Costcode Summary Report
I am in need of finding out where the attached report is located in the directory structure within Penta. The user in question has it saved as a shortcut in Penta and doesn't know how to navigate to this window.
Penta for Windows
Project Management > Inquiry > Project Review & Forecast Entry (PRFE)
This is an Inquiry screen found in Project Management > Inquiry > Project Review & Forecast Entry (PRFE).
Once in the PRFE window, enter the query information for the desired job, and any other information to limit the return - then click on the OK button.
Click on the plus sign in the top left-hand side of the window next to Job ID, then double click on the expanded job information:
Double clicking opens the Costcode Summary window. Clicking on the plus signs expands the Cost Types to show the Costcodes for each CT:
To get to the detail of each Costcode, hover over the amounts in the grid view and click on the desired field, this will open up the detail behind the information in the rows:
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