Maintenance Contract Interface - Automatically Loading Schedule Details


For a maintenance schedule set up that has schedule service month and day, with estimated hours and tasks, when you enter a contract manually and enter the schedule number then click into the Trigger section of the window, the scheduled dates auto load. When loading mass data via the MC Interface Procedure and supplying the schedule number, it does not appear the schedule dates and associated detail are loaded for the schedule.

Applies To

Maintenance Contract Interface - Table Based


There is not a way through the interface to trigger the automatic loading of the schedule information like there is in the window.  If you want that information loaded as part of the interface you need to load it into the INTR_MAINTCONTR_CAL table.  Similarly, if those calendar rows have any associated tasks or equipment, you need to load them via the INTR_MAINTCONTR_CAL_EQ and INTR_MAINTCONTR_EQTSK tables.

Another alternative is to go through the more manual steps - load the contract through the basics of the contract through the interface, go into the screen and query the contract, then If the “Automatically Rescheduled“ button is clicked Off then clicked back On, the scheduled dates, associated tasks and other details will load upon clicking into the Trigger section.