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Review Payroll Output


At the completion of the payroll check process in PENTA, it is recommend to validate the completed payroll via reports/inquiries. The Payroll Check Register Report will allow you to view/print off a listing of payroll checks that were created for the period or specific check run. This report includes a breakdown of hours,  gross pay, earnings, taxes, deductions, reimbursements, fringes, and anything else that impacts net pay. If specific checks are in question, the Payroll Query by Check # window is a great option for drilling into the details of a specific check, or reviewing a listing of checks for a specific employee. 

If mistakes/issues are identified, the Void Payroll Process and Payroll Check Corrections process can be utilized.


  • Quick validation of checks/advices prior to completing the check process or issuing a payroll void


  • Payroll Clerk
  • Payroll Manager

Additional Content

  • N/A


  • Payroll > Inquiries > Payroll Query by Check  #
  • PENTA Reports by Module > Payroll > Earnings and Voluntary Adj > Payroll Check Register


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