Make Customer Signature Required on MFS Ticket
Is it possible to make the customer signature and Name field on the ticketing tab in MFS a required field?
Applies To
Mobile Field Service (MFS)
Customer Signature
Customer Name
In MFS and PENTA versions 22.1 and up it is possible to make the Customer Signature and Name fields required. To do this:
- Open the Mobile Field Service - Configuration screen in PENTA for windows.
- In the General tab check the 'Require Name and Signature on the Customer Confirm tab of the Ticket' checkbox.
- Close the screen or change tabs to commit the change.
Now whenever a Technician attempts to submit a ticket in the MFS app and there is no signature and Name entered they will receive a message telling them that the field is required.
NOTE: After making this change in the Mobile Field Service - Configuration screen MFS users must do a swipe off on the app to pick up the change. Have the technician double tap the home button and swipe the MFS app up to close it. When the technician selects the MFS app again it will do a full sync when opening.