Prevent Other User from Distributing Payroll Batch
How can I prevent Users from posting another User's batch?
Applies To
- Payroll
- Payroll Check Processing > Distribute Timecards
- Centralized Payroll Check Processing > Centralized Timecard Distribution
- Security >Security Groups > Menu Security
The Menu Security controls which Users are allowed to post another User's batch. Go to the Security Groups window to query back the User to add or take away the ability from be restricting or granting access to the window.
If you want to prevent Users from Distributing another User's timecard batches, then make sure the User doesn't have access to the Centralized Timecard Distribution window. That window gives access to other User's batches.
If the inverse situation is true, and you want to give access to another User's batches for posting, make sure the User has the Centralized Timecard Distribution window.
The Distribute Timecards window only shows that specific User's batches.
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