Error entering time in TEP


User attempts to enter time to an employee and job/costcode in TEP and receives the error "You are not authorized to enter details for this activity log."

The user entering time is the foreman on the activity log.

Applies To

Penta Web > Time-Equipment-Production (TEP)

The user entering time is the foreman on the activity log.

Another user created the activity log for the foreman.


Check that the following setup is complete:

  • The foreman on the activity log should have both a PENTA user (setup in the Define Users window) and an employee record (setup in the Employee Payroll Information window).  The two records should be linked.
    • Employee Payroll Information Window (Payroll > Employees):
    • Define Users window (System Management > Security):
  • Ensure the security group which grants the foreman user access to the TEP application is authorized for the OU to which the foreman's employee is assigned.
  • Ensure you are signed into TEP as the Field Foreman on the Crew Activity Log. Only the Field Foreman will have access to update the Crew Activity Log once it has been created.