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Assign and Override PTO Accrual Schedules for Employees


After a Paid Time Off accrual schedule has been setup, it will need to be assigned to employees. There is a general hierarchy that determines how paid time off schedules get assigned to Employees.

  1. Employee Override (Overrides Pay Rate and Payroll Class defaults
  2. Pay Rate Default (Overrides Payroll Class Default)
  3. Payroll Class Default

The training video below walks through the process of assigning paid time off accrual schedules to employees, including the various default and override options. 


  • Assign PTO Accrual Schedules to Employees for automatic calculation and accrual of PTO hours/dollars
  • Utilize the PTO Accrual Schedule Hierarchy to reduce the manual assignments that are needed but still achieve the desired calculations


  • Payroll Manager
  • HR Manager

Additional Content

  • N/A


  • Payroll > Employees > Employee Payroll Information window
  • Payroll > Setup > Pay Groups, Payroll Classes, and Worker Compensation > Payroll Classes


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