Entering 0% tax in Costcode Tax Maintenance window
One of our staff was trying to enter costcodes subject to tax in the Costcode Tax Rule Maintenance Window but is unable to enter a percent of 0. Is there some sort of setting that would allow us to enter a 0%?
Error being returned:
This number may not be zero.
Applies To
PENTA for Windows
Project Management > Jobs > Costcode Tax Rule Maintenance
Project Management > Jobs > Job Information
PENTA allows for zero percent in this field with the below setup/process:
Option 1:
The Pcnt. Subj. To Tax field pulls in from the Job Information - Sales/Use Tax tab, Taxable % field. Changing this field to 0%, PENTA will pull this into the Pcnt. Subj when entering cost types and costcodes.
Option 2:
Copy the Job Tax Rules from an existing job where the zero percent is set up - NOTE: cost types and costcodes have to be the same if this process is to be used.
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