Loading Fixed Asset Depreciation into PENTA


What are the steps needed to load Fixed Asset depreciation into PENTA


PENTA for Windows

System Management > Initial Load > Fixed Asset/Equipment 


Steps to load Fixed Asset Depreciation into PENTA:

  1. Navigate to System Management > Initial Load > Fixed Asset/Equipment > Depreciation 
  2. Enter a Batch #: - any number
  3. Enter the Patriarch OU Id: for the asset needing the depreciation history
  4. Enter the Distribution Date - use a date prior to the current fiscal year begin date (Example: January 1, 2019 beginning fiscal year enter December 31, 2018 as the distribution date)
  5. Enter the Total Depreciation Amount of the historical depreciation
  6. Enter Accumulated Depreciation Clearing Account
  7. Enter Asset information - the amount(s) need to Balance to 0.00 at the end of the entries

Exit the window to post the batch.