Consolidated Trial Balance Report in Excel


I need a Consolidated Trial Balance Report in Excel format.  I typically use the Consolidated Trail Balance PENTA report (code CONSOLIDATEDTB), but it does not allow me to export to Excel.

Applies To

PENTA for Windows > PENTA Reports by Module > Financial & Accounting > Journals & Ledgers > Consolidated Trial Balance (CONSOLIDATEDTB)

Workbench > AC: Accounting Reporting Center > Trial Balance report


  1. Add the AC: Accounting Reporting Center panel to your Workbench dashboard.
  2. Set the panel parameters to pull back the desired data. 
  3. Open the Trial Balance Report.
  4. Format the report to match the formatting of the PENTA Consolidated Trial Balance.
    1. Choose the following columns to include:
      1. Account Class Description
      2. Account Description
      3. Account Number
      4. Beginning Balance
      5. Credit Activity
      6. Debit Activity 
      7. Ending Balance
      8. Net Activity
    2. Group by Account Class Description, then by Account Number.
    3. Add a Sum aggregate to the following columns:
      1. Beginning Balance
      2. Credit Activity
      3. Debit Activity 
      4. Ending Balance
      5. Net Activity
  5. Export the formatted report to Excel.