eTime Processed Timesheet Report

eTime Processed Timesheet Report


How can I query back processed timecards within eTime?

Applies To


Timecard report

Workbench > eTime: Timesheet Query panel


  1. Log into Workbench
  2. Add the eTime: Timesheet Query panel to your dashboard.
  3. Edit the panel parameters to include only Timesheet Status of Completed (CMP) as well as the appropriate values for remaining parameters.
    1. Timesheet Status = Completed indicates the time was imported from eTime into PENTA.  It does not guarantee the time matches what was distributed as it could have been edited after being imported. 
  4. Click Submit to save your panel parameters.
  5. Open the Timesheets report.
    1. Note: the user will need to have the Module Security item Query other's timesheets set to 'Y' in order to see timesheets belonging to other employees
  6. Format the report according to your needs.