Error Loading XML on AP Routing Form
AP Routing Form shows "Error Loading XML" when in a workflow queue of AP Routing where it should be showing the form data.
Applies To
OnBase, AP Invoice Approval Routing, APR2
- Check that there are no Payment Term descriptions or other descriptions that contain the '%' character within the description, but no space afterward.
- Add at least one space after the '%' character before any other character in the description.
- Any Forms with the error will need to be re-submitted after the correction of the description, so that the PENTA data is reloaded into the form's XML data blob.
- Add at least one space after the '%' character before any other character in the description.
- If you are using OnBase 18, there is a known issue with a '&' within any of the Vendor, WO, PO, Job, or distribution descriptions that causes the eform to not load correctly. However, a workaround has been in place until Hyland can resolve the issue. There is also issues with a '#' that can cause the same error, but a workaround has not been developed.
- You will need to remove the # within the WO, PO, Job, etc. description and then re-submit the invoice to update the fields within the Routing Form
The Payment Terms (and other descriptions) are stored in the XML data blob in the e-form, and rendering special characters that are used for URLs, such as the '%' character, is not clean if those characters are not used properly.