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Void Payroll Check/Direct Deposit
If a payroll check is created in error or adjustments are needed, it may be necessary to void the payroll check or direct deposit advice. During the void process, you will have the ability to void labor distribution (hours and gross pay) and the gross to net process (taxes, deductions, reimbursements, union fringes, etc.), or only void the gross to net process, keeping the hours and cost outstanding for adjustments/reissue.
Void Labor Distribution AND Gross to Net:
- PENTA will back out all taxes, deductions, reimbursements, union fringes, as well as the hours and cost associated to the hours. In this situation, if a replacement check is needed, the hours will need to be re-entered/imported
Void Gross to Net only:
- PENTA will back out all taxes, deductions, reimbursements, and union fringes, but keep all hours and cost associated to the hours. This is most useful when the hours on the payroll check/direct deposit were correct, but the calculation of the taxes, deductions, reimbursements, and/or union fringes were incorrect. In this situation, you can update a tax rate, deduction/reimbursement/fringe calculation method, and pick up the payroll process starting with the gross to net, not needing to reenter the hours and gross pay information
There are two windows that complete this process:
Void Checks - for voiding payroll checks with a positive net pay
Direct Deposit Void or Check with Net Pay = 0 - for voiding direct deposits or payroll checks that have a net pay of $0
- Quickly void out checks/direct deposits
- Ability to void only the gross to net allowing for quick updates/reissues
- Automatically reverses all accounting entries that were originally posted
- Ability to override the posting date of the reversal (default is the original posting date of the check)
- Payroll Clerk
- Payroll Manager
Additional Content
- N/A
- Payroll > Void Checks/Direct Deposits > Void Checks
- Payroll > Void Checks/Direct Deposits > Direct Deposits Void or Checks With Net Pay = 0
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