Click Once installer for Outlook add in fails


When using a click once for Outlook URL to install the add-in, get the following error.
"Customized  functionality in this application will not work because the certificate used to sign the deployment manifest for Hyland Outlook Integration is not trusted."

Applies To

OnBase Outlook add-in URL
Can happen with any version of Outlook 
URL used will look like
https://{Customer URL}/OutlookIntegration{version}{env}/OutlookIntegration{version}


  1. Internet Explorer needs to be used. Other browsers may cause problems
  2. Internet Explorer needs to be used as an Admin
  3. The customer's URL will need to be added to the Trusted sites in Internet Explorer (IE).
    in IE, click Tools, click Internet Options, Click the security tab, click Trusted Sites, click the sites button, type in the URL in the "Add this site to the zone" field and click the add button