Changing the customer name on a Maintenance Contract
Customer one of the locations for a service customer was purchased by another customer. What are the steps to update the maintenance agreement for the new customer?
Applies To
PENTA for Windows
Service Management > Maintenance Contracts > Maintenance Contracts
Service Management > Customer Information > Customers
If the location of the customer has been purchased and the Maintenance Contract has gone through any invoicing cycles, you will need to reassign the customer location in the Customers window. See the steps below for this process.
If the maintenance contract has been set up without any invoicing, it is suggested you delete the maintenance contract, reassign the customer location and set up a new maintenance contract.
Step 1) Navigate to Service Management > Customer Information > Customers. Find the location that needs to be reassigned, click on Reassign Location to New Customer
Step 2) Enter the New Customer ID, New Location Code: and Effective Date. Click on Next
Step 3) Review equipment that will be reassigned, click on next
Step 4) Optional - Check on either box to transfer this information from the Customer Equipment to the new location - click on Next
Step 5) Optional - Check on Change To New Cus/Loc? for any or all active Work Orders that will be reassigned. Click on Next.
Step 6) Optional - Check on Change to New Customer? to reassign the location on any active jobs. Click on Next.
Step 7) Review the Maintenance Contract(s) that will be cancelled
Step 8) Click on Finish to complete the reassignment/transfer
Once the above steps are completed, complete the Maintenance Contract cancellation (if needed) and set up a new Maintenance Contract.
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