eTimesheets Approval Methods


What are the different eTimesheets approval workflows?

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Approval workflow


Approval by Distribution

This method uses different approvers for Job and Overhead timesheet distributions. All individual distributions on a timesheet require approval before it's approved and ready to transfer into PENTA's Payroll module.

  • Job distributions route to the Project Cost Controller and his/her Alternates (defined in the Job Information window) for approval. Any one of these individuals may approve the time. Next, job distributions route to the Project Managers and their Alternates for final approval. If a Project Cost Controller is not assigned to the Job, these distributions only route to the Project Managers and their Alternates.
  • Overhead distributions routed to the OU Manager and the Alternate eTimesheet Approvers (defined in the Organizational Units window) for approval. If these approvers are not assigned to the employee's Organizational Unit, eTimesheets searches up the Organizational Unit hierarchy for approvers.

Approval by Costcode

This method uses different approvers for Job and Overhead timesheet distributions. You can optionally maintain eTimesheet Approval Groups and assign to some employees to take precedence over other approvers.

  • Job distributions first route to the Project Manager and his Alternates (assigned at the Job/Costcode level in the Job CC Approvers window) for approval. If approvers do not exist in the Job CC Approvers window, the distributions route to the Project Manager and his Alternates (defined in the Job Information window).
  • Overhead timesheets route to the primary and alternate approvers (assigned in the eTimesheet Approval Groups window) if an employee has an Approval Group (assigned in the Employee PR Information window).
  • Overhead distributions route to the OU Manager and Alternate eTimesheet Approvers for the employee's assigned Organizational Unit for approval. If these approvers are not assigned to the employee's Organizational Unit, eTimesheets searches up the Organizational Unit hierarchy for approvers.

Approval by Timesheet

With this method, you maintain approvers in the eTimesheet Approval Groups window. Approval groups are then assigned to employees in the Employee Payroll Information window. You can also assign Approval Groups in the Organizational Units window. This also serves as the default Approval Group for employees assigned to the Organizational Unit.

Once the primary or any alternate approver approves a timesheet, the timesheet is ready to transfer into PENTA.