Print Accounts Payable Remittance Advice Report
When I have more invoices included on the AP check than will fit on the AP check stub, how do I print the related AP check remittance/overflow report?
Applies To
Accounts Payable > Check Processing > Automated Check Processing > Start AP Check Processing
PENTA Reports > Report Monitor, Print, and View
After you initiate an AP check process using the "Start AP Check Processing" window, PENTA will generate the AP Check or AP Direct Deposit Advice files and those files can be accessed using the "Report Monitor, Print, and View" window.
If you have a scenario where there are more invoices paid than will fit on the check stub, the "Complete AP Check Processing" window will generate a Remittance Advice report that will also show up in the "Report Monitor, Print, and View" window.
You would print the check and advice files as you normally would and then you'd print the remittance overflow report like any other non-check report.