Run AR Retention Only Reports


In order to focus solely on the open AR Retention by Customer, how do I run aging reports that only display open AR Retention?


PENTA's existing legacy reports & AR Workbench


Display retention only balances on reports and inquiries

Option 1:

  • Navigate to the PENTA Reports by Module and the Accounts Receivable folder
    • Navigate to the Agings folder and select any one of the following reports: AR Detail Aging, Detail Aging by Job,  AR Summary Aging
    • Enter the End Date and on the Selection tab and in the field called 'Account #', enter the retention GL account # and run the report to see only retention balances

Option 2:

  • Navigate to the PENTA Reports by Module and the Invoicing folder
    • Navigate to the Job Retention Audit report and run it to see the retention withheld by invoice #

Option 3:

  • Navigate to the Workbench
    • Navigate to the AR:Aging Chart Panel
    • Click on Edit and select the Retainage Receivable GL account # in the 'A/R Account #' drop-down and click on the Submit button to close the window
    • PENTA should display the retainage balances

Option 4:

  • Navigate to the Open Receivables Query by Customer & Job/WO/MC
    • Enter information in either the Customer, Job, Work Order, or Maintenance Contract Id fields to retrieve invoice information
    • In the lower block, PENTA will display any retention balances by displaying an 'R' in the last column on the right