Penta Knowledge Base
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Some Ways PENTA Can Help Deal With COVID-19 - FAQ
Sort Order in Union Information window
Sort order on the Work Order List in Customer Console
Special Handling Instructions for Automated Invoices
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Speed Entry process to charge Work Orders for Equipment Usage
Spelled out check amount did not print on check
SQL Error distrb_intercompany during our Gross To Net Processing
SQL error during Create Payroll Check File process
SQL error during Timecard Distribution by Pay Group
SQL Error Message while Running Payroll
SQL Error when completing AP Check Process
Standard AP Check Remittance Messages
Standard Charge, Direct Burden, and Overhead Distribution questions
Standard Charge Rates not hitting the job when payroll is run
Standard Costcode Breakdown
Standard List of PENTA Document Types
Start and Arrival times missing on completed Work Order
Start Processing/Indexing Button Greyed Out
Start Time and Stop Time that Crosses Midnight
State code is missing on the 1099 file - how do I change it?
State EFW2 was rejected because of error stating NAICS code
State Unemployment Compensation setup - rates and limits
State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) setup for Pennsylvania (PA)
Status changes missing for a technician in Mobile Field Service
Steps to mass update PTO Balances
Steps to take before we can set up a form in the Form Information window
Stop and Start a Database
Stopping the OU Address and/or Logo Saved in the Database from Printing on a Check
Stored Materials Billing Process - Options
Stored Materials Current Balance column is not displayed in the Contract Completion Information - Billing Purposes window
Stored Materials Retention Percentage Display On AIA Invoice
Stuck in Initiate Batch Interface Request window with error
Stuck in Work Order Status Codes window
Stuck with error when cancelling invoice
Subcontract 100% Complete still showing open commitments
Subcontract Default Status
Subcontract Template is pulling incorrect information
Subcontract Transactions for Work Orders
Submit Reimbursements Through MFS
Submitted Timesheets Options in eTime Configuration
Submitted Work Order (WO) ticket does not update the back office
Support Ticket Priority Guidelines
SUT and SUI Tax Types - Self Adjustment
SYP057 Balancing Error Report
SYP100 Balancing Error Report Message
System Configuration Payroll: Default - Period end date or Check date setting
System disconnect caused imported records to disappear
System Option 150 - Modify Committed Cost to Actual functionality
System Options Window Security
T4s Posted to Employee Portal
Table-Driven Interface Stored Procedure Parameters
Table for eTime Configuration settings
Table or view does not exist error in Workbench panel
Table or View Does Not Exist: ORA-00942
Taking all items off hold in Adjust Invoice Amounts
Task based dispatch board not displaying work orders
Taxable job is not calculating tax
Tax Account Id field's character limit is too small
Taxes on Freight
Tax Id field contents not visible within Vendor Information window
Tax Registration tab on Vendor window
Tax Type NY-PFL not printing on W2s
TD1 Information update did not include all employees
TD1 Info was updated with the incorrect amount
Technician receives error code after submitting a ticket in Mobile Field Service
Technicians are unable to select the correct Task after adding a piece of equipment to a Work Order in MFS
Technician's Mobile Field Service dashboard showing (NULL) after logging in
Technician Unable To Select Parts On Mobile Device
TEP Activity Log Copy Opens Create Window Again
TEP - Allocating By Percent of Entered Hours
TEP App grid does not line up.
TEP - Comments on Hours
TEP Not able to add employee to activity log
TEP now showing hours on the Employee section
TEP on Cell Phones
TEP Selected hours vs total hours vs allocated hours
TEP - Submit button not available
TEP Totals Do Not Match Entries
TEP - User Preferences
Testing Confluence Article Workflow
The AP remittance advice overflow report is not generating in the report monitor screen
The Customer Equipment Description field is required
The domain manager specified by the host could not be instantiated
The Invoice summary section of job invoices is overlaying the pre-printed information on the bottom of the invoice
The maximum hour limit per employee in TEP cannot be configured to more than 24 hours
The Office Business Application for Microsoft Excel is not installed.
The PA-Act32 electronic file totals don't match the PA-Act32 reports
The PENTA W2 Generation program is creating the wrong file format for electronically filing to the State of Illinois
There are NOW no invoices to process error running Prepare to Print Invoices
There is no Retroactive Adjustment Expense Account set up error
The Remaining Committed shows for Tax that was Invoiced?
The Server Encountered an error when connecting to the Database when logging into OnBase Web
The user name or password provided is incorrect
Tilde (~) in an update interface file
Timecard Audit Summary report returns no data
Time cards in incorrect pay period after TC Distribution
Timeclock Employee Id Interface
Time Clock Questions Not Showing After End of Day Status Event
Time Entry Batch Columns Disappeared
Time processed before Job was marked Prevailing Wage
Time Zone not showing in TEP or Time Clock Admin
Total Hours Worked Report for a Job for a Period of Time
Track Employee Supervisors
Tracking deduction limits and amounts when employee didn't work
Tracking Employee Hours but not the Cost on a Job
Tracking equipment by job number
Tracking Non-Productive Tasks for Service Techs
Tracking On Call Time
Tracking Percent Complete Forecast Entries Month to Month
Transfer a piece of owned/rented equipment (fixed asset) from one location to another
Transfer Fixed Asset Between OUs
Transfer Work Order Costs to Another Work Order or a Job
Troubleshoot costs not being marked up during billing process
Troubleshooting a corrupt Windows user profile
Troubleshooting a locked screen
Troubleshooting Fixed Asset Accumulated Depreciation
Trying to set an account to inactive referenced in le_pr_acct table
Turn off employee auto numbering
Turn off job auto numbering
Turn off the pay date warning in Select Items for Payment window
Turn off Workbench popping up upon login for specific user
Two Different Labor Pricing Schedules for One Customer
Type of Scanner to Scan Hard Copy into OnBase
Unable to access Balance Error Report
Unable to access Client Resources
Unable to Access Job Retention because of Validation Error for Line Item Having Retention Percent
Unable to add a Parent OU to an existing Legal Entity.
Unable to add costcodes in TEP
Unable to add Line Item Basis for a Retention Line Item
Unable to add our Standard Terms to Quotes generated from PENTA
Unable to change effective date of payroll taxes
Unable to change password in Define Users
Unable to change Rev Rec Calculation Method on job
Unable to change Service Type on existing Maintenance Contract
Unable to complete disposal of a Fixed Asset
Unable to connect to remote computer
Unable to Create New User In Define Users
Unable to delete standard rate in Payroll Class
Unable to delete values for a customer in the Customer window.
Unable to Enter an Authorizer in the Purchase Orders - Grid Option Window
Unable to enter credit memo against AR Invoice from Initial Load
Unable to enter Forecast for a job, costcode is grayed out
Unable to enter Line Item number in Schedule of Values window
Unable to enter per hour amount when deduction has a percent entry
Unable to file SC SUTA
Unable to find Jobs in TEP
Unable to Generate TEP Report
Unable to issue a negative invoice exceeding a negative PO receipt distribution
Unable to log into Mobile Field Service
Unable to log into OnBase
Unable to make General Ledger account inactive
Unable to move the PO Line # column on the Workbench PO Detail Report
Unable to open pay stub in Employee Portal on iPhone/iPad
Unable to Post AR Billing due to Revenue Recognition
Unable to Print Supporting Documents for Render Statements
Unable to query AP Batch
Unable to query back any Pay Groups.
Unable to query record with a "#" symbol
Unable to reset User's password
Unable to reverse AR Invoice
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Comala Publishing
Comala Document Management
Penta Knowledge Base
Testing Confluence Article Workflow
Testing Confluence Article Workflow
Roger Eineichner (Unlicensed)
Owned by
Roger Eineichner (Unlicensed)
05 12, 2022
Loading data...
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