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Wage & Fringe Reciprocity Rules By Payroll Class/Union


Use the Union Reciprocity Rules – by Union window to set up reciprocity rules between unions of the same trade type, as well as rules between Payroll Classes.

This window consists of the following three blocks:

  • Top block – identifies home union/pay class elements of the reciprocity rule, work union/ pay class elements associated with reciprocity rule, identifies rates mapped between home and work Pay class/Union and the dates the rule is effective
  • Bottom Block- Identifies Fringes that exist for both home and work unions defined in top clock. This block allows users to maintain which fringes will be calculated and how when both the rates referenced in the top block are in play.


  • Utilized to fully leverage PENTA's Union Reciprocity functionality
  • Enables rate to rate comparisons when the Union Reciprocity framework is set up outside of PENTA 
  • Enables fringe to fringe comparisons when the Union Reciprocity framework is set up outside of PENTA


  • Payroll Clerk
  • Payroll Manager
  • Assistant Controller


  • Payroll > Setup > Pay Groups, Pay Classes and Workers Compensations> Wage & Fringe Reciprocity - Rules by Payroll Class/Union


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