New report (PRADVICESPRINT) generated during payroll process


When we generate our payroll advices we get a new file - pradvicesprint - is this new?

Applies To

PENTA for Windows

Version 21.3 and up

Payroll Report -  Payroll Advice Notices (PRADVICESPRINT)


This is a new report that is generated when printing PR Advices - full release notes can be found here: PENTA 21.3 Release Notes

Changes to the direct deposit advice generation process use the new Electronic Direct Deposit Advice (Y/N) field value. PENTA automatically generates two print file types:

  • Print file 1 (PRADVICES): existing print file(s) containing direct deposit documents for all employees in the pay run, regardless of the new field's value. Print this file if you want a paper copy for every employee paid.
  • Print file 2 (PRADVICESPRINT): a new print file that contains Direct Deposit Advice documents only for the employees whose Electronic Direct Deposit Advice? flags are N. Print this file if you want a paper copy for only employees requiring a paper copy.