Process to add additional amounts of tax withholding

Process to add additional amounts of tax withholding


Do you know the process to add more $ to additional withholding? 

Applies To

  • Payroll Module
  • Manual Checks window
  • End of Year 

This article outlines how to change the withholding amount for any employee withheld Federal/State Level tax.


  1. You can add the additional amount of withholdings to their W2’s by going into the Manual Checks window
  2. Enter a 0 Check Number for the Employee, check date in the fiscal year for which W2s are being printed, and a negative Net Pay amount (this amount should be the total withholding you intend on adding)
  3. Navigate to the Withholding – USA tab and add the additional amounts as a positive numbers
    1. Federal level withholding will go in the FICA/FIT/Medi Withheld field(s)
    2. State level will go in the State box. Note that you will need to define both the tax type and the state
  4. This should put this entry in balance and repeat this for the other employee and closing this window will distribute the amounts and should adjust their W2
  5. You will have to then consider how you get the money back from them in the next fiscal year

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