N – Do not process linked jurisdictions Y – Process linked jurisdictions | Y |
309 | Price Modifier Date Selection | B | Y | PO | Y | This controls whether price modifiers for dates earlier than the latest effective date for a catalog, vendor, and job are considered when pricing products. | N – Check only the latest effective date Y – Check earlier effective dates | N |
310 | Calc Cus Cost Marks Cost Trans | B | Y | JC | Y | This controls whether PENTA assigns the timesheet # generated by the Calculate Customer Cost process to the original cost transactions so they are available in the automated billing process. If set to Y, the Calculate Customer Cost process marks all the cost transactions included in the process with the one timesheet number generated by the Calculate Customer Cost process. This allows you to start the automated billing process by timesheet number, so you can generate an invoice that ties out to the daily timesheet report generated by the Calculate Customer Cost process. If set to N, the Calculate Customer Cost process does not mark the cost transactions included in the process with the timesheet number generated by the Calculate Customer Cost process. Therefore, you cannot initiate the automated billing process by the timesheet number. The default is N. | N – Do not mark orig cost trans with calc cus cost TS# Y – Mark orig cost trans with calc cus cost Timesheet # | N |
311 | Incl Commit’d in Calc Cus Cost | B | Y | JC | Y | This controls whether committed cost is included in the Calculate Customer Cost process. If set to Y, the Calculate Customer Cost process includes new commitments in the calculation. The Calculate Customer Cost process does not include cost associated with AP invoices posted against these commitments—as this would result in the doubling of cost. If set to N, the Calculate Customer Cost process does not include commitments in the calculation. The Calculate Customer Cost process does include cost associated with AP invoices posted against these commitments. The default is Y. | N – Exclude committed cost from Calc Cus Cost process Y – Include committed cost in Calc Cus Cost process | Y |
312 | A/P Check Sort Method | N | Y | AP | Y | This determines how PENTA sorts accounts payable checks. The default value is 1. Note: Do not change this System Option value while there is an accounts payable check run in process. This System Option must have the same value when you run the Complete AP Check Process as when you ran Start AP Check Processing. | 1- Check Sort Group, Vendor Name 2- Check Sort Group, Vendor Id | 2 |
313 | Enforce WO Authorization | Boolean | Y | SM | Y | Turning on and off WO Authorization. If set to Y, then the user must be authorized for the work order's OU and be authorized for the work order as well. If set to N, then only the work order OU security will be used to restrict access. | N – Only limit access by OU authorization Y – Limit WO access by WO and OU authorization | Y |
314 | Calculate Actual Units From % | Boolean | Y | JC | Y | This option controls whether an entered percent complete is used to calculate actual units completed. Valid options are: N – Only consider entered units Y – Apply the entered percent complete to estimated units to determine actual units (default) | N – Do not calculate using % complete Y – Calculate using % complete (default) | |
315 | Default Barcode to Cus Eq Id | A | Y | EQ | Y | If set to N, then the BARCODE column in the CUSTOMER_EQUIPMENT table will not be defaulted and BARCODE will not be required. If set to R, then the BARCODE column in the CUSTOMER_EQUIPMENT table will be defaulted to the value in the CUS_EQ_ID column and BARCODE will be required. Existing rows in the CUSTOMER_EQUIPMENT table with a null BARCODE column will be updated, setting the BARCODE column to the value in the CUS_EQ_ID column. If set to Y, then the BARCODE column in the CUSTOMER_EQUIPMENT table will be defaulted to the value in the CUS_EQ_ID column, but BARCODE will not be required. Existing rows in the CUSTOMER_EQUIPMENT table with a null BARCODE column will not be updated. The default value for this option is N. | N – Do not default Barcode to Customer Equipment Id R – Default Barcode to Customer Id, Require Y – Default Barcode to Customer Equipment Id | N |
316 | Default Barcode to FA Id | A | Y | FA | Y | If set to N, then the BARCODE column in the FIXED_ASSET table will not be defaulted and BARCODE will not be required. If set to R, then the BARCODE column in the FIXED_ASSET table will be defaulted to the value in the FA_ID column and BARCODE will be required. Existing rows in the FIXED_ASSET table with a null BARCODE column will be updated, setting the BARCODE column to the value in the FA_ID column. If set to Y, then the BARCODE column in the FIXED_ASSET table will be defaulted to the value in the FA_ID column, but BARCODE will not be required. Existing rows in the FIXED_ASSET table with a null BARCODE column will not be updated. The default value for this option is N. | N – Do not default Barcode to Fixed Asset Id R – Default Barcode to Fixed Asset Id, Require Y – Default Barcode to Fixed Asset Id | N |
317 | Default Barcode to Product Id | A | Y | PM | Y | If set to N, then the BARCODE column in the PRODUCT table will not be defaulted and BARCODE will not be required. If set to R, then the BARCODE column in the PRODUCT table will be defaulted to the value in the PROD_ID column and BARCODE will be required. Existing rows in the PRODUCT table with a null BARCODE column will be updated, setting the BARCODE column to the value in the PROD_ID column. If set to Y, then the BARCODE column in the PRODUCT table will be defaulted to the value in the PROD_ID column, but BARCODE will not be required. Existing rows in the PRODUCT table with a null BARCODE column will not be updated. The default value for this option is N. | N – Do not default Barcode to Product Id R – Default Barcode to Product Id, Require Y – Default Barcode to Product Id | N |
318 | Default Barcode to Refrig Tag | A | Y | SM | Y | If set to N, then the BARCODE column in the REFRIG_TAG table will not be defaulted and BARCODE will not be required. If set to R, then the BARCODE column in the REFRIG_TAG table will be defaulted to the value in the REFRIG_TAG_ID column and BARCODE will be required. PENTA will update existing rows in the REFRIG_TAG table with a null BARCODE column, setting the BARCODE column to the value in the REFRIG_TAG_ID column. If set to Y, then the BARCODE column in the REFRIG_TAG table will be defaulted to the value in the REFRIG_TAG_ID column, but BARCODE will not be required. PENTA will not update existing rows in the REFRIG_TAG table with a null BARCODE column. The default value for this option is N. | N – Do not default Barcode to Refrigerant Tag Id R – Default Barcode to Refrigerant Tag Id, Require Y – Default Barcode to Refrigerant Tag Id | N |
319 | Create BLOB for Reports | B | Y | SY | Y | Turning on and off the creation of BLOBs for Reports. If set to Y, then the reports will be stored in RPT_VIEW_BLOB in BLOB format. There will only be one row for each report. If set to N, then the reports will be stored in RPT_VIEW with a row written for each line of the report. This will increase database I/O. Default value is N. | N – Do not create BLOB for reports Y – Create BLOB for reports | N |
320 | Auto- | B | Y | IF | Y | If set to Y (which is the default), then Crew Activity Logs will be automatically processed through distribution if validated. If set to N, then Crew Activity Logs will not automatically process through distribution if validated. Crew Activity Logs will stop at the Crew Activity Log Process Monitor and allow corrections and viewing prior to processing. | N – Do not automatically process Crew Activity Logs Y – Automatically process Crew Activity Logs | Y |
321 | Percents Use SUBJECT_ | B | Y | PR | Y | This option determines whether the SUBJECT_TO_OT_CD column in the SHIFT_PREM_HIST and HAZ_DUTY_HIST tables applies to Shift Premium Percent of Gross and Hazardous Duty Percent of Gross in addition to Shift Premium Amount Per Hour and Hazardous Duty Amount Per Hour. The SUBJECT_TO_OT_CD column is associated with the 'Is Amount Subject To Overtime Premiums (Y/N)?' field in the SHIFT PREMIUMS block and HAZARDOUS DUTY PREMIUMS block on the Payroll Class Information screen. If set to N (which is the default), then the SUBJECT_TO_OT_CD does not apply to Shift Premium Percent of Gross and Hazardous Duty Percent of Gross. In this case, the Shift Premium Percent of Gross and Hazardous Duty Percent of Gross are always subject to overtime premiums. If set to Y, the SUBJECT_TO_OT_CD does apply to Shift Premium Percent of Gross and Hazardous Duty Percent of Gross. In this case, the Shift Premium Percent of Gross and Hazardous Duty Percent of Gross are only subject to overtime premiums when the corresponding SUBJECT_TO_OT_CD is Y. | N – Shift/Haz Premium Pcts do not use SUBJECT_TO_OT_CD Y – Shift/HazDuty Premium Pcts use SUBJECT_TO_OT_CD | N |
322 | Allow Tax Ids With All Zeros | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | If set to N (which is the default), then multiple Tax Ids with all zeros are not allowed. Option 258 (Allow All Tax Id Values) and Option 283 (Allow Duplicate Tax Ids) will determine if/when a Tax Id with all zeros is allowed. If set to Y, then multiple Tax Ids with all zeros are allowed, regardless of the values of Option 258 (Allow All Tax Id Values) and Option 283 (Allow Duplicate Tax Ids). The Tax Ids with all zeros must be properly formatted (000-00-0000 or 000 00 0000 for Payroll Country USA, 000 000 000 or 000-000-000 for Payroll Country CAN) to be allowed. | N – Do not allow multiple Tax Ids with all zeros. Y – Allow multiple Tax Ids with all zeros. | Y |
323 | CusEQ Interface Error Behavior | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | This controls whether or not a Customer Equipment interface request is rejected when it contains errors. If set to Y, PENTA rejects the entire interface request if any of its records contains an error. If set to N, PENTA rejects only the Customer Equipment that contains errors. Customer Equipment that does not generate errors is then loaded into the database. | N – Do not reject interface file when errors generated. Y – Reject interface file with any errors. | Y |
324 | Overhead Rule Matching “To” OU | A | Y | AC | Y | Depending on revenue recognition method, the OU on the accounting transaction on a job/work order cost transaction may be the job/WO OU or the balance sheet OU of the job/WO OU. If you want the overhead distribution rule matching to be based on the job/WO OU even if the cost transaction goes to its balance sheet OU, set the value to C. If you want it to match based on the accounting OU, set the value to A. | A – Accounting OU C – Charge to OU | A |
325 | Default Bill Taxability to MC | A | Y | SM | Y | Default the appropriate Billing Taxability to the Work Order. Y – Default the work order's billing taxability information to the billing taxability information of the maintenance contract. N – If PENTA finds any of these entity's billing taxability defined as exempt, the work order billing is set to tax exempt:
| N – Default PM WO Billing Taxability using hierarchy Y – Default PM WO Taxability to MC | Y |
326 | Exp Resp User – Charge Loc OU | B | Y | EQ | Y | This determines the Charge OU for a fixed asset distribution when Expense Responsibility Code = User. If set to N, PENTA charges the OU of the home yard (if null, then charges the fixed asset's OU). If set to Y, PENTA charges the OU of the job or yard where the fixed asset is located on the distribution date. If the fixed asset has multiple pieces and multiple locations with different OUs, then PENTA charges the OU of the home yard (if null, then charge the asset's OU). | N – Expense Responsibility User – Do Not Charge Loc OU Y – Expense Responsibility User – Charge Location OU | Y |
327 | Change WO Stat W to C After x Days | N | Y | SM | N | During Revenue Recognition, PENTA closes Work Orders that have had a status of W (Work Completed) for the specified number of days, provided they do not have billable costs. | ≤ 0 disables this functionality > 0 identifies the number of days | 1.000 |
328 | Pricing Schedule Basis | A | Y | SM | Y | The default hierarchy used when selecting pricing schedules and line item structures looks to the invoice customer and location before the work customer and location. If this option is set to W the work customer/location will be used before the invoice customer/location. | I – Use Invoice Customer/Location (default) W – Use Work Customer/Location | I |
329 | Reset Pay Terms Based on SC | N | Y | AP | Y | Determines if the payment terms for an AP invoice should be reset to the payment terms of the last entered SC. 1: PENTA will not reset the payment terms. 2: PENTA resets payment terms for the current document and displays a message that this has been done. 3: PENTA resets the payment terms for the current document without displaying a message. | 1 – Do not reset the payment terms based on the SC 2 – Reset the payment terms based on the SC (warning) 3 – Reset the payment terms based on the SC (no warning) | 1 |
330 | Payroll Adjust to 0 Threshold | Boolean, Numeric, or Alpha | Y | PR | N | During gross to net processing, if the calculated net pay for a check or direct deposit is within the specified threshold, adjust federal income tax such that the net pay will be zero. For example, if the specified threshold is 0.99, then On a check for 0.99, FIT will be increased by 0.99 On a check for -0.99, FIT will be decreased by 0.99 On a check for 0.01, FIT will be increased by 0.01 A check for 1.00 or more will not be changed A check for -1.00 or less will not be processed due to net pay less than zero. A threshold of zero will disable this feature. The maximum recommended threshold is 1.00. | None | 0.00 (i.e., no adjustment threshold) |
331 | Lump Sum WO Lines for FP MC | Boolean | Y | SM | Y | During the following processes, PENTA adds line items on work orders linked to a Fixed Price Maintenance Contract: The Anticipated Customer Equipment Maintenance process and creating a new work order in the Work Orders window. This controls whether PENTA creates lump sum line items during those processes: If set to N, PENTA excludes lump sum line items that would otherwise default from the line item structure/work order template. If set to Y, PENTA adds lump sum line items to new work orders. | N: Exclude Lump Sum Lines from Work Orders Y: Add Lump Sum Lines on Work Orders (default) | Y |
332 | Bill Upon Cmpl WOs on MC Inv | Boolean | Y | SM | Y | If set to Y, an alternate version of the maintenance contract is produced, listing all work orders created for scheduled maintenance based on the contract's 'Bill Upon Cmpl of Scheduled Service' checkbox being checked. Work orders are grouped based on the location where the work was performed and will include: - The date the work was performed - The work order's short description - Any tasks associated with the work order - Any work order notes marked as 'Print on Invoice' If the 'Fixed Price, No Work Order Invoicing' checkbox is checked for the contract, any additional amounts to be billed for the work order (costs not covered by the contract, lump sums, fees) are listed and included in the total invoice amount for the contract, instead of on a separate work order invoice. If set to N, the standard maintenance contract invoice is produced, listing scheduled billings by coverage period without any details of how these billing amounts were determined. Any additional work order billings not covered by the 'Bill Upon Cmpl' amount must be billed on a separate work order invoice. | N – Bill Work Orders separately from Maintenance Contract Y – Bill Work Orders on same invoice as Maintenance Contract | N |
333 | Timesheet Sequence Size | Numeric | Y | JC | Y | When timesheets are created during the Calculate Customer Cost process, their IDs are automatically built by concatenating a dash and a sequence number to the Job ID. Example: 784393-00000006. This option controls how many digits will be used for the sequence number. It must be between 4 and 8. | 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 digits | 8 |
334 | Use OU Logo on MC Invoice | Boolean | Y | SM | Y | This controls which logo prints on the maintenance contract invoice. If Y, the logo comes from the OU of the contract, or the closest parent of that OU that has a logo. If N, the logo comes from invoice layout defined for the contract's customer and invoice location. | N – Use layout logo Y – Use OU logo | N |
335 | Default MC Tax Jurisdictions | Alphabetic | Y | SM | Y | This establishes the default for how tax jurisdictions will be determined when billing maintenance contracts. If M, the jurisdictions entered for the contract will be used. If L, the jurisdictions associated with the scheduled billing's location will be used. If there is no location associated with the scheduled billing, the contract jurisdictions will be used. | L - Use location jurisdictions if available M - Always use maintenance contract Jurisdictions | M |
336 | Auto-Assign Subcontract ID | Numeric | Y | JC | Y | Automatic assignment of Subcontract ID. PENTA allows users to enter Subcontract IDs, or automatically assigns sequential Subcontract IDs. Valid values:
| 1 |
337 | WO Inventory Tax Billing Rule | Numeric | Y | SM | Y | Determines how sales tax costs associated with inventory transfers are treated when brought into the Work Order Billing process. Options are:
| 3 |
338 | Tech Work List Ref Job Rule | Alphabetic | Y | SM | Y | This controls access to the Reference Job ID field within the Technician Work List. When set to R, technicians must enter the Reference Job ID before updating the WO to an In Process status. |
| N |
339 | Require Pay Rate # on WO Trans | Boolean | Y | PR | Y | If set to Y, users must enter a Pay Rate # in the Labor block of the Work Order Transactions window. The value will not default based on the employee and payroll class, and the user will not be allowed to leave it blank. If set to N, the Pay Rate # defaults as the most recent entry for the employee and payroll class. Users can leave it blank if there is no default, or override the default. |
| N |
340 | Reject Vendor Interface on Err | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | This controls whether PENTA rejects a Vendor Interface request when it contains errors. If N, PENTA only rejects interface file records that generated errors. Records without errors load into the database. If Y, PENTA rejects the entire interface file if any record in the file has an error. |
| N |
341 | PO Receipts IF-Auto Distrib | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | This controls whether PENTA automatically marks a batch created by a PO Receipts Interface request as ready for distribution. If set to N (which is the default), PENTA does not automatically distribute the batch and you must distribute or delete it in the Purchase Order Receipts window. If set to Y, PENTA automatically distributes the batch created by the interface file and prevents you from modifying it prior to distribution. |
| N |
343 | Mobile Field Service Licenses | Numeric | N | SY | Nes | This shows the number of Mobile Field Service Licenses you've purchased. Option Default: 0 | Any positive number. | 0.000 |
344 | WO/MC Taxability Determination | Numeric | Y | SM | Y | This option controls how the taxability of Work Orders and Maintenance Contracts is determined. There is a hierarchy of levels (eg customer level, location level) at which the taxability can be determined. If Option 344 is set to 1 (which is the default), then the Work Order / Maintenance Contract is determined to be non-taxable if any level in the hierarchy is specified as non-taxable. If Option 344 is set to 2, then the taxability of the Work Order / Maintenance Contract is determined based on the highest level in the hierarchy for which taxability is specified. When Option 344 is set to 2, levels in the hierarchy might not have taxability specified. | 1 - Non-taxable if any level in hierarchy is non-tax 2- Taxability rule found first in the hierarchy | 1 |
345 | Require WC State on Job/WO | Alphabetic | Y | PR | Y | This option determines whether entry of a WC State is required on all jobs and Work Orders. This option value may be overridden on the Organizational Units window for individual OUs. Valid Values: N Entry of a WC State on Jobs and Work Orders is optional Y Entry of a WC State on Jobs and Work Orders is required NOTE - This option is not enforced in the Work Order Templates window | N - Entry of a WC State is optional on Jobs and WOs Y - Entry of a WC State is required on Jobs and WOs | N |
346 | Reject Sales Order IF on Error | Alphabetic | Y | IF | Y | This option controls whether or not a Sales Order Detail Interface request is rejected when it contains errors. If Option 346 is set to N (which is the default), then PENTA rejects only those records in the interface file that have generated errors. Those records that do not generate errors are then loaded into the database. If Option 346 is set to Y, then PENTA rejects the entire interface file if any record in the file has generated an error. | N -Do not reject interface file when errors generated Y - Reject interface file with any errors | N |
347 | Labor Interface - Auto Distrib | Alphabetic | Y | IF | Y | This option controls whether or not a batch created by a Labor Interface request is automatically marked as ready for distribution. If Option 347 is set to N, then PENTA does not automatically distribute the batch and it is the user's responsibility to distribute or delete the batch in the source window. If Option 347 is set to Y, then PENTA automatically distributes the batch created by the interface file and prevents the user from modifying the batch prior to distribution. | N - Do NOT mark the Labor batch for distribution Y - Mark the Labor batch for distribution | N |
348 | Reject Labor Interface on Err | Alphabetic | Y | IF | Y | This option controls whether or not a Labor Interface request is rejected when it contains errors. If Option 348 is set to N, then PENTA rejects only those records in the interface file that have generated errors. Those records that do not generate errors are then loaded into the database. If Option 348 is set to Y, then PENTA rejects the entire interface file if any record in the file has generated an error. | N - Do not reject interface file when errors generated Y - Reject interface file with any errors | N |
349 | Enable Payroll, W2 Doc Upload | Alphabetic | N | PR | Y | This option controls whether or not payroll documents can be made available for viewing in the Employee Portal. If Option 349 is set to N (default) then Paycheck, Advice Notice, and W-2 documents cannot be posted to the Employee Portal. If Option 349 is set to Y then Paycheck, Advice Notice, and W-2 documents can be posted to the Employee Portal. Contact Penta Technologies, Inc to set this Option to Y when you have purchased, installed, and configured the PENTA Employee Portal. Setting the option to Y causes PENTA to: - display the field 'Post W-2's to Portal for Employee Viewing?' in the W-2 Generation window. - display in the Approve Documents for Employee Portal window, Paycheck, Advice Notice, and W-2 documents generated after PTI sets the Option to Y. Once approved, these documents can be viewed by employees via their individual Employee Portal account. NOTE: PENTA provides a history record in the Employee Portal for Paycheck, Advice Notice, and W-2 documents generated prior to setting Option 349 to Y. Complete details of history records are not viewable in the portal. | N - Do Not Upload Documents Y - Upload Documents | N |
351 | Forecast Entry Posting Date | Alphabetic | Y | PM | Y | Set this option to "N" if you want the "Effective Date of Entry" date to be used as both the forecast posting date and the through date for selecting data to be used in the forecasting process. Set this option to "Y" if you want separate dates for posting the forecast and selecting data to be used in the forecasting process. | Y - Require entry of a forecast posting date N - Use "Effective Date of Entry" as forecast posting date (Default Value) | N |
352 | Reject Manual PR Chk IF on Err | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | This Option controls whether or not a Manual Payroll Check Interface request is rejected when it contains errors. If Option 352 is set to N, then PENTA rejects only those records in the interface file that have generated errors. Those records that do not generate errors are then loaded in the database. If Option 352 is set to Y, then PENTA rejects the entire interface file if any record in the file has generated an error. | N - Do not reject interface file when errors generated. Y - Reject interface file with any errors | Y |
353 | Reject Payroll Class IF on Err | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | This option controls whether or not a Payroll Class Interface request is rejected when it contains errors. If Option 353 is set to N, then PENTA rejects only those records in the interface file that have generated errors. Those records that do not generate errors are then loaded into the database. If Option 353 is set to Y, then PENTA rejects the entire interface file if any record in the file has generated an error. | N - Do not reject interface file when errors generated. Y - Reject interface file with any errors. | N |
354 | Reject Employee IF on Error | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | This option controls whether or not an Employee Interface request is rejected when it contains errors. If Option 354 is set to N, then PENTA rejects only those records in the interface file that have generated errors. Those records that do not generate errors are then loaded into the database. If Option 354 is set to Y, then PENTA rejects the entire interface file if any record in the file has generated an error. | N - Do not reject interface file when errors generated. Y - Reject interface file with any errors. | N |
355 | Reject Customer IF on Error | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | This option controls whether or not a Customer Interface request is rejected when it contains errors. If Option 355 is set to N, then PENTA rejects only those records in the interface file that have generated errors. Those records that do not generate errors are then loaded into the database. If Option 355 is set to Y, then PENTA rejects the entire interface file if any record in the file has generated an error. | N - Do not reject interface file when errors generated. Y - Reject interface file with any errors. | N |
356 | Cost Xfer when MC/ST Changes | Numeric | Y | SM | Y | This option controls Penta's behavior when a user attempts to update the service type and/or maintenance contract of a work order after costs have been posted with contracts, cost types, or accounts that are different with what would be Possible values are: 1 Prevent update of maintenance contract if costs exist with a different contract. Prevent update of service type if costs exist with inconsistent cost types and/or accounts. 2 Prevent update of service type if costs exist with inconsistent cost types and/or accounts. Allow maintenance contract update. Don't transfer costs. (default) 3 Allow update. Optionally transfer costs. 4 Allow update. Force transfer of costs. | 1 - Prevent Update 2 - Allow update/Don't translate costs (default) 3 - Allow update/Optionally transfer costs 4 - Allow update/Force cost transfer | 2 |
357 | Error if received > committed | Alphabetic | Y | PO | Y | This option controls Penta's behavior when a user attempts to receive more units than were specified on the purchase Possible Values: | E - Error if received units > committed units W - Warning if received units > committed units | W |
358 | Reject Requisition IF on Error | Boolean | Y | IF | Y | This option controls whether or not a Requisition Interface request is rejected when it contains errors. If Option 358 is set to N (which is the default), then PENTA rejects only those records in the interface file that have generated errors. Those records that do not generate errors are then loaded into the database. If Option 358 is set to Y, then PENTA rejects the entire interface file if any record in the file has generated an error. | N - reject only those records that have generated an error Y - reject the entire file | N |
359 | Unit Bill Def based on Inv Loc | Boolean | Y | SM | Y | That standard hierarchy used when assigning a default unit billing rate schedule and region to a work order Parent Work Order If this option is set to N, the Invoice Location and Invoice Customer levels will not be considered when determining the default. | N - Do not use Invoice Location Y - Use Invoice Location when assigning Schedule/Region | Y |
360 | Workbench Earned Hours Formula | Numeric | Y | PM | Y | This determines the earned hours calculation used by PENTA Workbench panels/reports. Valid values: 1 Earned hours based on estimated hours/unit (Units Installed JTD * (Estimated Hours Total / 2 Earned hours based on percentage of units installed ((Units Installed / (Forecast Units @ Complete) * | 1 - Earned hours based on estimated hours/unit. 2 - Earned hours based on % of units installed | 1 |
361 | Adjust Tax Earned on Invoice | Boolean | Y | AP | Y | Set this option to "Y" if you want PENTA to adjust the tax on accounts payable invoices if the difference between the For example, if vendor charged tax of $15 and PENTA calculated the tax to be $26, and option 154 is $10, PENTA adjusts the tax because the difference between the tax charged by the vendor and the tax calculated by PENTA was $11, which exceeds the tax variance amount of $10 defined by option 154. Set this option to "N" if you do not want PENTA to adjust the entered tax for an invoice if tax is entered on the | N - Pay tax on the doc tab, do not adjust the tax Y - Adjust tax amt on doc tab if <> tax variance amount | N |
362 | Auto Markup Mobile Purchases | Boolean | Y | SM | Y | This option controls whether or not cost detail rows with a Source of Cost of Mobile Miscellaneous Purchases are automatically marked up based on the work order's Other Cost Pricing Schedule. If Option 362 is set to N (which is the default), the work order's Other Cost Pricing Schedule does not default for Mobile Miscellaneous Purchase cost rows and the amount entered is the invoice amount. If Option 362 is set to Y, the work order's Other Cost Pricing Schedule defaults for Mobile Miscellaneous Purchases cost rows, the appropriate markups are applied, and the invoice amount is calculated based on the pricing schedule. | N - Do not Automatically Markup Mobile Misc Purchases Y - Automatically Markup Mobile Misc Purchases | N |
364 | Auto Assign Safety Indicator | Boolean | Y | SY | Y | This option controls whether or not the Indicator Number on the Safety Indicator Maintenance screen will be numbered automatically or must be manually entered. If Option 364 is set to Y (which is the default), the Indicator Number will be automatically assigned the next sequential number. If Option 364 is set to N, the Indicator Number on the Safety Indicator Maintenance screen will have to be manually entered. | N - Do not Auto Assign Indicator Number Y - Automatically Assign the Indicator Number | Y |
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