Credit holds when creating WO on MFS


How are credit holds taken into account when creating WO's on the device in Mobile Field Service (MFS)?

Applies To

Mobile Field Service (MFS)

Soft Hold

Hard Hold


PENTA does enforce credit holds in MFS but not exactly the same as PFW. PENTA MFS allows the creation of the WO and the status of the WO is immediately changed from unassigned, to hold, then to the status the tech selects. Behavior for each hold is as follows:

  1. Hard hold: We enforce the hold rules depending on the module security “Can Override Status on Work Orders with a Hard Credit Hold”. If this is set to = N, then we prevent creation of the WO on the device and give the techs an error message. If this is set to = Y we allow creation of the WO and change the status from unassigned, to on hold, to the status the tech selects (as stated above). The status changes all happen at the same time.

  2. Soft Holds: We allow creation of the WO regardless of the module security “Can Override Status on Work Orders with a Soft Credit Hold”. The WO has the exact same status changes as stated above. The only difference here between PFW and MFS is that in PFW we would allow creation of the WO and it would be immediately put on hold on creation. So it would go from unassigned to on hold. MFS prevents the user from changing the hold status if they have “Can Override Status on Work Orders with a Soft Credit Hold” set to = N. Since MFS does the extra status change to what the tech selects automatically we bypass this.