Initiate Batch Interface Request

Initiate Batch Interface Request


Initiate Batch Interface Request

Applies To

Penta for Windows

Reference Manual

Interfaces > Processing > Initiate Batch Interface Request


Use the Initiate Batch Interface Request window to request data files be loaded into PENTA and perform maintenance tasks such as querying, updating, and deleting data files you previously loaded.

PENTA ensures that it is not currently processing any interface data files for your User Id, and then ensures that it is not holding any incomplete or unsuccessful processing requests.

If you request a data file to be loaded and processing is incomplete, PENTA asks you whether you want to stop processing that request:

  • If you reply Yes, PENTA stops processing you can use the window. Once you exit the window, PENTA restarts the process you stopped and processes new data files you requested.
  • If you reply No, PENTA continues processing and exits the window.


This is the code you assign in the Interface Request Type Setup window. This code tells PENTA which interface processing program it should run when you load a data file.

If you established:

  • Only one Request Type, that type is the default.
  • Multiple Request Types, there is no default.

Entry is required. Entry must equal a value previously defined in the Interface Request Type Setup window.


The title of the Request Type as assigned in the Interface Request Type Setup window.

If you query an interface request record with a deleted type code, PENTA displays No Description Found in the description field.

You cannot edit this field; it is for display only.

Request Id

Use this field to enter a unique 1-13 character name of the data file that you want to load into PENTA. PENTA uses this identifier to select data for interface processing. If the file name uses special symbols or characters, include them in this field.

Entry is required. No default.


Use the Status field to identify the Request’s processing status:

  • A (Available for processing) – This is the default value for new file processes.
  • R (Rejected) – Indicates there are errors in the file and PENTA rejected one or more records from the process. PENTA assigns this status if the interface process detected errors in one or more of the individual records.
  • H (On hold and not processed) – PENTA waits on Held status items until you change the status from H to R.

When you click on the Initiate interface requests with a status of A button, PENTA processes data files with a status of A. If you exit the window without clicking the Initiate interface requests with a status of A button, PENTA does not process or load any interface data files.

Entry is required. No default.

Initiate interface requests with a status of A button

Clicking the Initiate interface requests with a status of A button processes all data files with a status of A (Available for processing). This includes any data files that were not processed when originally entered and have an A status.

Include rejected interface files in the next query button

When you perform a query, PENTA by default retrieves only those records marked with a status assignment of A (Available for processing) or H (On hold and not processed).

Clicking the Include rejected interface files in the next query button allows you to include or exclude interface requests with a status of R (Rejected) when you perform a query.

This acts as a toggle, switching between Include and Exclude rejected interface requests. The prompt at the bottom changes to indicate what PENTA will do if you click this button again.