How do I install a PENTA for Windows (PfW) patch using the PENTA Product Installer (PPI)
I need to install a PENTA for Windows (PfW) patch. Can I use the PENTA Product Installer (PPI) to install the patch?
Applies To
PENTA for Windows (PfW) patch
PENTA Product Installer (PPI)
Yes, the PENTA Product Installer (PPI) can be used to install a PENTA for Windows (PfW) patch
- Start the PPI
- Enter the configuration key provided by Penta into the Load Config Key field and select the Load Config Key buttonÂ
- In the PPI, select the patch you would like to install (See Screen Print below)
- In the Choose Action block, select the Install/Update Selected radio button (See Screen Print below)
- In the Choose Action block, select the Go! button (See Screen Print below)
Example for installing Patch COMP000644
 6. If you are using the central .ini feature How can I determine if we are using the central ini feature for PENTA for Windows? copy the patch.ini from C:\Program Files (x86)\Penta Technologies, Inc\Penta for Windows to the Central Location.Â
Note: The central .ini feature is mostly used when the client is running multiple PfW Terminal Servers or Citrix Servers. The central .ini feature is rarely used if the client only runs PfW from desktop/laptop computers