Identify Database Blocks
How do I find if there is a block and who is causing it?
Applies To
Database AdminÂ
System Database privileges
Finding Database Block
The following SQL query will show you who is being blocked in the database.
select sid,serial#,osuser,client_info,machine,program,module,action,blocking_session from v$session where blocking_session in (select final_blocking_session from v$session where final_blocking_session is not null);
The following SQL query will show you who is causing the block in the database.
This user should be contacted to determine what they are doing in PENTA. Â If they are not actively working in PENTA then you should consider killing their session
select sid,serial#,osuser,client_info,machine,program,module,action,sql_hash_value from v$session where sid in (select final_blocking_session from v$session where final_blocking_session is not null);
How to kill the Blocking Session
The query you run to show the session that is causing database blocking will output a "sid" and "serial#". Â Those 2 values are used to kill the blocking database session.
Here are the steps to kill the session:
- Log into the database as SYS ("as SYSDBA")
- Run the following statement;
alter system kill session '<sid>,<serial#>';Â