Reports to Validate Payroll


What are some good reports to validate Payroll in PENTA?

Applies To

Payroll Processing

Payroll Reporting



  1. Undistributed Timecards Report – Workbench
  2. Gross Pay Report

Labor Distribution:

  1. Labor & Overhead Distribution Report – PR Reporting Center panel  - Workbench
  2. Labor Hours Report- Workbench

Gross-To-Net and Check Validation:

  1. Taxes - Legacy Reports
    1. Payroll Tax Status – Federal
    2. Payroll Tax Status – State
    3. Payroll Tax Status - Local
  2. Earnings -Legacy Reports
    1. Payroll Check Register (date range by check date)
    2. Emp Earnings History by LE OU
    3. Payroll Check Register – Control Date (allows generation by creation date- date payroll was processed)
    4. Payroll Check Register Major Summary – summarization of earnings/tax/withholdings to be used to validate amounts to be submitted (gov’t agencies)
    5. YTD Earnings report – similar but slightly different than the Emp Earnings History report
  3. Deductions/Reimbursements - Legacy Reports
    1. Deduction Register – Date Range
    2. Reimbursement Register – Date Range
  4. Journals & Ledgers - Legacy reports
    1. Payroll Jrnl - Date Range
    2. Payroll Journal