Workbench Panel PM: TEP Reporting Center
Workbench Panel PM: TEP Reporting Center
Applies To
Penta for Windows
Workbench Panel PM: TEP Reporting Center
This panel allows you to create TEP related analytic reports. The panel filter you specifiy are used on all the reports generated from this panel. The report allows you to export as a PDF or Excel file.
Panel Parameters:
Display Report Parameters, Legal Entity OU, Employee, Foreman, Activity Log Current Status, Begin Date, End Date
Report Columns:
- Employee OU ID
- Employee Name
- Activity Log Foreman Name
- Activity Log Description
- Work Date
- Job ID
- Work Order ID
- Hour Class Description
- Total Clock Hours
- Reg Hours
- Prem 1 Hours
- Prem 2 Hours
- Total Hours
- Hours Variance