SYP057 Balancing Error Report
We are monitoring our Balancing Error report and have noticed a new development this month. What is SYP057, what is it telling us and what do we need to do to resolve?
PROGRAM ID: syp057
TABLE NAME: out_of_balance
Error: OU XX Account XXXX FY=XXXX period=1 AB = $XXXXXX BUD= $XXXXX Diff = $XXXXX
Applies To
PENTA for Windows
Run Balancing Report:
System Management > Balancing > Initiate Complete Balancing
Update Budget:
Finance & Accounting > Data Entry > Budget/History Information > Budget/History Entry
The error indicates the budgeted amount needs to be updated. This can be done via the Finance & Accounting > Data Entry > Budget/History Information > Budget/History Entry window.
1) Navigate to Finance & Accounting > Data Entry > Budget/History Information > Budget/History Entry and query the OU and Fiscal Year needing to be updated:
2) Scroll through the accounts that need updated:
3) Enter Adjustment entry in the Adjustments section - be sure to use the Difference amount that is listed on the out-of-balance report
4) Exit the window to execute the update