How do I add News Links to the Employee Self-Service Portal?
How do I add News Links to the Employee Self-Service Portal?
Employee Self-Service Portal
PENTA for Windows
System Management > Security > Portal Configuration > Employee Portal tab
Add news links via a file with the following attributes:
- Name is news.json
- Is in JSON format
- Must start and end with square brackets [ ]
- Each entry in the file must start and end with curly brackets { }
- Each link entry requires a name, href, and target.
- name – the name displays in the news links section of your portal web page to identify the news item
- href – specifies the URL of the site you want opened when an employee clicks the link in the portal
- target – specifies whether you want the linked site to open in a new browser tab or within the tab from which the employee launches it
- A comma after an entry’s closing curly bracket separates it from the next entry when a file contains multiple entries
- On the portal web page, link names display in the order in which they list in the JSON file
- All valid entries in the file display in the portal for employee access. Remove links to documents you do not want shown in the portal.
1) On the server that Penta Technologies, Inc. installed the Employee Self-Service Portal, navigate to C:\ProgramData\Penta Technologies, Inc\Employee Portal\{Application Name/URL}\Documents
If you do not know the Application Name/URL, you can find it in the Employee Portal Configuration Tool’s Application Name/URL field.
2) With a file editor, open the news.json file. If a file does not already exist, use the news.json template to create one.
3) Add each news link you want to display on the portal by identifying the name, href, and target of each link in the properly formatted JSON file.
"name": "Sample News Link 1",
"href": "",
"target" : "_blank"
}, {
"name": "Sample News Link 2",
"href": "",
"target" : ""
In the above sample file, two links are added to the News section in the employee portal. The first link has a label of Sample News Link 1. When a user clicks on it, it will navigate to the site in a new browser tab. The second link has a label of Sample News Link 2. When a user clicks on it, it will navigate to the site in the same browser tab in which the user is currently running the employeeportal.
4) Save the file.