Reverse an Accounts Receivable (AR) Invoice
I am trying to void invoices from a previous year. I went through the regular procedure for reversal which I have done many times. It is telling me that the invoices do not exist. They were billed on a job invoice and are on our aging report.
Penta for Windows
Path to Inquiry by Invoice Number:
- Billing & Accounts Receivable
- Inquiries
- Billing History Query by Invoice
Path to Penta Report - AR Detail Aging (ARDTLAGING):
- PENTA Reports by Module
- Accounts Receivable
- Agings
- AR Detail Aging (ARDTLAGING)
Review the invoice in the Billing History Query by Invoice to see whether there are remaining amounts left to receive. If there have been cash receipts posted but there are remaining receivables, the invoice cannot be voided. There are two options to clear the invoice from the aging report:
- You can void all the cash receipts received against the invoice then void the invoice.
- You can enter a credit memo against the remaining receivable and process a net zero cash receipt to clear the remaining receivable.Â
Cash receipts were posted to partially clear the invoice receivable but, remaining amounts are left to receive.Â