Contact Address in Subcontract Information window not Saving


User will lose the address information when selecting 'Contact Address #' in the Subcontract Information window.  Can the 2nd Contact Address # field be independent on the main Contact Address field assigned with the Vendor?

Applies To

PENTA for Windows

Accounts Payable > Vendors > Vendor Information

Project Management > Committed Costs > Subcontracts


There is no contact address in the subcontract table, just a contact_id.  The only purpose for the contract address field is to restrict the contact # List of Values.  When you query an existing contract, the displayed address is derived from the stored contract.  A work-around for this would to make sure that you enter a Contact Name in the Vendor Contacts window, and then the Contract Address # will stay.

Program changes would be required to allow for storing the address.