How to attach a document in the Requisitions screen.


Is it possible to attach a document / quote to a requisition? If so, please provide detailed directions on how to complete that.

Applies To




To attach a document to a requisition:

  • Navigate to the Requisitions screen
    Purchasing> Requisitioning> Requisitions
  • Query back the Requisition for which you would like to attach a document
  • Press the paperclip at the top of the screen
  • In the "Documents" pop-up, select the "Disk" menu item under the "Import" folder
    Note: Once the Disk option is selected a file explorer should pop-up
  • Find and select the document you wish to attach from the file explorer
    Note: Once a file is selected the "Document Details" Pop-up should appear
  • In the "Document Details" pop-up select the "PO- Requisition" Document Type, press "OK"

Following the above steps will attach any given document to your Requisition. Once attached, the document will be visible from the Requisitions screen by following the below steps:

  • Navigate to the requisitions screen
  • Query back the requisition in question
  • Select the paperclip button at the top of the screen
    Note: Now that a document is attached, the button should appear with a cyan background\
    Note: Doing this will display the "Documents" pop-up
  • From the Documents pop-up, all attachments should be visible under the "Attachments" menu item
  • If you would like to open up the document in another application (E.g. adobe): Select the "Open in External Application" button