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Assign and Override PTO Accrual Schedules for Employees
After a Paid Time Off accrual schedule has been setup, it will need to be assigned to employees. There is a general hierarchy that determines how paid time off schedules get assigned to Employees.
- Employee Override (Overrides Pay Rate and Payroll Class defaults
- Pay Rate Default (Overrides Payroll Class Default)
- Payroll Class Default
The training video below walks through the process of assigning paid time off accrual schedules to employees, including the various default and override options.
- Assign PTO Accrual Schedules to Employees for automatic calculation and accrual of PTO hours/dollars
- Utilize the PTO Accrual Schedule Hierarchy to reduce the manual assignments that are needed but still achieve the desired calculations
- Payroll Manager
- HR Manager
Additional Content
- N/A
- Payroll > Employees > Employee Payroll Information window
- Payroll > Setup > Pay Groups, Payroll Classes, and Worker Compensation > Payroll Classes
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