Disposing of a Fixed Asset without calculating depreciation


How do I dispose of a Fixed Asset without calculating Depreciation? 


PENTA for Windows

Fixed Asset Management > Asset Information 

Finance & Accounting > Fixed Assets > Fixed Asset Disposal


1) Fixed Asset Management > Asset Information

2) Query the Fixed Asset you would like to dispose 

3) Click the "Depreciation" tab and fill out all required fields. **This enables the disposal to be processed. Using a Salvage Value that is the same as the Original Value will prevent depreciation from being calculated.**

  • For "Depreciable Life (In Years)", enter in any value other than 0
  • For "Salvage Value", enter in the same amount as the "Original Value" found under the "Master" tab
    • Penta will not calculate Depreciation when the Salvage Value and the Original Value are the same

4) Click the "Disposition" tab and fill out all required fields

  • For "Disposition Price", enter in the amount the land was sold for

5) Close the window 

6) Finance & Accounting > Fixed Assets > Fixed Asset Disposal

7) Fill out all required fields and click "Process Fixed Asset Disposals"