MFS App Closes Down After Opening


Technician reported that the MFS app is closing down and crashing as soon as they open it.  They cannot reboot the app.  The only way to get the app running again is to uninstall and reinstall it.

Applies To

Mobile Field Service (MFS)

Crash / close down


If you experience this problem please submit a Service Desk ticket and reference this article.  Please provide the following information in your Service Desk ticket:

  • Tech user Id
  • Date of occurrence
  • List of a few of the tech actions immediately before the issue started occurring; examples include:
    • submitted a ticket
    • performed Get Data
    • updated an assignment's status
    • opened the app
    • shut iPad off
    • double tapped home button and swiped app closed
    • etc
  • iOS version (Settings → General → About → Version)
  • iPad model (Settings → General → About → Model)

Short term fix:

Almost 100% of the time, an uninstall/reinstall is not necessary.

Try this sequence:

  1. Turn Airplane mode ON
  2. Open the MFS app
  3. Turn Airplane mode OFF
  4. Change User
  5. Log back in

Doing this process instead will save a good amount of time and hassle.  If this process still doesn't get the tech up and running, then please move forward with an uninstall/reinstall.