Labor Interface: Pipe Delimited Method

Use the Labor Interface to load timecard information using data from external applications. Information you load using the Labor Interface adds to the data already stored in PENTA by creating new timecard entry batches.

A loaded data file does not affect any of the data already stored or entered in PENTA’s database. It creates a new, unique timecard batch that you can process as you would any other batch.

Data files you load must have Request Types assigned to the L Interface Type.

PENTA runs several high-level tests for integrity on the file and records. When you process the records, be sure to use the file name as the Batch Number. This is different from other PENTA Interface Types. In the labor interface files, there is no Batch Number field. The file name itself becomes the Batch Number during processing.

Batch Distribution & Where to View Loaded Data

System Option 347 (Labor Interface - Auto Distrib) controls whether the batch is distributed. If you set it to:

• Y – PENTA distributes the batch immediately after file transfer. This ensures that no one modifies the batch.

• N – PENTA does not distribute batches, and you can review and correct them as needed in one of the following windows:

• Timecards – By Selected Attributes (if PFW_EDIT_CD in the interface file header record is N)

• Time/Equipment/Production Units Entry (if PFW_EDIT_CD in the interface file header record is Y)

Limitations & Restrictions

Do not use tildes (~) to denote null (empty) fields in this interface’s records. Instead, enter nothing (no space) between pipe delimiters.

Number of Timecards Created

When PENTA loads labor information, in most cases it creates one employee timecard entry for each record contained in the interface data file. PENTA summarizes hours attributed to the same labor distribution and recorded at the same pay rate into a single timecard entry.

There are two situations, however, in which PENTA creates multiple timecard entries.

  • If an employee’s hourly rate is changed, PENTA creates one employee timecard entry for each effective rate. For example, if an employee has a rate change effective on day four of five reported days, PENTA creates one summary timecard entry for days one, two, and three, then creates another summary record for days four and five.

  • If an employee’s time is attributed to a job for which certified payroll reporting is required, PENTA reports each day’s labor hours separately with no summarization.

Available Records

Customer Reference Detail Record

Customer Reference records are optional. A Customer Reference record must follow a work order related Detail record.














C! 6



Customer Reference Code


C 15

Id of the Customer Reference.


Customer Reference Value


C 30

Value of the Customer Reference.

Detail Record

Each interface file should contain one or more Detail records.

Before using this interface, consider the following:

  • If the Header Record is not present, PENTA posts the transactions as of the work date in the Detail records, which is determined from the Week Ending Date. PENTA assumes the Week Ending Date is Hours 7 and determines the dates for Hours 1 through 6.

  • If System Option 211 (“Prevent summarization in timecard interface”) is N (default), PENTA summarizes the interface timecards. PENTA adds up hours for contiguous dates with the same distribution, places that sum in the highest number Hours field, and puts zeros in the lower number Hours fields for that distribution.

  • If the distribution indicates a certified job or System Option 211 is Y, PENTA does not summarize interface timecards. Use this if a fringe calculation depends on the number of days worked.

  • If multiple one-time reimbursements or deductions are required for an employee, you must create records for each reimbursement or deduction in the interface data file. Each record can contain only one reimbursement and one deduction.

There are six sets of fields. The sets are marked with shaded numbers in the first Field of the table. The first three sets (1, 2, and 3) make up a group, and the second three sets (4, 5, and 6) make up a group. In each group, if you enter information for one of the sets, you do not enter data for the other sets. For example, in the 4, 5, and 6 group, if you enter data for set 5, do not enter data for sets 4 & 6.

Also, if you do not define reimbursement distribution in set 4, 5, or 6, PENTA uses the timecard distribution as a default. Each timecard record can only contain one distribution for the hours worked. You can define a second single distribution for the reimbursement one of the reimbursement sets (4, 5, or 6).

Employees must have a Status of Active on their Employee Payroll Information window record with an Effective Date less than or equal to the Labor Interface Detail record date (Week Ending Date, Reimbursement Date, or Deduction Date) for successful interfacing. PENTA rejects records for employees with a Status of Inactive or Delete.

The fields in the following table identify the timecard data to be added, deleted, or modified.




