No Billable Items for this cycle error


User created cycle to bill job, and when the Prepare for Printing was selected, received 'There are no Billable Items for this cycle' error

Applies To

Billing & Accounts Receivable > Automated Invoice Processing > Prepare Invoices for Printing


User had Lump Sum line created, instead of the Cost Plus line they should have entered, and all costs pulled into the invoice were marked Non-Billable.

  • Advised user to create a second line item, as a cost plus line item, mapping the labor costs to this line
  • Cancel the current cycle, and start the cycle again
  • Open the Adjust Invoice Amounts window
  • Click on the Labor Details button
  • Review billing status of all costs pulled into the line
  • Change each Billable code "N" to "Y" to include the cost amounts in the current invoice: Exit screen when completed
  • Click on Recalculate Adjusted Invoice and process for the current cycle
  • Click on Prepare Invoices for Printing
  • Verify invoice has correct costs applied


Lump Sum line created for the job, instead of the intended Cost Plus line.