How to Query back and Identify a Check #


What information is required to execute a query on the Payroll Query by Check # screen to identify a check #/number for an employee?

Applies To

PENTA for Windows

Payroll Query by Check # (Payroll>Inquiries>Payroll Query by Check #)


  1. Navigate to the Payroll Query by Check # window (Payroll>Inquiries>Payroll Query by Check #)
  2. Notice the window opens with query mode engaged
  3. Enter data into one or more fields in the window to limit the query. 
    1. NOTE: When performing a query, the goal is to limit the query as best you can without having to enter 'too much' query criteria. Typically the combination of Employee Id, and optionally check date, is sufficient
  4. Click the query button on the PENTA toolbar