Employee Interface: Table Driven Method
Use the Employee Interface to load PENTA Employee information using data from external applications. Information you load using this interface adds to or updates the data already stored in PENTA.
Data files you load must have Request Types assigned to the E Interface Type.
If PENTA is unable to load an individual row, it bypasses that set of Employee information and moves on to the next (unless you set up defaults and cross-references). It creates or updates Employees using the accepted rows from the file. It notes the rejected rows and does not load them into PENTA.
Limitations & Restrictions
The types of non-PENTA Employee entries and the extent to which you can maintain the related information are limited.
The interface accepts an Employee record without validating that all the necessary Employee sub-records are in the data file and processed. For example, a data file may contain all the personal data about an Employee but not the pay rate information. PENTA still accepts and loads the Employee information but provides a warning message to inform the user of the situation.
Where to View Loaded Data
You can review interfaced data in the Employee Payroll Information window.
Available Tables
- 1 Badge Detail Record
- 2 BN Tax Detail Record
- 3 Canadian Payroll Detail Record
- 4 Certification Detail Record
- 5 Compensation Detail Record
- 6 Deductions Detail Record
- 7 Employee Detail Record
- 8 Estimated Hourly Benefit Value Detail Record
- 9 Exempt Detail Record
- 10 Header Record
- 11 Minimum Rate Detail Record
- 12 Paid Time Off Detail Record
- 13 Production Detail Record
- 14 Province Detail Record
- 15 Rate Detail Record
- 16 Reimbursement Detail Record
- 17 Employee Status Detail Record
- 18 Tax Detail Record
- 19 User Defined Fields Detail Record
Badge Detail Record
After interfacing employee badge data, you can review it in the Employee Payroll Information window’s Badge Information pop-up window or the Employee HR Information window’s Badges tab.
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_BADGE table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | An interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | Id of the employee associated with the BADGE_ID. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
BADGE_ID | Req | C! 30 | ID of the badge associated with the EMP_ID. You cannot assign the same BADGE_ID to multiple employees. |
D_ASSIGNED_DATE | Req | D | The date the BADGE_ID was assigned to the EMP_ID. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_DATE | Opt | D | This defaults as the current date. This column contains the date that the record is marked as modified in the database once the process initiates and completes. |
BN Tax Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_BNTAX table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | The Id of the employee associated with the BN Tax Account record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
D_EFF_DATE | Req | D | The Effective Date of the BN Tax Account assignment to the employee. |
BN_TAX_ACCT_ID | Req | C! 6 | The Id of the BN Tax Account assigned to the employee. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Canadian Payroll Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_CANPR table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | The Id of the employee associated with the Canadian Payroll Record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
D_EFF_DATE | Req | D | Identify the date the payroll parameters first apply to the Employee. PENTA selects the appropriate parameters for the check process based on this date and the check date associated with the check process. |
FULL_PART_TIME_CD | Req | C! 1 | Indicate (with an F for full-time or a P for part-time) whether the Employee works full or part time. The Statistics Canada Business Payrolls Survey requires some data based on this information. If Statistics Canada contacts you to participate in a payroll survey, completion is mandatory. |
TAX_CALC_METHOD_CD | Req | C! 1 | Indicate which tax formula to use for the tax calculation method. Available values are:
EMPLOYMENT_PROV_CD | Req | C 4 | Indicate which income tax calculation PENTA executes. An employee’s Province of Employment (Employment Province) determines a portion of income tax. |
WORK_PROV_CD | Req | C 4 | Enter the work province. This value determines the workers compensation province and work location-related tax province (e.g., NWT payroll tax). This value defaults on timecards, but you can override it during timecard entry for individual timecards. Note: You can only enter this value for a Canadian Payroll Employee. |
LABOR_CREDIT_FED_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Indicate the amount PENTA uses as a factor for appropriate tax calculations. Certain tax credits related to employee purchases of approved shares of capital stock in a labor-sponsored venture capital corporation reduce source deductions. |
REDUCTION_IN_TAX_DED_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Indicate the amount of authorized reductions in tax deductions for the Employee. PENTA uses this value in tax calculations. |
OTHER_TAX_CREDITS_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Indicate the amount of authorized tax credits for medical, charitable, etc. not recorded elsewhere for the Employee. PENTA uses this value in tax calculations. |
EST_PENSION_DED_ | Opt | F 15.2 | Indicate the amount of estimated annual pension deductions for the Employee. PENTA uses this value in tax calculations. You can only access this column when the Tax Calculation Method is C (Commission Only). |
EST_ALIMONY_DED_ | Opt | F 15.2 | Indicate the estimated annual alimony deduction amount for the Employee. PENTA uses the value in tax calculations. You can only access this column when the Tax Calculation Method is C (Commission Only). |
SVP_CD | Req | C! 1 | Indicates whether PENTA should calculate Statutory Vacation Pay for the Employee. |
SVP_RT | Opt | F 7.4 | The rate at which PENTA calculates Statutory Vacation Pay for the Employee. This rate overrides rates assigned at the Payroll Class level. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Certification Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_CERT table. After loading, you can view this information in the Employee HR Information window’s Certification tab.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | Employee ID. PENTA verifies this column exists in the EMPLOYEE table, and is an active employee. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
SORT_SEQ_NUM | Req | N 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
PROF_LICENSE_CD | Req | C 8 | License Code. |
ST_CD | Opt | C 4 | State/Prov. PENTA verifies this column exists in the STATE table, and is an active Address State. |
REGISTRATION_NUM | Opt | C 15 | License Registration #. |
D_DATE_LICENSED | Opt | D | Date Licensed. |
D_EXPIR_DATE | Opt | D | Date Expired. |
D_LAST_RENEWAL_DATE | Opt | D | Date Last Renewed. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | PENTA User ID of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Compensation Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_COMP table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number that uniquely identifies this record within an interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | The Id of the employee associated with the other compensation record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
COMP_NUM | Key | I 3 | PENTA validates this column against the OTHER_COMP table. If you attempt to add the same compensation number twice, PENTA issues an error. |
PRMRY_INS_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Amount of insurance coverage on the employee. This column can contain a value only if the calculation base number is 2. |
SCNDRY_INS_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Total amount of insurance coverage on the spouse and dependents. This column can contain a value only if the calculation base number is 2. If this column has a value, it must be greater than zero and the spouse’s birth date cannot be null. |
D_SCNDRY_BIRTH_ | Opt | D | Required if a Secondary Insurance Amount exists; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
D_EFF_DATE | Req | D | The effective date of the compensation. |
D_EXPIR_DATE | Opt | D | The expiration date for the compensation. If entered, this date must be greater than the Effective Date. PENTA issues an error if it is less than or equal to the Effective Date. |
AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | The amount of other compensation earned per day worked. |
PRD_LIMIT_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Maximum amount per pay period. |
D_PRMRY_BIRTH_ | Opt | D | Required if a Primary Insurance Amount exists; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Deductions Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_DED table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number that uniquely identifies this record within an interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | The Id of the employee associated with the deduction record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
DED_NUM | Key | I 3 | Deduction number. PENTA validates this column against the Deduction table. |
D_EFF_DATE | Req | D | Required when adding to deductions and reimbursements |
D_EXPIR_DATE | Opt | D | Required when adding to deductions and reimbursements. If you are adding and the column is null, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s expiration date. |
AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Amount per period. If you are adding, either Amount or Percent cannot be null. If you are adding and the column is null, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s amount. Note: This column is not valid for Calc Base 4, PENTA only allows percentages. |
PCT | Opt | F 8.5 | Percent per period. If you are adding, either Amount or Percent cannot be null. If you are adding and the column is null, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s percent. Note: This column is not valid for Calc Base 1; PENTA only allows amounts. |
LIMIT_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Maximum amount. This must be greater than zero or null. If you are adding and the column has no value, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s limit amount. |
ANNUAL_LIMIT_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Maximum amount per year. If this column has a value, it must be greater than zero. If you are adding and this column has no value, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s annual limit amount. |
FREQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Frequency of the deduction or reimbursement. PENTA validates this column against the DED_REIMB_FREQ table. If you are adding and the column is null, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s frequency number. |
LIMIT_EARN | Opt | F 15.2 | When employee earnings reach this limit, PENTA discontinues the deduction until the next calendar year. |
DIRECT_DEPOSIT_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Possible values are:
EMP_BANK_NUM | Opt | C! 9 | The bank account where Employee’s the payroll check deposits. PENTA validates this value against the BANK_ACCT and BANK_ACCT_TYPE tables. If this column has a value, Employee Bank Number, Employee Bank Account Number, and Direct Deposit must have a value. Required if Direct Deposit Code is Y; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
BANK_ACCT_TYPE_ | Opt | C! 1 | The type of account to which the employee’s payroll is deposited. PENTA validates this column against the BANK_ACCT_TYPE table. If this column is not null, Employee Bank Number, Employee Bank Account Number & Direct Deposit cannot be null. Required if Direct Deposit Code is Y; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
EMP_BANK_ACCT_ | Opt | C 17 | PENTA validates this column against the EMP_BANK_ACCT table. If Employee Bank Number, Bank Account Type Code, and Employee Bank Account Number do not exist for the employee, PENTA adds the Employee Bank Account Number and sets the PRE_NOTE_STAT_CD. Required if Direct Deposit Code is Y; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
CHK_LIMIT_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Maximum amount per check. Values must be greater than zero. If you are adding and this column does not have a value, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s amount. |
ACCT_NUM | Opt | X | ID of the accrual account. |
DED_AMT_ | Opt | I 3 | Identifies the number of a deduction that triggers the current deduction if its Annual Limit Amount is exceeded. Valid entries are numbers identifying deductions with:
You cannot enter a number in this column if there is a Deduction, Reimbursement, or Other Compensation in the Master Deduction’s Basis Amount pop-up window for the current deduction. |
DED_EARN_ | Opt | I 3 | Identifies the number of a deduction that triggers the current deduction if its Annual Earnings Limit is exceeded. Valid entries are numbers identifying deductions with:
You cannot enter a number in this column if there is a Deduction, Reimbursement, or Other Compensation in the Master Deduction’s Basis Amount pop-up window for the current deduction. |
VEN_ID | Opt | X | The Id of the vendor an accounts payable transaction automatically posts to during payroll processing. Valid only when the deduction Accrual Acct is an A/P Edit Rule account. |
AP_CHK_COMMENT_1 | Opt | C 60 | Line one of text to print on standard AP checks issued to vendors requiring detailed remittance information regarding the deduction. |
AP_CHK_COMMENT_2 | Opt | C 60 | Line two of text to print on standard AP checks issued to vendors requiring detailed remittance information regarding the deduction. |
AP_CHK_COMMENT_3 | Opt | C 60 | Line three of text to print on standard AP checks issued to vendors requiring detailed remittance information regarding the deduction. |
AP_CHK_COMMENT_4 | Opt | C 60 | Line four of text to print on standard AP checks issued to vendors requiring detailed remittance information regarding the deduction. |
AP_CHK_COMMENT_5 | Opt | C 60 | Line five of text to print on standard AP checks issued to vendors requiring detailed remittance information regarding the deduction. |
GROSS_TO_NET_ | Opt | I 3 | Controls the order in which PENTA subtracts net pay–based deductions to arrive at final net pay. This is useful when multiple garnishments cannot exceed a certain percentage of disposable net. |
MIN_NET_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Sets the Minimum Net Pay Amount column to a specified net pay amount. Use for deductions that cannot reduce net pay below a certain amount. Valid for net pay based deduction Calculation Bases 4, 7, 13, or 14. |
MIN_NET_DISP_NET_PCT | Opt | F 8.5 | Sets the Minimum % of Disposable Net column to a specified percent of disposable net. Use for deductions that cannot reduce net pay below a certain percentage of disposable net. Valid for net pay based deduction Calculation Bases 4, 7, 13, or 14. |
MIN_NET_PER_HOUR | Opt | F 15.4 | Sets the Minimum Hourly Rate column to a specified minimum net pay for an hour worked. Use for deductions that cannot reduce net pay below a certain rate per hour. Valid for net pay based deduction Calculation Bases 4, 7, 13, or 14. |
MONTHLY_LIMIT_ | Opt | F 15.2 | The deduction’s monthly limit amount. This is the maximum amount PENTA will take for the Deduction in a month. |
PRD_LIMIT_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | The deduction’s per period limit amount. This is the maximum amount PENTA will take for the Deduction in a single pay period. The total of deduction amounts taken on multiple checks in a pay period will not exceed this amount. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Employee Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_EMP table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number that uniquely identifies this record within an interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | Enter the Id of the Employee whose record you are updating or entering. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
SS_NUM | Key | X | Employee’s Social Security number or Federal Identification number. The value must not already exist for another Employee Id within the Employee table. Do not include hyphens in the record. |
LAST_NAME | Req | C 20 | The employee’s last name. |
FIRST_NAME | Req | C 15 | The employee’s first name. |
MIDDLE_NAME | Opt | C 15 | The employee’s middle name. |
D_BIRTH_DATE | Opt | D | The employee’s date of birth. |
D_HIRE_DATE | Req | D | Employee’s original hire date |
D_ADJUSTED_ SERVICE_DATE | Opt | D | Employee’s adjusted service date (used to adjust for leaves of absence or the like) |
OU_ID | Req | X | The organizational unit assigned to the employee. PENTA validates this is against the ORGANIZATION_UNIT table, and verifies it is within the balance sheet OU included in the Header Record. |
PR_CLASS_NUM | Req | I 8 | Id of the Payroll Class. PENTA validates the payroll class number against the PR_CLASS table. |
PAY_GROUP_NUM | Req | I 3 | PENTA validates the pay group number against the PAY_GROUP table. |
DEPT_NUM | Opt | I 5 | PENTA validates the employee’s department number against the DEPARTMENT table. |
MARITAL_STAT_CD | Req | C 1 | Marital status. Possible values are:
If you are adding the employee and you do not enter a value, the marital status defaults as S. |
SHIFT_NUM | Opt | I 1 | Employee’s assigned shift: 1, 2, or 3. If you are adding an employee and do not have a value in this column, the shift number defaults as 1. |
CONF_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Is the employee’s salary information confidential? Possible values are Y or N. If you are adding an employee and do not have a value in this column, this defaults as the Pay Group value. |
EEO_CD | Opt | C! 2 | PENTA validates the workers classification code against ECC_CD table. |
GENDER_CD | Opt | C! 1 | PENTA validates the gender code against the table GENDER. Possible values are:
RACE_CD | Opt | C! 1 | This is the ethnic heritage of the employee, not citizenship. PENTA validates this column against the view RACE. |
ADDR_1 | Opt | C 30 | Line one of the employee’s address |
ADDR_2 | Opt | C 30 | Line two of the employee’s address |
ADDR_3 | Opt | C 30 | Line three of the employee’s address |
CITY | Opt | C 20 | The employee’s address city. |
ST_CD | Opt | C! 4 | PENTA validates the employee’s address state against the STATE table. |
POSTAL_CD | Opt | C! 10 | The ZIP code |
COUNTRY_CD | Opt | C! 3 | PENTA validates the employee’s address country against the COUNTRY table. |
PHONE_AREA_CD | Opt | C 3 | The area code of the employee’s phone number. |
PHONE_NUM | Opt | C 11 | The employee’s phone number. |
EMP_BANK_NUM | Opt | C! 9 | The bank number used to define the bank where the employee’s payroll check will deposit. PENTA validates it against the bank number check digit. If this column has a value, Bank Account Type Code and Employee Bank Account Number must contain values. |
BANK_ACCT_TYPE_ | Opt | C! 1 | Type of account to which the employee’s check deposits. PENTA validates this against the BANK_ACCT_TYPE table. If this column has a value, Employee Bank Number and Employee Bank Account Number must contain values. |
EMP_BANK_ACCT_ | Opt | C 17 | Bank account where the Employee’s check deposits. PENTA validates this against the BANK_ACCT_TYPE table. If this column has a value, Employee Bank Number and Employee Bank Account Number must contain values. |
DIRECT_DEPOSIT_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Is the Employee’s payroll check directly deposited? Possible values are Y or N. The Employee can only have one bank account associated with a payroll deposit. When adding an employee, if Payroll Direct Deposit is:
CERT_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Should the employee’s time on a job be included on the Certified Payroll Report? Possible values are Y or N. If this column is blank or null and the Activity Code is A, this column defaults as Y. |
PR_CHK_SORT_ | Opt | C 5 | The check sort group assigned to the employee for sorting payroll checks |
SUBJECT_TO_DRUG_ | Opt | C! 1 | Indicates whether to include the employee in a drug test pool. Possible values are Y or N. This defaults as N. |
SUBJECT_TO_ | Opt | C! 1 | Indicates whether to include employee in an alcohol test pool. Possible values are Y or N. This defaults as N. |
VIET_VET_CD | Opt | C! 1 | This indicates whether the employee is a Vietnam War Veteran. Possible values are Y or N. This defaults as N. |
OTHER_VET_CD | Opt | C! 1 | This indicates whether the employee is a Veteran. Possible values are Y or N. This defaults as N. |
DISABLED_VET_CD | Opt | C! 1 | This indicates whether the employee is a Disabled Veteran. Possible values are Y or N. This defaults as N. |
HIRING_LOCATION_ | Opt | C 20 | This identifies a VETS-100 reporting establishment. |
OT_SPLIT_ACTION_ | Opt | C! 6 | This column only applies if there are hours with hour type O. When PENTA splits hour type O hours to hour type T and hour type O during the labor distribution process, this column determines which hour class is associated with the hours. |
AUTO_OT_ELIG_CD | Opt | C! 1 | This column determines whether the employee is subject to the auto overtime calculation rules established at the payroll class level. Possible values are Y or N. This defaults as Y. |
CORPORATE_OFFICER_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Corporate Officer Code. Valid entries are N and Y. This defaults as N. |
PHONE_NUM_TYPE_ | Opt | C! 8 | Indicate what kind of number you are recording for the employee. |
EMAIL_ADDR | Opt | C 50 | Enter the employee’s email address. |
WINDOWS_USER_ID | Opt | C 50 | Enter the employee’s Windows user Id. |
CREW_ID | Opt | C! 8 | Associate the employee with a crew. |
EMER_CONTACT | Opt | C 30 | Enter the employee’s emergency contact person. |
EMER_PHONE_AREA_CD | Opt | C 3 | Enter the area code for the Emergency Contact’s phone number. |
EMER_PHONE_NUM | Opt | C 11 | Enter the Emergency Contact’s phone number. |
WAGE_PLAN_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Enter the California Wage Plan Code required for quarterly wage reporting to California. |
APPROVAL_GROUP_ | Opt | I 3 | Identify which approval group reviews and approves the Employee’s time in Penta Technologies’ eTimesheet application, and which approval group reviews and approves expenses in Penta Technologies’ eExpense application. |
PRE_NOTE_STAT_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicate whether the Employee’s bank information is approved for live transmission. |
D_DISCHARGE_DATE | Opt | D | If the Employee was in the military, enter the date of the Employee’s discharge from service. PENTA uses this information for Vets-100 reporting. |
PR_COUNTRY_CD | Opt | C! 3 | Enter USA if the employee is paid in America. Enter CAN if the employee is paid in Canada. |
STATUS_INDIAN_CD | Req | C! 1 | If the Employee has a Payroll Country Code of CAN, indicate whether PENTA should identify that Employee as a Status Indian on a Canadian T4. The earnings of a Status Indian may be exempt from tax in Canada. If earnings are tax-exempt, you must identify Status Indian on the T4. (To enter tax exemptions, refer to the Tax Exempt Status pop-up window.) |
USE_WORK_LOC_CD | Opt | C! 1 | This column establishes the value for the “Job work location takes precedence over Emp resident location (Y/N)” column. |
EMP_USER_ID | Opt | C! 6 | Enter the Id the employee will use to access ePENTA. This column is only applicable if your company uses ePENTA. |
SERVICE_TECH_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicate whether the employee is a service technician. |
SALESPERSON_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicate whether the employee is a salesperson. |
PMGR_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicate whether the employee is a project manager. |
PROJ_CNTRL_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicate whether the employee is a project controller. |
PROJ_ADMIN_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicate whether the employee is a project administrator. |
NAME_PREFIX | Opt | C 15 | The prefix for the employee’s name |
NAME_SUFFIX | Opt | C 10 | The suffix for the employee’s name. |
SPECIAL_DISABLED_ | Opt | C! 1 | This column identifies whether the employee is a Special Disabled Veteran. Possible values are Y or N. This column defaults as N. |
SERVICE_MEDAL_VET_CD | Opt | C! 1 | This column identifies whether the employee is a Service Medal Veteran. Possible values are Y or N. This column defaults as N. |
MIN_WAGE_FACTOR_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Enter Y or N to indicate whether the employee qualifies for an adjusted minimum wage rate for the unit rate payroll minimum wage comparison. This column defaults as N. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Estimated Hourly Benefit Value Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_BNVAL table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | The Id of the employee associated with the Estimated Hourly Benefit Value record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
D_EFF_DATE | Req | D | The effective date of the Estimated Hourly Benefit Value record. |
RATE | Req | F 15.4 | The employee’s pay rate. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Exempt Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_XEMPT table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | The Id of the employee associated with the Tax Exempt Status record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
ST_CD | Opt | C! 4 | ID of the province or state associated with the employee. |
TAX_TYPE_CD | Req | C! 6 | The code that identifies the type of tax the exemption pertains to. Possible values are:
D_EFF_DATE | Req | D | The effective date of the employee’s tax exemption. |
D_EXPIR_DATE | Opt | D | The expiration date of the employee’s tax exemption. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Header Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_HDR table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
RECORD_COUNT | Req | I 10 | Each batch includes a count of the rows within the INTR_HR* tables for the INTR_RQST_ID. This number must be greater than zero. If the number in the header row differs from the number read by PENTA, no update occurs and PENTA rejects the entire file. |
D_ORIG_DATE | Req | D | The date of this file’s creation. |
BAL_SHEET_OU_ID | Opt | X | If you provide a balance sheet OU Id, all Detail Records must be set up in the Organization Unit table as sharing this balance sheet OU. |
DATA_CHECK_ | Opt | I 8 | The ASCII summed value of Employee Id is summed for each Detail Record, and PENTA compares the eight least significant digits to the left of the decimal point to this value |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Minimum Rate Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_MINRT table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number that uniquely identifies this record within an interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | The Id of the employee associated with the minimum hourly rate record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
Note: PENTA only supports code A at this time. |
D_EFF_DATE | Req | D | This column identifies the effective date to be associated with the MINRT entry. Date must be in YYYYMMDD format. |
REG_RATE | Req | F15.4 | Minimum regular hourly rate. |
PREM1_RATE | Req | F15.4 | Minimum premium 1 hourly rate. |
PREM2_RATE | Req | F15.4 | Minimum premium 2 hourly rate. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Paid Time Off Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_PTO table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number that uniquely identifies this record within an interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | The Id of the employee associated with the PTO (paid time off) record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
PR_CLASS_NUM | Key | I 8 | Id of the Payroll Class associated with the Employee and PTO schedule. |
PAY_RT_NUM | Key | I 4 | The Pay Rate number associated with the Employee and PTO schedule. |
PTO_SCHD_CD | Key | C8 | The PTO schedule assigned to the Employee. |
STAT_CD | Req | C! 1 | The status of the Employee’s PTO schedule. Possible values are:
DR_ACCT_NUM | Opt | X | The account used to record PTO expense as it is earned. |
CR_ACCT_NUM | Opt | X | The account used to record PTO liability as it is earned. |
PREM1_MULT | Opt | F 7.4 | Entry here overrides the value established at the PTO schedule level. If the PTO schedule has an accrual type of “Per Hour,” this column defines how PENTA calculates PTO on type T hours. For example, an entry of 1.5 indicates PTO for type T hours accrues at a rate of 1.5 hours for each type T hour worked. |
PREM2_MULT | Opt | F 7.4 | Entry here overrides the value established at the PTO schedule level. If the PTO schedule has an accrual type of Per Hour, this column defines how PENTA calculates PTO on type D hours. For example, an entry of 2.0 indicates PTO for type T hours accrues at a rate of 2.0 hours for each type D hour worked. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Production Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_PROD table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number that uniquely identifies this record within an interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | The Id of the employee associated with the labor productivity record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. This value must be A—records can only be added. |
OU_ID | Req | X | This must be a valid OU. |
D_EFF_DATE | Req | D | The default is the current date. |
BASE_HRS | Opt | F 5.2 | The value must be between 0.01 and 168.00. If you enter a value outside of this range, PENTA defaults this column to null. If you do not enter a value, the default is 40 hours. |
TARGET_RATIO | Req | F 4.1 | The value must be between 0 and 100.0. If you enter a value outside of this range or do not enter any value, the default is 100. If this column contains a value, PENTA calculates target hours. The Target Hours column should not contain a value. |
TARGET_HRS | Opt | F 5.2 | The value cannot exceed the Base Hours and must be between 0.01 and 168.00. If you enter a value outside of this range, PENTA defaults this column to null. If this column contains a value, PENTA overrides the hours calculated by the Target Ratio. |
REASON | Opt | C 30 | A note about the productivity targets. PENTA does not perform any checks on this column. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Province Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_PROV table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Key | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | The Id of the employee associated with the Provincial Parameters record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
ST_CD | Req | C! 4 | Enter the province for which you are creating a record. |
D_EFF_DATE | Req | D | Identify the first date PENTA uses the provincial parameters for any payroll check dated greater than or equal to this effective date but less than the effective date for any future-dated provincial parameter entries. |
LABOR_CREDIT_PROV_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Identify the amount PENTA uses as a factor in appropriate provincial tax calculations. Certain tax credits related to employee purchases of approved shares of capital stock in a labor-sponsored venture capital corporation reduce source deductions. |
OTHER_TAX_CREDITS_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Identify the tax credits (i.e., medical expenses or charitable donations) not entered elsewhere in PENTA. PENTA uses this amount as a factor when calculating taxes. |
NUM_DISABLED_DEP | Opt | I 2 | Quantify the Employee’s disabled dependents. PENTA uses this value when calculating taxes for provinces to which this tax credit applies. |
NUM_DEP_UNDER_18 | Opt | I 2 | Quantify the Employee’s dependents under 18 years old. PENTA uses this value when calculating taxes for provinces to which this tax credit applies. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Rate Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_RATE RECORD table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Key | I 10 | Sequence number that uniquely identifies this record within an interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | Id of the employee associated with the rate record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
PR_CLASS_NUM | Key | I 8 | Id of the Payroll Class. PENTA validates this column against the PR_CLASS table. |
PAY_RT_NUM | Key | I 4 | PENTA validates this column against the PAY_RT table. |
D_EFF_DATE | Key | D | The date for which the pay class and pay rate are to take effect. If the effective date is prior to today’s date and the employee’s Retroactive Pay Code is Y, a retroactive pay adjustment may be required. Increase the sequence if the pay class of the effective date already exists. Note: The pay rate may also change for the same effective date. |
REG_RATE | Opt | F 15.4 | Standard payroll rate. The rate must be positive, zero, or null. If the rate is null and you are adding the employee, the value copies from PAY_RT_HIST table. |
TH_RATE | Opt | F 15.4 | Premium 1 payroll rate. The rate must be positive, zero, or null. If the rate is null and you are adding the employee, the value copies from PAY_RT_HIST table. |
DT_RATE | Opt | F 15.4 | Premium 2 payroll rate. The rate must be positive, zero, or null. If the rate is null and you are adding the employee, the value copies from PAY_RT_HIST table. |
STD_CHRG_RT | Opt | F 15.4 | Standard job billing rate. The rate must be positive, zero, or null. |
TH_STD_CHRG_RT | Opt | F 15.4 | Premium 1 billing rate. The rate must be positive, zero, or null. |
DT_STD_CHRG_RT | Opt | F 15.4 | Premium 2 billing rate. The rate must be positive or null. |
RETRO_PAY_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Is the employee eligible for retroactive pay? Possible values are Y or N. If the code is null and you are adding the employee, the value copies from the pay class and pay rate. If the effective date is less than the current system date, the table RETRO_PAY_WORK is populated as follows:
OT_BANK_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Is the employee eligible for overtime hours banking? Possible values are Y or N. If you are adding a pay class and pay rate and it is not an override, PENTA uses the overtime bank code default from the PAY_RT_HIST table. |
EMP_TITLE_NUM | Opt | I 4 | This column identifies the employee’s title. PENTA validates this column against the EMP_TITLE table. |
OT_MULT | Opt | F 7.4 | Premium 1 Salaried OT Multiplier. You can only enter this column for salaried pay rates. |
DT_MULT | Opt | F 7.4 | Premium 2 Salaried OT Multiplier. You can only enter this column for salaried pay rates. |
D_SAL_EFF_DATE | Opt | D | Salary Effective Date. You can only enter this column for salaried pay rates. |
YEARLY_SAL_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Annual Salary. You can only enter this column for salaried pay rates. |
SAL_OT_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Eligible for Overtime Pay indicator. Possible values are N and Y. This defaults as N. You can only enter this column for salaried pay rates. |
ADD_TO_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Regular Add-to-Rate. |
DT_ADD_TO_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Premium 1 Add-to-Rate. |
OT_ADD_TO_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Premium 2 Add-to-Rate. |
UNIT_PAY_SCHD_ID | Opt | C! 15 | Unit Pay Rate Schedule Id. Applicable to Unit Rate Payroll only. You can only enter this column if your PREMP Module Security “Allowed to override Unit Pay Rate Schedule Id” flag is Y. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Reimbursement Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_REIMB table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number that uniquely identifies this record within an interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | The ID of the employee associated with the reimbursement record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
REIMB_NUM | Key | I 3 | The reimbursement number. PENTA validates this column against the Reimbursement table. |
D_EFF_DATE | Req | D | The effective date. There is no default. |
D_EXPIR_DATE | Opt | D | The expiration date |
AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Amount per calculation base cycle (deduction or reimbursement). This column is null for compensations. If this column contains a value, it must be zero or a positive number. If you are adding, either Amount or Percent must contain a value. If you are adding and this column is null, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s amount. Note: This column is not valid for Calc Base 4; PENTA only allows percentages. |
PCT | Opt | F 8.5 | Percent per Calc base cycle (deduction or reimbursement). This column is null for compensations. If this column contains a value, it must greater than zero. If you are adding, either Amount or Percent cannot be null. If you are adding and the column is null, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s percent. Note: This column is not valid for Calc Base 1; PENTA only allows amounts. |
LIMIT_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Maximum amount. If this column has a value, it must be greater than zero. If this column has no value, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s limit amount. |
FREQ_NUM | Req | I 3 | Frequency of the reimbursement. PENTA validates this column against the DED_REIMB_FREQ table. If this column is null, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s frequency number. |
DED_NUM | Opt | I 3 | The number of the deduction linked to a Calculation Base 10 (Deduction Amount) reimbursement. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Employee Status Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_STAT table. This data will appear in the Status History pop-up in the Employee Payroll Information window (master tab).
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number that uniquely identifies this record within an interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | Id of the employee associated with the status history record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
EMP_STAT_CD | Key | D | Status Code Possible values are:
PENTA validates this column against the EMP_STAT table. |
D_HIST_DATE | Opt | I 3 | Effective Date. This column provides the effective date of the status record. For US employees, you can delete all but one status record if needed. |
TERM_TYPE_NUM | Key | C! 1 | Status Change Type. The status change code indicates the reason for the employee's change in status (e.g. lay-off, rehire). PENTA validates this column against the TERM_TYPE table. |
REHIRE_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Report as Rehire. This column determines whether a rehired employee is included on the New Hire Report. Possible values are Y or N. This defaults as N. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | ID of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
ROE_REASON_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Reason for ROE. PENTA verifies this value exists in the ROE_REASON table. You can only enter this field for Canadian Payroll employees. If you enter a value in this field, PENTA automatically populates the Status History record ROE Required field with Y. |
Tax Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_TAX table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number that uniquely identifies this record within an interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | The Id of the employee associated with the tax withholding status record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
TAX_LEVEL_CD | Key | C! 1 | Defines which tax information will be inserted or changed:
If you are adding an employee, you can enter one Tax Record with Tax Level Code = F and Resident/Work Code = R and another Tax Record with Tax Level Code = F and Resident/Work Code = W. |
RES_WORK_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Required if the Tax Level Code is F; otherwise, do not enter a value. Possible codes are:
If this column has a value, PENTA updates the EMPLOYEE table with the appropriate activity for the withholding and unemployment compensation columns. |
ST_CD | Opt | C! 4 | Required if the Tax Level Code is S; otherwise, do not enter a value. The Resident/Work Code column determines if the State Code (withholding state) is for residence or work. PENTA validates this column against the STATE table. If the tax level code is:
If the state does not exist for an employee and System Option 139 is S, the default values for resident or work are automatically inserted into the EMP_ST_TAX_TYPE table for each new State Code:
Note: You cannot delete a State Code if System Option 139 is S or if it is active as either a Resident of Work State. |
LCL_CD | Opt | C! 3 | The RES_WORK_CD in your file determines if the locality code is for resident or work location. PENTA validates this value against the LCL_TAX_AUTH table. If the tax level code is:
CLAIMED_EXEMPT | Req | F 6.3 | The number of exemptions. If the tax level code is:
WH_CD | Req | C! 1 | Is the employee’s payroll subject to withholding? Possible values are: Y, N, or null. If the tax level code is:
WH_STAT_CD | Req | C! 1 | Withholding status code. Valid values are those in the PENTA WH_STAT table (M – married, S – single, H – head of household, etc.). The TAX_LEVEL_CD in your file determines which tax record (F - Federal, S - State, or L - Local) PENTA populates:
WH_ADD_PCT | Opt | F 8.5 | The percent to add to the standard withholding amount. If the value is not zero, Additional Withholding Amount must be null. If the tax level code is:
WH_ADD_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | The amount to add to the standard withholding amount. If the value is zero or greater, Additional Withholding Percent must be null. If the tax level code is:
FICA_EXEMPT_CD | Req | C! 1 | Is the employee exempt from FICA? This column can only contain a value if Tax Level Code is F. Possible values are:
See Payroll’s Employee Payroll Information Window Description for further information on each Code. |
EIC_CERTFCT_CNT | Opt | I 3 | EIC certificate count. This column can only contain a value if Tax Level Code is F. |
UC_ST_CD | Req | C! 4 | Unemployment compensation state. The RES_WORK_CD value in your file determines if the state is for residence or work location. PENTA validates this column against the STATE table to ensure entry of a valid state code. If the TAX_LEVEL_CD in your file is:
WH_FIXED_PCT | Opt | F 8.5 | The percent to replace the standard withholding calculation. If the value is zero or greater, Fixed Withholding Amount must be null. If the tax level code is:
WH_FIXED_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | The amount to replace the standard withholding amount. If the value is zero or greater, Additional Withholding Percent must be null. If the tax level code is:
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
WC_ST_CD | Opt | C! 4 | Workers’ Compensation state. The RES_WORK_CD value in your file determines if the state is for the residence or work location. PENTA validates this column against the STATE table to ensure entry of a valid state code. If the TAX_LEVEL_CD in your file is:
User Defined Fields Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_HR_UDF table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number that uniquely identifies this record within an interface request. |
EMP_ID | Key | X | The Id of the employee associated with the user defined field record. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
UDF_COLUMN_NAME | Req | C 30 | This is the UDF column name. |
ALPHA_VALUE | Opt | C 15 | The value for the UDF. |
D_EFF_DATE | Req | D | Effective date of the UDF entry. Must have YYYYMMDD format. Only enter a value if the User Defined Fields window’s Maintain Effective Date box for this UDF has a checkmark. PENTA accepts a new UDF entry or a change to the existing UDF record, even if you enter an effective date and the UDF is not to maintain effective date information. In this scenario, PENTA discards the effective date entry during the interface process but loads the rest of the UDF record. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |