Set Up Recurring AP Distributions.
What is the best way to set-up vendors who have continuous monthly AP Invoices?
Does Penta have automated-recurring Invoicing functionality?
Every month we have identical AP Invoices come in from a handful of vendors; can we configure Penta to automatically enter certain invoice information?
How does the Recurring AP Distribution functionality work within core Penta?
Applies To
Recurring AP Distributions Screen
Accounts Payable> Invoices> Recurring AP Distributions
Invoice & Credit Memo Entry Screen
Accounts Payable> Invoices> Invoice & Credit Memo Entry
Accounts Payable
Monthly AP Invoicing
Penta's Recurring AP Functionality allows users to set up certain aspects of an AP invoice to be loaded into the Invoice and Credit Memo Entry screen multiple times.
Creating and utilizing Penta's Recurring AP Distribution Functionality involves three Phases:
Phase 1 - Set Up Recurring AP Distribution Group
- Navigate to the Recurring AP Distributions Screen
- Enter a Group Id and Description
- On the Group/Invoice tab enter the header level information for the 1st AP invoice you would like to automate.
Note: Examples of Header information includes but is not limited to: AP PO Id, Vendor Id, Payment Term, Remit-To Address - Navigate to the Detail tab and enter Detail
Note: Detail information includes distribution information (E.g. Job/CT/CC, DR OU/Acct #, etc.) - Each Group can have multiple invoices. Every Invoice within a single group will share the same Invoice #. Enter multiple groups if you do not want the same Invoice # used when bringing the invoices into the Invoice & Credit Memo entry window.
- Navigate to the Invoice and Credit Memo Entry screen
- Enter a batch #
- Select the "Load Recurring AP Distributions" button
- In the "Load Recurring AP Distributions" Pop-up: Enter Group Id and the corresponding Invoice Id
- Close the pop-up
- Review the Document and Detail Distribution Tabs to ensure accuracy of data/enter any missing data
- To load multiple groups, repeat steps 3-6
Note: Multiple Groups can be loaded into the same batch
Phase 3- Distribute the invoices
- To distribute these invoices, simply exit out of the AP Invoice and Credit Memo Entry screen
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