Default Hourly Pay Rate from Payroll Class


If an Employee is assigned to a Payroll Class - Pay Rate that is set to default the Hourly Rate has the field overridden, what happens when the Pay Class - Pay Rate is updated?

Applies To

Payroll Class - Pay Rate Setup


  1. If an Employee has Payroll Class 101 and Pay Rate 201 assigned with a $15 Hourly Rate, then a new (more recent) Date is added for Pay Class 101 and Pay Rate 201 with $16 Hourly Rate, the Hourly Rate for the Employee will be updated to be $16 automatically.
    1. This is assuming the Employee did NOT have an Hourly Rate amount override and was receiving $15 per hour pay.

    2. Changing the Hourly Rate on the Payroll Class - Pay Rate without a New Date will also update the Hourly Rate of the Employee like the images above
      Using a future date for the effective date in the Payroll Class will update the employee pay rate after the effective date is reached. 

  2. Same scenario as #1 above, however, the employee had an override Hourly Rate.  The override stays intact, regardless of what is changed on the Payroll Class - Pay Rate.
    1. Override denoted by the *