Defaulting "Include on Certified Report" Value to Timecards


Will marking the Job as Not Certified clean up the Undistributed Timecards that are set to Y for Certified Jobs?

Applies To

PR: Undistributed Timecard Panels

Certified Payroll Reporting

Payroll > Time Entry > Time, Equipment, Production Units Entry


If the Job is Certified and the employee is NOT, then the timecard will NOT default "Include on Certified" to checked.  Making the Jobs not certified does not impact the Report on the Undistributed Timecards Workbench Panel, because the Employee's Certified Setting is what the Timecard is looking at when defaulting the field as a Y or N.  The Employee value would need to be updated to change "Include on Certified Report" field on the Undistributed Timecard Report, or the Timecard can be overridden.

Timecard Default Scenarios:

  1. Employee = Exclude on Certified & Job Information = Certified,            then       the Timecard will be unchecked to Include on Certified 
  2. Employee = Include on Certified & Job Information = Certified,             then        the Timecard will be checked to Include on Certified by default
  3. Employee = Exclude on Certified & Job Information = Not Certified,     then        the Timecard will be unchecked to include on Certified Reporting
  4. Employee = Include on Certified & Job Information = Not Certified,      then         the Timecard will default to Include on certified by default


  • The Certified field on the Employee controls the Timecard Default
  • The Certified field on the Job controls whether the Job is included on the Certified Reports
  • If the Job is marked as Certified and the employee's timecard is marked as Certified, then the Employee will be included on the report